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    posted a message on This deathrattle is incorrect

    It specifically states "this minion". If it suggested summoning a new minion then they should change 'this' to 'a new'

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on This deathrattle is incorrect

    I accidently posted twice so edit to show you my dog

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on This deathrattle is incorrect

    Why does this spawn a 3/2 after recieving a battlecry from Cryopractor. Nesting Golem is inaccurate

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Absolutely chaotic 100 card+ turns in 90 seconds

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Absolutely chaotic 100 card+ turns in 90 seconds

    I havent had so much in hearthstone for a long while. I've never played so many cards in one turn. It just goes on infinate and random cards are thrown at you left right and centre. You give up with maintaining a strategy after you've played your 50th card and just keep generating seances and powercords. Incredibly fun

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Something really odd just happened...

    Don'r worry. I think i'm stupid. It might have been due to hero replacements cards. Need to know now

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Something really odd just happened...

    I have 11,890 wins in ranked mode with priest and that was mostly me using the Anduin of Prophecy skin. Forever has it been that if you press the 'oops' emote, he says "Lets move on" but I just used the oops button after my opponent finished me off and I pressed the oops button to hear Anduin say "Oops, thats not how I saw it in my head". Is this a new patch thing because he always said lets move on regardless of wether id lost already.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Hearth Arena and Potential Influence

    Has anyone really considered that Heartharena are in a position to influence the winrate, and ultimately, popularity of particular classes by adjusting their algorithm to suit their needs. If I were them them I would want to maximise the popularity and playtime of the game by conditioning the gameplay experience in a way that funnels people in to a game where the odds are already in their favour as the card picks for undesirable classes are rigged to be terrible by their system.

    Not everybody uses heartharena but it would be fair to assume most do. If you could condition the picks of people so that one hero stood far superior than the rest, then people will pick it, and...stop using your app. I don't think i've thought this through.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Secret ignoring minion

    I just think there should be some low stat minion that ignores all secrets. It would provide a tech choice against sectrets like ice block but requires some strategy to make it work.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Secret ignoring minion

    Wild is crying out for a card like this

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Spending my childrens inheritence on 8000 runestones

    I just wanna play one game of arena man

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Top 3 Battlegrounds Tips
    Quote from iLoveTriples >>
    1. watch Shadybunny 's stream, he's the best to learn the basic concepts because he takes the time to explain the logic behind them. If he's offline, watch the VODS.
    2. triple T1 only if they are economy or weaver (in general)
    3. level whenever the gold fits or you feel strong enough (if you don't want lots of minions from the tier you're in)
    4. only roll on a tier if you need more than 1-2 specific minions from it
    5. buy minions that open up strategies (i.e. shields and taunts if quilboars are in)
    6. don't go for weak (in combat) scaling units like Nomi if you are weak and it's past turn 7 or 8
    7. watch what your opponent is playing for positioning (and tech accordingly from turn 8-9 and after)
    8. don't plan too much for the future (but point 3 still applies), always try to win the next fight

    I play on EU. You can add me if you want, I might come spectate now and then, but I'm only 8.5-9k mmr so far. I mostly play around 8pm/1am while watching movies with my girlfriend.

     Tip 2: Thankyou. I will consider that when playing
    Tip7: Probably my weakest area. Sometimes I get tunnel vision and should really consider opponents more and plan ahead.

    I like your name. I too am a triple enjoyer

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Titans In arena and how bull it is
    Quote from Reinan23 >>

    Sorry to say but if you playind arena its your own mistake.


    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Titans In arena and how bull it is

    there was definally a titan that ended my run

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Titans In arena and how bull it is

    So I just played against a priest. Doing ok and then suddenly they discover a titan.

    This is the first time i've seen them. I havent even been keeping up witht he release.

    But it has to go. I've been playing since before naxx and never complained about anything like I am this.

    It was like I wasn't even playing anymore

    Posted in: The Arena
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