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    posted a message on Roping as a strategy?

    I'd assume it happens so frequently in casual because the players are likely doing other things while they play (watching a movie, hanging with friends, browsing forums etc).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Imagine a hearthstone without so much aggro

    To be fair, aggro players only play "dumb" (flooding the board and going face with every single attack) when they're up against a greedy ass deck that gives them nothing to interact with for the first 6 turns. If you put some early game minions/board control tools in your deck and actually fight for the board instead of just hoping they didn't draw any minions from their 26 minion deck until you're ready to start playing, you might have a more immersive experience.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to play something with a late game or alternative win condition, but you have to use your card choices to slow the pace of the game to enable your strategy (Warrior has done this very effectively since vanilla), not just be upset about fast decks existing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Remove Tickatus from the game already.

    Wait Tickatus decks can actually win games?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Beating N'zoth
    Quote from hillandder >>

    HearthStone should have techs can deal with this kind of deck more directly, not random disrupt BS.

    Just release a card like 5 manas 2/2, battlecry "Search for a card in the hand and/or the deck of the opponent and remove from the game".

    This will be enough to put all decks build around a single card in check.

    I don't think I've ever heard a worse idea lmao.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I can't squelch!

    Good. Squelch is for babies.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Quest Shaman is Plain Cheating.
    Quote from Durden >>

    I just can't get why people complain about this deck. It's easily predictable, loses against both aggro and control, if they don't complete the quest by turn 5 they lose like 90% of times, and shudderwock is basically a dice roll beacause except for lifedrinker that always targets face the other battlecries can hit your opponent's hero or his other minions. And also weaponized wasp needs a lackey on your board to activate its battlecry so unless you want to lose you just kill those lackeys, which are 1/1 so it won't be that hard. Mogu is another thing, but it's dangerous mostly to aggro decks when it evolves into something good beacause aggro usually lacks hard removal. So to win against quest shaman you just need to do good trades and avoid to stay below or at 6-12 health to avoid their wasps and lifedrinker; and don't play all your good minions at once so MCT is useless. To conclude this remember that ANY deck can have some really lucky draws or rng sometimes, so just don't cry over it.

    It is only predictable in as much as it plays a pretty solved deck list, but you still have a lot of variations of Lackey/Spell generation to play around. It is also predictable that they might play Desert Hare > Evolve on turn 4. Predicting that doesn't mean you can beat it.
    Aggro can beat Quest Shaman if it curves well, yes, but if you're beating them with Control decks consistently they have no idea what they are doing. Quest Shaman can generate about three deck's worth of resources and deal upwards of 20 burst in a turn - Control doesn't beat that.
    Not sure how to answer your randomly generated quest completion statistic - obviously the deck's win rate doesn't plummet to 10% if they miss turn 5 quest completion. They might struggle with aggro if they have a slow draw on Quest but it doesn't really affect slower matchups.
    Shudderwock is not there to hit the opponent's face in most cases (unless they are low and you have 3 or 4 lifedrinkers loaded) it it used to completely refill your hand (sometimes also board depending on the build). Its half the reason Control decks can't win against the deck.
    Lackeys are 1/1 and easy to kill, correct, but they are also 1 mana and are a lot harder to kill when they're not on the board yet. It isn't hard for your opponent to wait a turn and play Lackey > Wasp on the same turn before you can react.
    Mogu > Mutate is a moronic combo against almost everything because dealing with an 8 drop on turn 4 isn't easy for any deck. You've got the 1 of Polymorph in Reno Mage, a couple of Hexes in Control Shaman and some fringe Shield Slam scenarios. Even in these situations, you're forced to skip your turn 4 or 5 instead of developing on to the board, and the Mogu is a pretty expendable resource for the Shaman.
    Win the board and don't die is pretty solid advice to win against any deck, but being limited to playing 3 decent minions at a time while the Shaman is free to develop wide boards whenever they want doesn't allow you to do this. Also MCT is a very strong play into N'Zoth, which most decks that can otherwise afford to not go wide are playing.
    Idk what rank you are playing at but it sounds like all the Quest Shaman players there are morons.

    Quote from Danjo >>

    I main a quest/evolve shammy right now, and I lose to:

    combo priests if they draw the nuts early on

    N'Zoth anything

    control shaman or warrior

    edit:  I also lose to aggro decks if they get good early draw and I do not, but this isn't the rule

    Practice more. The only one of these matchups that's unfavoured is Combo Priest.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why They Haven't Fixed the Android Problem Yet..

    Have you logged the issue?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Change highlander cards needed!!!
    Quote from hillandder >>

    I will like the change all highlander cards, Standard and Wild, to be triggered in the Start of the game, after a check if you don't running any duplicates like Baku, this way prevent free disrupt mechanics like Bomb warrior but with the disavantage of giving your opponent the information what he is facing in the first turn.

    Shuffling cards into your opponent's deck is a legitimate way to disrupt this mechanic. It was intended this way since Beneath the Grounds many years ago and again removing this simply removes another layer of strategy from the game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Warlock Is Dead......GG

    On topic, yeah Warlock is dreadful and needs help. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Warlock Is Dead......GG
    Quote from Haussenfuss >>

    for example, Grandmasters routinely showcases Tier 3 HSReplays decks, because those are the best decks in the game when clever folks pilot them, while the Tier 1 HSReplays decks are often considered low-tier among better players.

    Its the Conquest/Shield system that makes these decks better in GM than on Ladder, not the skill of the players. Not that I think HSR is necessarily indicative of a deck's performance at high level (although Vicious Syndicate does this very well), but you won't see Holy Wrath Paladin perform particularly well at top 100 ladder in any region despite the fact that it was a very solid pick at GM due to the tournament format and it queuing favourably into the most highly represented decks - they were almost guaranteed a Combo Priest match every series.

    Don't forget that Masters and Grandmasters players all play on ladder as well, and there are plenty of non-pro ladder only players that have a similar skill level to those who compete in tournaments. The tier lists are generally geared towards ladder where your build has to be good against a much wider variety of decks, and can't get by simply by having a good matchup against Combo Priest and Quest Shaman, for example.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Legends of Runeterra - discussion, analysis and first impressions

    A friend of mine got a drop and I've sat on discord with him and played a few games - it seems like a decent game, I'll certainly install when it is released and give it a shot.

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on It Is Time To Nerf Shaman?
    Quote from Warnerve75 >>

    just play a control deck and outlast it. The fact I have to see the same stupid ass deck 70% of the time makes the game a complete fucking bore and I don't even bother to play. Games take way too long and that's not what I call fun. Nobody wants to sit and play a game for 20-35 minutes against the same dumbass deck all day long. Hearthstone frankly isn't even worth playing right now.

    Most Control decks can't reliably survive Quest Shaman's burst, nor grind it out of resources fast enough to beat it through board. The best decks against Quest Shaman are aggro lists that can generate tempo early enough to push the Shaman too far behind before it can get on the board. Even so, these decks are still only favoured 4% - 9% and if they don't curve out and finish the game fast they get bullied out of the game very quickly. Shaman in general is a problem with the aggro list also having pretty mad win rates across the board. This suggests that the crossover cards (Evolve, Mogu Fleshshaper, Mutate etc) are the problematic cards. See Data Reaper's Legend meta deck power chart below to see how out of control Shaman is right now.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Change highlander cards needed!!!

    I like it the way it is. Adds an extra layer of strategic depth to combo decks, particularly in mirror matches. Doesn’t really affect the game in aggro match ups as the game won’t often go long enough to activate him - he’ll just be a Bloodfen Raptor. I’m also happy with Tirion being a 10 mana neutral in control matchups. If you really want to nerf Zephrys just hit his stat line so when your deck isn’t built specifically around him he is an actual dead draw in the early game and not a reasonably statted 2 drop.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Quest Shaman is Plain Cheating.
     TQuote from dgneko >>


    Quote from Live4vrRdieTryn >>

    This deck has to go. Blizzard really needs to do better testing before they unleash a crock deck like this on the world. It would be fine except the ungodly amount of burst in it. Lifedrinker and Wasp represent a casual 24 damage and with their six or so lackey generators another possible 24. That's ten cards out of thirty that can burst you. Then you get a bounce card on top of that. Deck is extremely safe and extremely unfun to play against. 

    Youre wrong in my opinion. Adapt to the game and if you’re unable to do that... I’m sorry but that implies low skill. You know exactly what cards are in your opponents deck. How are you not able to build a deck to counter it? 

    He's right though. The statistics show that Quest Shaman is both the highest play rate AND win rate in the game from rank 4 onwards. Source - https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-144/

    It has fair to good matchups across the board and no particularly exploitable weaknesses to build a deck around (the kind of deck I like a lot - has a chance against everything, similar to Even Warlock back in Boomsday meta, but this one is a little too over tuned). Even if there was some glaring hole in Quest Shaman’s strategy, building a deck specifically to beat it is just asking to get your head smashed in by the rest of the field. 

    I don’t think Quest Shaman is absurdly broken by any means, and am not one to be opposed to working around things when they take over the metagame (I usually have your attitude towards complaints about decks), but this one is just a little bit too good against almost everything to be acceptable at the moment.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Done playing heathstone till event is over. Priest ruins it.

    I am really enjoying this event. Been a long time since I could find control mirrors on ladder that weren’t warrior vs warrior. Refreshing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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