In this thread you can see how hs fanboysjustify the price of this garbage. Pathetic. You pay for a thing that was free before.
You're so salty and bitter to the point that you can't even acknowledge the following solo adventures were never free:
Curse of Naxxramas
Blackrock Mountain
League of Explorers
One Night in Karazhan
In this thread you can see how low income crybabies whine about how they aren't entitled to "free content."
If you played the first chapter for free and came to the conclusion it was "garbage" then why would you care about the rest of the chapters not being free? Now answer that question without crying, lol.
And the following content-only, cardless adventures were never paid for:
Frozen Throne
Dungeon Run
Monster Hunt
Boom Labs
Rumble Run
All four examples of yours actually have an expansion tied to them. People would buy them for their cards and keep up with the meta. I doubt you will find a single soul who decided to buy this just so they could play Zayle in constructed. In this case, you are paying for content alone (and 12 outdated packs).
I'll say it again: the content is good, but overpriced. I don't really care if you buy overpriced stuff yourself or anyone else for that matter, but to just call people entitled or poor for shattering your delusions is where I draw the line.
If Blizzard wanted to net in some profits for solo content they could have gone for a price lower than a full adventure, because this is less than a full adventure. They could even drop the packs along with the price for all I care. All they are is a crutch to justify the full price of a solo adventure.
The key difference is you aren't at a disadvantage for not purchasing Dalaran Heist, which makes the choice even more subjective. I'm not going to argue about "value". Dinner and a movie (a one time experience) easily exceeds $20, so if you feel that the solo adventure isn't fun and doesn't offer $20 worth of entertainment then don't buy it. There's nothing delusional about what I said, Blizzard went back to their previous business model and without the cards included, so what. Just imagine if there were exclusive cards obtained only from purchasing Dalaran Heist, the same crybabies would be pissing and moaning about cards being locked behind a paywall. And that's just the gist of things, there will always be people who bitch and moan about everything, hence the entitlement.
You are the one who compared the Heist to additions that gave you an advantage, not me. You put it on the same level as the Naxx, BRM, LoE and Karazhan to justify the price, and I pointed out the differences between them, which you just agreed to. If the content is not the same, why should the price be?
And the following content-only, cardless adventures were never paid for:
Frozen Throne
Dungeon Run
Monster Hunt
Boom Labs
Rumble Run
All four examples of yours actually have an expansion tied to them. People would buy them for their cards and keep up with the meta. I doubt you will find a single soul who decided to buy this just so they could play Zayle in constructed. In this case, you are paying for content alone (and 12 outdated packs).
This product certainly wasn't free for Blizzard to produce. If you think it was, or that the cost at their end was negligible, you are ignorant beyond measure. If you do understand what it costs them to make these adventures, I have to wonder how you expect them to stay in business if they give it all away.
Do you suppose free adventures drive more card sales? I'm sure that was the hope when they first offered free adventures. I'm also sure they have more data than you on whether or not that turned out to be true. My guess is that there was almost NO uptick in card sales due to the free adventures. In other words, Blizzard wasn't getting enough in return to justify the production costs. So it's not greedy of them to start charging; it would be stupid to keep giving away adventures for free. The only other sensible option is to stop making them.
Given the choice between paid adventures and no adventures at all, I'll take the paid ones, thanks.
Why do people just assume it should be free if it doesn't have this price? Does Blizzard have an on/off switch that changes between Free/2800g without anything in the middle?
My previous post you quoted legitimately states that I could get down with a price that wasn't the same as a full adventure's, because it isn't a full adventure, even if they dropped the packs. Make the price for content only and subtract the price from new cards.
You can't have it for free. Okay, I get that, everyone can stop repeating this point. Can we have it for a price that isn't the same as more valuable content from the past? Or is having a memory entitlement?
In this thread you can see how hs fanboysjustify the price of this garbage. Pathetic. You pay for a thing that was free before.
You're so salty and bitter to the point that you can't even acknowledge the following solo adventures were never free:
Curse of Naxxramas
Blackrock Mountain
League of Explorers
One Night in Karazhan
In this thread you can see how low income crybabies whine about how they aren't entitled to "free content."
If you played the first chapter for free and came to the conclusion it was "garbage" then why would you care about the rest of the chapters not being free? Now answer that question without crying, lol.
And the following content-only, cardless adventures were never paid for:
Frozen Throne
Dungeon Run
Monster Hunt
Boom Labs
Rumble Run
All four examples of yours actually have an expansion tied to them. People would buy them for their cards and keep up with the meta. I doubt you will find a single soul who decided to buy this just so they could play Zayle in constructed. In this case, you are paying for content alone (and 12 outdated packs).
I'll say it again: the content is good, but overpriced. I don't really care if you buy overpriced stuff yourself or anyone else for that matter, but to just call people entitled or poor for shattering your delusions is where I draw the line.
If Blizzard wanted to net in some profits for solo content they could have gone for a price lower than a full adventure, because this is less than a full adventure. They could even drop the packs along with the price for all I care. All they are is a crutch to justify the full price of a solo adventure.
I already created an account there. I am just holding back until the ship actually sinks. Even if I am not posting or lurking, I prefer to keep Hearthpwn open all day long than Out of Cards. Don't know why, really.
Hello everyone. As you probably know already, the world is ending, Hearthpwn is closing down. It has been a wild ride. Much laughter was had. Many tears too, even if 95% of them were shed this week, but regardless... the time has come to say goodbye. I've looked at several of the largest threads on this website (General Discussion only), many of them from before I was here. Behold, the winners of my contest!
A blast from the past, a relic of an ancient era when Blizzard still dragged their boots to nerf cards. We can shed a tear for how long a way we've come (and laugh at the 26% of voters that somehow thought it was a bad idea). Indeed, if my research did not fail me, this was the most popular Nerf Discussion on this website. Let's give it a hand, shall we?
Perhaps not the most pertinent of threads, it's true, but this cesspit of Social Justice attracted a whopping 17 pages of replies from our lovely community, some less civil than others. Alas, the thread ended up locked after only 4 days, and devolved into a flame war for gender rights in general, but by God did it net those views and replies. Maybe don't give this one a hand, but remark its existence and be done with it.
A textbook display, here, folks, about the argumentative flexibility of our own community. This legendary thread started as a complaint about Yogg (damn you, DiViNE_Priest) affecting the seriousness of the pro scene, but a quick trip to its 12th page will bring you to the end of a debate about Barnes and Fandral. Truly, we have masterful rhetoricians among us.
Now, this particular thread, while earning itself its share of views, is not impressive by itself. There is a mild flame war in the middle, several lengthy replies, the whole package associated with the topic. It is, however, one of the most reincarnated discussions on Hearthpwn, and perhaps the less shitstormy one I've found. With popularity to spare, this thread can fairly be interpreted as a good representative of every time this topic was summoned back to life.
This one is a tie between two similarly sized threads, about a similar topic. Many of these have we seen during our days here, and usually, unsurprisingly, people associate the decks they dislike the most with low skill floors🤔. Regardless, the threads have sparked many echoing discussions, such as the quest for the game's hardest decks to pilot. Maybe they won't win any originality awards, but they certainly had their influence on the forums.
Ah, this thread, this topic... What a rollercoaster of emotions that one can feel while he reads the 8 pages of replies to this thread! From overzealous F2Pers who want to declare their money-spending celibacy too eagerly to reckless individuals who probably should not be entrusted with credit cards, these sort of threads always sparked discussion in our GD, and brought fourth all sorts of colorful characters.
I could not hope to finish this countdown without any recent thread to reference. nichocolates earned himself not only 21 pages of replies, but he also arranged a thread that aged as finely as wine, along with a string of replies that, inversely, aged as finely as milk. This here captures one of the main struggles of Hearthpwn: the quest for balance, the difficulty of distinguishing salt from real discussions, and the paradoxical attraction of the community to the threads they complain about. nicho, you might still be active here, so come on stage and collect your award.
Not to be confused with the spineless threads we occasionally get about people pretending not to be affected by the insults they just got. Instead, this thread has the tragic prize of making it far, but never reaching its full potential. We could have had a sticky-worthy thread, a censored source of rage friend requests for all to laugh at and behold, but fate had other plans... Still, the thread made it quite far, to 9 pages and over 10000 views. Let's give it a hand for what it could have been, shall we?
And now... honorable mentions.
Here comes a list of notorious threads we have witnessed in the past, without enough views to make it. Some are good, some are awful, but they were all a part of our lives in this forum. I won't paste the links to these because they weren't among the top threads, and most of them I only remember faintly, but here goes:
kla_guy's thread about collection completion percentage
Eternal_HS's guide to Wild Mode
Eternal_HS's sarcastic Dead Game thread that ended up backfiring horribly thanks to rabid fanboys not getting it
Every Wild/Standard thread that, surprising no one, turned into a shitstorm
Every Sherman thread so far
The Pepper Thread, widely popular, just not my cup of tea
The many aggro skill revisionist threads that hilariously called Zoolock a control deck
Every Purify rage thread during the days preceding Karazhan
That thread with only "MY JAWS THAT BITE, MY CLAWS THAT CATCH!" copy pasted all over
Every thread complaining about netdecking/Big Priest/Casual
Those incredibly disturbing threads by that guy with the muppet profile picture. To this day I still don't know what they were about
That one thread that complained about Priest players being discriminated against
That thread that calls Witchwood trash, gets bashed, and later became accepted as the truth once the Year of the Raven was done
1xbenx1's card viability predictions (at least I think those were in GD, but maybe not)
The threads rightly praising the meta in Un'Goro
The threads rightly trashing the meta in MSoG
The price discussion about the Dalaran Heist
ConCuThanKy1292's thread about chilling, that sadly got no attention from the community :C
And finally, the big winner
Honestly, who is surprised? The Salt Thread has been a godsend all these years, and we've taken it for granted. It has birthed legends, quelled flames and accompanied us through thick and thin. Pasting its link has become an overused joke, but it is a small price to pay for the boon that the Salt Thread is. There isn't much to add to it that hasn't been said already. I'd put the link on the title, but we all probably know it back and forth by now.
Good Lord, you people just went and gave a thread you find abhorrent 4k views and 4 pages of replies. Why do you keep these threads alive if you hate them so much, Hearthpwn, why?
I'm still skeptical about the efficiency of blind buffs. There are a lot of useless cards in the game, and you just have to blindly grope through the collection to find suitable buff candidates. OP cards are a lot fewer, and easier to target. Bringing one down usually shakes up the meta one way or another. In other games, buffs usually only manage to make filler cards less awful, but they sometimes pull off decent surprises.
Still, while we're getting both of them, who's complaining? It could be that I am wrong and that buffs end up shaking the meta a lot more than I am giving them credit for.
Jon goes back to the Wall even though it serves no purpose anymore. I laughed at that scene for quite a while, but what even is the point of it now? Wildlings aren't enemies anymore, and the Long Night is done with. The Wall is a penal colony with essentially no function besides being a dumpster for criminals, then? Nice of Tormund to wait for Jon to show up before moving out, though. Maybe he learned with Bran to see the future.
Tyrion explained it perfectly: The new night's watch is just a place to send off people they can't execute but should be removed from society. Who knows what happens up there in the future, having an outpost sounds reasonable to me. I think of it how Soviet sent people to Siberia. Did he even start a new night's watch or just join the wildlings, something he quite enjoyed earlier.
The unsullied and Dothraki were a very real millitary threat and killing Dany was controversial among others as well. You can't start a new and more just system of choosing a ruler by letting the slayer of the last one go free.
As for the North being independant, it just had to end like that, foreshadwing what will happen to Scotland after Brexit;-) It would have taken too much explaining to justify the reasons of the others to remain under a unified nation, but there are very good reasons be united too! Sansa just knew her people could not be a part of it.
I get what you are saying, but calling Daenerys an old ruler is a bit of a stretch. She got there, razed the place, and then was killed for doing so. Besides Yara, most of her allies were loyal to Jon above her. And we've had this situation before, where Jaime earned himself a pardon for committing treason, just because he did it for the winning side against an even greater tyrant.
About the Wall... meh, fair enough. I do remember Tyrion's description of its new purpose. It just didn't make me very happy or satisfied to see something that was formerly so significant reduced to a penal colony with no further reason to be.
As for the North's independence and other kingdoms, while I have no doubt there are advantages to staying united, I still do not understand Sansa's move or everyone's complacency with it. The Iron Throne is under a Stark, one with a decent claim for the kingdom of the North too. Shouldn't her people choose like they did with Robb and Jon? Wouldn't other rulers in the heat of the moment make some detrimental demand about their own freedom? Though that I understand. There wasn't much time left, so filling it with pointless political arguing was probably not optimal.
So... last episode. The end of a cultural phenomenon. I felt... hollow. But I liked a few things, I guess:
The Dany + Jon scene felt a lot like GRRM's writing. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the intended outcome for the books too. Bonus points for Arya not killing Daenerys and ruining the whole atmosphere.
Visuals of burning the Iron Throne were also on point
The White Book getting an update on Jaime's entry was alright
Peter Dinklage's acting rocks
Jon did not sit on the Iron Throne, thank goodness
Davos corrects people's grammar, so Stannis lives on!
And there's a lot that makes no sense whatsoever:
Sam becomes a maester even though he is a father and probably intends to spend his days with Gilly. Whatever, celibacy doesn't matter because Westeros has now leaped towards the 21st century.
Bronn becomes Master of Coin, even though he can't read. Not Master of War, that would make too much sense, Master of fucking Coin just so we can have those last jokes about brothels.
Arya shits on the whole "lone wolf dies but the pack survives" by ditching everyone to go boating.
Sansa demands independence for the North and nobody else speaks up about their own independence. Really? Iron Islands? Dorne? No one? Also that was some A-grade nepotism what Bran did. She wasn't even crowned to demand independence.
Jon goes back to the Wall even though it serves no purpose anymore. I laughed at that scene for quite a while, but what even is the point of it now? Wildlings aren't enemies anymore, and the Long Night is done with. The Wall is a penal colony with essentially no function besides being a dumpster for criminals, then? Nice of Tormund to wait for Jon to show up before moving out, though. Maybe he learned with Bran to see the future.
Grey Worm suddenly gets a say on Jon's punishment. You have this council of people that are clearly loyal to Jon, and a minority who doesn't, and the Wall is the best you can get him? Grey Worm isn't even staying in Westeros. Why banish Jon for someone who isn't coming back. Also, very selfless of Grey Worm to force all his men to go to Naath all because of his dead love interest.
Tyrion's little speech about stories making a king is completely nonsensical. Not to mention Bran had the most boring arc in the entire series. I still skip his scenes when I rewatch the earlier seasons.
Robin Arryn showed up again, and they didn't fucking kill him. That spoiled, sick-ass kid only exists to die in a satisfactory manner, and they blew it. You could have him throw a fit for basically anything, and then have a bunch of convulsions and die mid-council. It would have been great just because he'd die.
All in all, we ended up with some lousy government in Westeros:
A crappy "democracy" that will turn into intrigue as soon as Bran dies without any possible heirs.
A mercenary is ruling High Garden.
Yara rules the Iron Islands (who will probably have to go by on fish only because they can't pillage).
Sansa, now rewritten to be smarter than Littlefinger, Tyrion and basically anyone who has ever lived, is Queen in the North (so fair enough, I suppose. This rewrite of hers makes her an unparalleled ruler).
Gendry, a literal smith that can't read, is lord of Storm's End
Robin Arryn (oh lord no) is lord of the Vale
Some random prince is in charge of Dorne (who cares? It's better than the Sand Snakes).
The Westerlands do not exist or matter anymore, even though Tyrion wanted Casterly Rock in the past.
Had they tied up more exclusive cards into the game (like the old adventure mode), people would complain that they were forcing users to spend more money and it's not fair on F2P, etc, etc.
Well, you have to understand none of this is exactly new. We have had these rewards and this (admittedly less polished) game mode for free in the past. More importantly: we've had this price in the past, and it yielded better stuff for the consumer. So if we are paying the same for less valuable stuff that used to be free, instead of the more valuable stuff that we used to pay for... well, what exactly is wrong about being displeased with it?
If Blizzard suddenly charged 200-300g to play Tavern Brawl every week, would people call all these other free brawls demos and call complainers entitled too? My guess, sadly, is that yes, many would.
But the saddest part for me is that the content is really good. It just happens to be promoted by a pile of obsolete packs, a meh legendary and at the cost of my ability to keep up when the next expansion hits.
I like the content. I even bought the second wing with gold. Buuut... yeah, it is a transparent attempt to crank up the yearly price of Hearthstone even further.
People who compare this to a videogame thanks to its hours of content forget that most videogames are not going to show up every few months asking for more gold/money. And before anyone says "well how about DLC, bigot?" and that's when I will say: DLC doesn't make the game unplayable if you don't get it. A HS expansion that you don't buy into cripples you badly enough that you probably can't play Standard anymore.
Every other argument has already been torn apart by Rando, though, so I won't bother messing with perfection.
Imagine being so obtuse that you would feel the need to stand up to the oppressors so you can defend a multi-billion dollar company commonly employing predatory tactics to squeeze more bucks. But what can you do when all you have to do is look at this thread to see how well it works.
Don't like it, don't buy it, and how it will never stop being funny how these people fail to realize the hypocrisy in this philosophy. Don't like the negativity, don't read it. Or better yet, picture your own hobby getting closer to ruin with every passing year, since clearly Hearthstone isn't yours if you fail to understand how someone who committed thousands of hours and dollars to it might be offended at the thought of being seen as nothing more than a wallet, which this adventure makes abundantly clear. But I'm sure that's just entitlement.
The myth of amazing value for $20, and how it only works if we not only ignore what 20 dollars usually gets you in the context of video games in general, but also in the context of the very same game, with the adventures of three years ago giving you everything there was to give and the fanbase praising the model because of it, myself included. And now what you get is 15 packs that are already obsolete because as it turns out, when you go a full 2 months into the expansion you will find that everyone has crafted what they wanted already. In addition to that there's a barely usable and undisenchantable legendary, and a golden pack which ends in 300 dust most of the time. Funnily enough you'd be better off just buying the packs off the shop, since not only can you do so day one, but they'd also help fill your collection with rares and bring you closer to a guaranteed legendary, which many people seem to ignore for some reason when they keep bringing up 20 bucks for a legendary that's better than packs!
But you can just buy it with gold says the casual player, with little regard to how he's going to need that gold for the next expansion since most people save up during this time, and when even the 50 packs you'd get with gold aren't really enough for more than 2 meta decks, good luck trying to deal with just 20. Oh, unless, we buy the preorder! Finally it makes sense why some are calling this a scam. It takes advantage of people with poor foresight to leave them in a tight spot, with opening their wallet conveniently being the easiest solution to their predicament. It won't work with a lot of people, but as long as it works with a few then it is worth it, since it's all about the short-term profit.
Notice how I didn't say anything about the actual content so far. That's because I think it's good. It's just not good enough to glance over Actiblizz's eagerness to bend me over. Especially when there's so many people actually praising this and saying there is no problem whatsoever, which led to this entire rant in the first place. Something has to give, simple as that, especially since even what has 'given' in the past to soothe over people like me is not even given anymore.
I'm probably not spending the remaining 2100 gold on the adventure. It's just too much for too little, without enough time to prepare for the next expansion already.
It makes me sad because the solo content team is probably the best one Hearthstone has, but buying into this will hands-down leave me incapable of playing HS when the next expansion hits unless I cough up some cash.
Some cards just destroy how the AI functions. KT and taunts used to do that, that Ice Pick does that, and soft taunt minions are still a thing the artificial opponents cannot master (leaving Saraad alive or a Flamewaker just to kill something with better stats like a Devilsaur has happened, and that was today).
I wouldn't say it is the Dalaran Heist AI as much as it is HS AI.
Still, this episode had some damn issues. I was entertained by the ballsy bloodshed of butchering children and mothers on screen (about time we get children dying in pop media, moar pls), so these weren't too great this time.
Varys decided to betray Dany now, even if she threatened to burn him alive literally one season before. It felt stupid.
Jon is still being useless, but that's more funny than it is problematic.
Grey Worm suddenly has feelings of vengeance, even though Unsullied are supposed to be almost emotionless because of their training.
Arya not dying + that symbolic pale horse that felt completely out of place.
Jaime unlearning everything he spent seasons learning, though I liked him and Cersei as a couple. All's decent.
Northmen have become mindless rapists now. Yeah, yeah, a man with a sword is a different creature, whatever. I thought they disliked the Boltons for being dishonorable and ruthless and they go berserk at the first thing. Bleh.
Euron should have died in the flames. His duel with Jaime did nothing, since Jaime was getting crushed anyway. Might as well give Dany an actual important kill for once.
You are the one who compared the Heist to additions that gave you an advantage, not me. You put it on the same level as the Naxx, BRM, LoE and Karazhan to justify the price, and I pointed out the differences between them, which you just agreed to. If the content is not the same, why should the price be?
Why do people just assume it should be free if it doesn't have this price? Does Blizzard have an on/off switch that changes between Free/2800g without anything in the middle?
My previous post you quoted legitimately states that I could get down with a price that wasn't the same as a full adventure's, because it isn't a full adventure, even if they dropped the packs. Make the price for content only and subtract the price from new cards.
You can't have it for free. Okay, I get that, everyone can stop repeating this point. Can we have it for a price that isn't the same as more valuable content from the past? Or is having a memory entitlement?
And the following content-only, cardless adventures were never paid for:
All four examples of yours actually have an expansion tied to them. People would buy them for their cards and keep up with the meta. I doubt you will find a single soul who decided to buy this just so they could play Zayle in constructed. In this case, you are paying for content alone (and 12 outdated packs).
I'll say it again: the content is good, but overpriced. I don't really care if you buy overpriced stuff yourself or anyone else for that matter, but to just call people entitled or poor for shattering your delusions is where I draw the line.
If Blizzard wanted to net in some profits for solo content they could have gone for a price lower than a full adventure, because this is less than a full adventure. They could even drop the packs along with the price for all I care. All they are is a crutch to justify the full price of a solo adventure.
I already created an account there. I am just holding back until the ship actually sinks. Even if I am not posting or lurking, I prefer to keep Hearthpwn open all day long than Out of Cards. Don't know why, really.
Hello everyone. As you probably know already, the world is ending, Hearthpwn is closing down. It has been a wild ride. Much laughter was had. Many tears too, even if 95% of them were shed this week, but regardless... the time has come to say goodbye. I've looked at several of the largest threads on this website (General Discussion only), many of them from before I was here. Behold, the winners of my contest!
9) Its about time Blizzard! [Undertaker Nerf Discussion]
A blast from the past, a relic of an ancient era when Blizzard still dragged their boots to nerf cards. We can shed a tear for how long a way we've come (and laugh at the 26% of voters that somehow thought it was a bad idea). Indeed, if my research did not fail me, this was the most popular Nerf Discussion on this website. Let's give it a hand, shall we?
8) Gender Representation in Hearthstone.
Perhaps not the most pertinent of threads, it's true, but this cesspit of Social Justice attracted a whopping 17 pages of replies from our lovely community, some less civil than others. Alas, the thread ended up locked after only 4 days, and devolved into a flame war for gender rights in general, but by God did it net those views and replies. Maybe don't give this one a hand, but remark its existence and be done with it.
7) This is why Competitive Hearthstone is a Joke
A textbook display, here, folks, about the argumentative flexibility of our own community. This legendary thread started as a complaint about Yogg (damn you, DiViNE_Priest) affecting the seriousness of the pro scene, but a quick trip to its 12th page will bring you to the end of a debate about Barnes and Fandral. Truly, we have masterful rhetoricians among us.
6) Why do people think aggro is easy or scummy?
Now, this particular thread, while earning itself its share of views, is not impressive by itself. There is a mild flame war in the middle, several lengthy replies, the whole package associated with the topic. It is, however, one of the most reincarnated discussions on Hearthpwn, and perhaps the less shitstormy one I've found. With popularity to spare, this thread can fairly be interpreted as a good representative of every time this topic was summoned back to life.
5) Most annoying class to play AGAINST/Which deck require the least skills to play?
This one is a tie between two similarly sized threads, about a similar topic. Many of these have we seen during our days here, and usually, unsurprisingly, people associate the decks they dislike the most with low skill floors🤔. Regardless, the threads have sparked many echoing discussions, such as the quest for the game's hardest decks to pilot. Maybe they won't win any originality awards, but they certainly had their influence on the forums.
4) How much money have you spent on HS?
Ah, this thread, this topic... What a rollercoaster of emotions that one can feel while he reads the 8 pages of replies to this thread! From overzealous F2Pers who want to declare their money-spending celibacy too eagerly to reckless individuals who probably should not be entrusted with credit cards, these sort of threads always sparked discussion in our GD, and brought fourth all sorts of colorful characters.
3) How will Blizzard inevitably nerf rogue?
I could not hope to finish this countdown without any recent thread to reference. nichocolates earned himself not only 21 pages of replies, but he also arranged a thread that aged as finely as wine, along with a string of replies that, inversely, aged as finely as milk. This here captures one of the main struggles of Hearthpwn: the quest for balance, the difficulty of distinguishing salt from real discussions, and the paradoxical attraction of the community to the threads they complain about. nicho, you might still be active here, so come on stage and collect your award.
2) All those players that rage-friend just to complain (BM)
And finally, the big winner
Honestly, who is surprised? The Salt Thread has been a godsend all these years, and we've taken it for granted. It has birthed legends, quelled flames and accompanied us through thick and thin. Pasting its link has become an overused joke, but it is a small price to pay for the boon that the Salt Thread is. There isn't much to add to it that hasn't been said already. I'd put the link on the title, but we all probably know it back and forth by now.
Did I miss anything?
Good Lord, you people just went and gave a thread you find abhorrent 4k views and 4 pages of replies. Why do you keep these threads alive if you hate them so much, Hearthpwn, why?
I'm still skeptical about the efficiency of blind buffs. There are a lot of useless cards in the game, and you just have to blindly grope through the collection to find suitable buff candidates. OP cards are a lot fewer, and easier to target. Bringing one down usually shakes up the meta one way or another. In other games, buffs usually only manage to make filler cards less awful, but they sometimes pull off decent surprises.
Still, while we're getting both of them, who's complaining? It could be that I am wrong and that buffs end up shaking the meta a lot more than I am giving them credit for.
I get what you are saying, but calling Daenerys an old ruler is a bit of a stretch. She got there, razed the place, and then was killed for doing so. Besides Yara, most of her allies were loyal to Jon above her. And we've had this situation before, where Jaime earned himself a pardon for committing treason, just because he did it for the winning side against an even greater tyrant.
About the Wall... meh, fair enough. I do remember Tyrion's description of its new purpose. It just didn't make me very happy or satisfied to see something that was formerly so significant reduced to a penal colony with no further reason to be.
As for the North's independence and other kingdoms, while I have no doubt there are advantages to staying united, I still do not understand Sansa's move or everyone's complacency with it. The Iron Throne is under a Stark, one with a decent claim for the kingdom of the North too. Shouldn't her people choose like they did with Robb and Jon? Wouldn't other rulers in the heat of the moment make some detrimental demand about their own freedom? Though that I understand. There wasn't much time left, so filling it with pointless political arguing was probably not optimal.
So... last episode. The end of a cultural phenomenon. I felt... hollow. But I liked a few things, I guess:
And there's a lot that makes no sense whatsoever:
Okay, first things first. That jab at democracy where everyone laughs at Sam's suggestion was pretty funny.
Are you sure they don't stack? In my case, I got the -2 popping up at the start of their turns, but they still lost 4 health.
Well, you have to understand none of this is exactly new. We have had these rewards and this (admittedly less polished) game mode for free in the past. More importantly: we've had this price in the past, and it yielded better stuff for the consumer. So if we are paying the same for less valuable stuff that used to be free, instead of the more valuable stuff that we used to pay for... well, what exactly is wrong about being displeased with it?
If Blizzard suddenly charged 200-300g to play Tavern Brawl every week, would people call all these other free brawls demos and call complainers entitled too? My guess, sadly, is that yes, many would.
But the saddest part for me is that the content is really good. It just happens to be promoted by a pile of obsolete packs, a meh legendary and at the cost of my ability to keep up when the next expansion hits.
I like the content. I even bought the second wing with gold. Buuut... yeah, it is a transparent attempt to crank up the yearly price of Hearthstone even further.
People who compare this to a videogame thanks to its hours of content forget that most videogames are not going to show up every few months asking for more gold/money. And before anyone says "well how about DLC, bigot?" and that's when I will say: DLC doesn't make the game unplayable if you don't get it. A HS expansion that you don't buy into cripples you badly enough that you probably can't play Standard anymore.
Every other argument has already been torn apart by Rando, though, so I won't bother messing with perfection.
I'm probably not spending the remaining 2100 gold on the adventure. It's just too much for too little, without enough time to prepare for the next expansion already.
It makes me sad because the solo content team is probably the best one Hearthstone has, but buying into this will hands-down leave me incapable of playing HS when the next expansion hits unless I cough up some cash.
Some cards just destroy how the AI functions. KT and taunts used to do that, that Ice Pick does that, and soft taunt minions are still a thing the artificial opponents cannot master (leaving Saraad alive or a Flamewaker just to kill something with better stats like a Devilsaur has happened, and that was today).
I wouldn't say it is the Dalaran Heist AI as much as it is HS AI.
I've seen the recipes and some of them don't have the villains in them. I think they're going from something a bit different than recipes.
Still, this episode had some damn issues. I was entertained by the ballsy bloodshed of butchering children and mothers on screen (about time we get children dying in pop media, moar pls), so these weren't too great this time.