Make sure to take a look at my 'Odd Shaman is Real' deck on Out Of Cards. That's the place where the guide will be constantly updated and changes to the deck will be made
Barnes - it's definitely time to go for him, increasing his cost to 6 along with changing his stats to 5/6 would be a pretty fair nerf
I'm also thinking about Bloodbloom, especially after seeing someone made 23-2 score with Darkest Hour Warlock today, so I'd say that they'll increase its cost to 3, that would be enough
Apart from the main topic, does anyone know how many legendaries have been nerfed since the end of closed beta? I don't remember more than 4 (Aviana, Raza the Chained, Patches the Pirate and Yogg's little big change)
Zillax is a card meant to be versatile and powerful, but it's definitely not OP. The only deck where it is "more than powerful", if I can call it like that, is Control Warrior but it's definitely not the first card from this deck that I would nerf. For example, Brawl and Omega Devastator are far from balanced and they are the ones that make this deck a Tier 1 list. However, nerfing Control Warrior too hard would make tempo rogue beyond OP as it would have practically no counter (only 50/50s against Zoolock and Token Druid)
With over 10k dust I will finally the craft a few Wild legendaries, like Ragnaros, Reno or Brann, that I disenchanted 2 years ago because I thought I will never play Wild
I have Odd Evolve Shaman, my win ratio with this deck was insane before the nerf of Giggling Inventor, (now it's not more than 55%). It counters Odd Paladin and Odd Rogue and it's weak to decks with "big" minions like Deathrattle Rogue or Cubelock. Zola the Gorgon and Elise the Trailblazer are nice tech options here
It's all OK as long as they don't nerf Valeera
Roses are red
Violets are blue
People are moving to OutOfCards
And I'm doing it too
Make sure to take a look at my 'Odd Shaman is Real' deck on Out Of Cards. That's the place where the guide will be constantly updated and changes to the deck will be made
I'd say that the whole Reno stuff is #1
then Loatheb is #2 - i don't even know how many games in Wild i've either won or lost because of him
and Baku and Genn are #3
I'm sure someone in Blizzard will lose his job soon btw
Is Archivist Elysiana for 9 a joke? Control Warrior mirror matches will be like: you don't have Coin, you can concede
They could have announced nerfs along with this
My guesses:
Brawl - 6 mana
EVIL Miscreant - 4 mana
Shield Slam - Removes the armor
Waggle Pick - no cost reduction
Barnes - it's definitely time to go for him, increasing his cost to 6 along with changing his stats to 5/6 would be a pretty fair nerf
I'm also thinking about Bloodbloom, especially after seeing someone made 23-2 score with Darkest Hour Warlock today, so I'd say that they'll increase its cost to 3, that would be enough
Apart from the main topic, does anyone know how many legendaries have been nerfed since the end of closed beta? I don't remember more than 4 (Aviana, Raza the Chained, Patches the Pirate and Yogg's little big change)
Zillax is a card meant to be versatile and powerful, but it's definitely not OP. The only deck where it is "more than powerful", if I can call it like that, is Control Warrior but it's definitely not the first card from this deck that I would nerf. For example, Brawl and Omega Devastator are far from balanced and they are the ones that make this deck a Tier 1 list. However, nerfing Control Warrior too hard would make tempo rogue beyond OP as it would have practically no counter (only 50/50s against Zoolock and Token Druid)
I'm a big fan of odd/even decks and I've tried to get at least 50% WR with Odd Quest Warlock (Rank 5 Wild), but I think it's time to give up on it
Discover a Secret or Frostbolt
With over 10k dust I will finally the craft a few Wild legendaries, like Ragnaros, Reno or Brann, that I disenchanted 2 years ago because I thought I will never play Wild
By the way, why did actually Omega Defender's artwork get changed?
I have Odd Evolve Shaman, my win ratio with this deck was insane before the nerf of Giggling Inventor, (now it's not more than 55%). It counters Odd Paladin and Odd Rogue and it's weak to decks with "big" minions like Deathrattle Rogue or Cubelock. Zola the Gorgon and Elise the Trailblazer are nice tech options here