About Me
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I play Hearthstone since November 2014. I'm "half F2P" (I bought Welcome Bundle and 2 Pre-orders). Starting from 2018 i want to participate in smaller hs tournaments, in a few years even some bigger (but I don't think about HCT, even for HCT Pre-Qualifiers). I'm a deckbuilder, because for me hitting Legend with Tier 1 or 2 decks from the internet isn't fun. I have some decks that I want to show on HPwn, but some of them (like Control Pally, which isn't exactly the same deck which I hit legend with) still require an update to win enough games to hit high ranks.
PS: Oh, I can't forget about it: like you all, i also love the way that the cards are nerfed.
BattleTag MrNightmare#21878 Favorite Class Shaman Region EU