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    posted a message on This deathrattle is incorrect

    I accidently posted twice so edit to show you my dog

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on This deathrattle is incorrect

    Why does this spawn a 3/2 after recieving a battlecry from Cryopractor. Nesting Golem is inaccurate

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Titans In arena and how bull it is

    So I just played against a priest. Doing ok and then suddenly they discover a titan.

    This is the first time i've seen them. I havent even been keeping up witht he release.

    But it has to go. I've been playing since before naxx and never complained about anything like I am this.

    It was like I wasn't even playing anymore

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Everyones favourite skins?

    My favourite card back

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone feels like a big RNG fest
    Quote from Raidenslith86 >>

    I'm currently climbing the ladder and the amount of Rogue/DK/[Insert deck that relies literally on randomly generating random legendary cards and/or board wiping spells that have their cost reduced to 1 or 0] is stunning.

    I think it is an issue that no one seems to care about as long as they aren't the losing end of the match.

    I just finished a match where I couldn't even tell if I was facing a rogue on the amount of random class cards they were pumping out. I understand the rogue class has those kinds of cards, but really that should be the only class that can do that. Not every single class now. Maybe I'm being irrational, but what ever happened to this game that people's win condition is literally just generate better OP cards from different classes than your opponent and hope they get some sort of mana reduction as well?

    Just frustrating trying to climb the ladder when literally everything is just RNG and has no substance or strategy to it now.

     "Hearthstone feels like a big RNG fest" - That's the game. This is not a game for you

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on A ghost came at me in battlegrounds

    I was playing battlegrounds, came 4th, and I have look see what a bong is for and then as I was getting wiped out, their attack animatuion was like a ghost coming at the screen or something and it scared the fk out of me.

    It felt real

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Who was your favourite hearthstone guy to watch?
    Quote from TheDarksider >>

    Érico/TheOneGames, brazilian player who sadly passed away back in 2017.

     Ah shit. I hope his family and friends are coping

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Who was your favourite hearthstone guy to watch?

    Sorry if I missed someone you like.

    EDIT - I forgot Savjz

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on My boy George the Fallen

    I believe you, as its what my friend says but it feels unstoppable around rank 4000ish

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on My boy George the Fallen
    Quote from VicVii >>

    George, nowadays, has a big tech-counter, which is this tabern 4 neutral minion with taunt and a deathrattle that deals 3 damage to ALL minions = popping all divine shields at once (which at some point of the game means a lot of your investment/money is gone). Not like that means you auto-lose when facing that minion, but it certainly hurts a lot if the enemy has a comp that can easily deal with your non-shielded minions: for example, in your case those minions, except the gold pirate, are high attack but low health, so if you suddenly lose all shields, a comp about spawning tons of minions (beasts, robots, undead...) can easily deal with your board. So, imo George depends a bit on the meta/minions available; not just tribes in that particular game, but if that patch includes some kind of minion or hero with hero power about deal X damage to all enemy minions/all minions, which can screw him big time. 

     I got about 15 words in but I believe him

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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