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    posted a message on Why can't I play Control Priest?

    With control priest, be patient, like really patient. You will find yourself heal face - pass turns and do nothing often. A key to winning with Priest is baiting opponents to over extend and punish them HARD. Lightbombs, Shadow Madness, Auchenai + Circle, Cabal, Pyro + spells, Holy Nova. Priest is a class that excels at NEUTRALIZING and PUNISHING mistakes.

    Lastly, don't afraid to heal your opponent's minions or use Circle with Priestess. You will often draw into an answer. 

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Murloc pally is impossible to beat (nerf Anyfin)

    Murloc Paladin isn't even refined and it has way too many weaknesses to be a tier 1 deck, or consistent enough for competitive play.

    Let me just list a few:

    - The deck needs to be filled with Murlocs, typically 7, and we all know Murlocs aren't good cards individually.

    - In a perfect world, all murlocs need to die, most importantly Old Murkeye, the chargers, and the 3/3 buffers. You can sit on Any'fin and it's a dead card in your hand because you don't have enough dead Murlocs.

    - You need to survive until turn 10 to play Any'fin, which is already a struggle with aggro and other combo decks.

    - The combo is extremely readable and predictable, even more than turn 9 Druid combo. People are just going to throw out Heal/Taunt/Loetheb turn 10.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Dr. Boom 2.0 a.k.a. Varian Wrynn

    Card costs 10 mana

    "Undercosted" - OP


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    In an Arena run today, I got a Mage with 4x Flamestrikes and Shaman with 3x Hexes and 2x Deathwings. He got the second DW out just to BM. I didn't even feel salty, if someone have the balls to pick 2x Deathwings, they deserve 11 wins in Arena.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on No good shaman decks out right now

    Neptulon is the only thing worth putting in Shaman from the expansion. All Shaman class cards from Naxx and GvG sucks, they are way way too unreliable and gimmicky. However, the OTK Malygos Shaman is an interesting deck that has been played professionally and seen some success. But yeah, still extremely gimmicky. 

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on nerf Mad Scientist?

    The closest thing to Mad Scientist is Loot Hoarder, 2/1 and give you a card. Mad Scientist has 1 extra health and play the secret for you, even though it random. Its stat is solid enough to trade with a 1 or 2 health minions. So as card and mana efficiency, yes, it is a strong card. Someone mentioned though, secrets are so bad by themselves that nobody would play them as real cards. I think Mad Scientist is OK now.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Does a single Zombie Chow make sense?

    This deck might not even need Chow at all. 1 is optional. Having 1 just means you have less chance to mulligan into it.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Control Hunter as bad as hyper aggro.

    Hunter is like the love child of Blizzard. Pre-Naxx, while Hunter decks dominate every seasons (OTK Hunter, charge Hunter, mid range hunter) Paladin, Shaman, Priest were considered shitty classes and Blizzard didn't do a thing to them. Then Naxx comes, and guess who got the best cards? Hunter again, Undertaker, Web Spinner, the 1/2 spider. This gives birth to the currently known "Cancer Huntard."

    Hunter is the one class in HS where it is very frustrating to play against. The class mechanics are toxic, Hunter hero power punished you for playing too passive, UTH punishes you for playing too agressive. You can't effectively play around traps either. If Hunter gets UT + Lepper Gnome, which is the strongest opening in the game, and you don't have anything to play on turn 2, you can already concede. The lack of counterplay is what makes the class so broken. Remember Miracle Rogue? The deck that screams "0 counterplay?" That deck is now totally destroyed by Blizz even when it's one of the most, if not the most iconic deck in HS history and takes a lot of calculating and flashy combos. Yet Hunter is still there and everywhere on the Ladder. At this point maybe Blizz has given up on how to fix the class when it's too broken.

    To some degrees, Control Hunter is less toxic than Huntard, at least they use their brains on trading and fighting for board control. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Optimized Ramp Druid

    I am running this deck with a few variations:

    -1 Mind Control Tech: too situational imo. I usually hold on to this card the whole game and when I have the chance to play, it steals something shitty.

    -1 Shade, don't think it is necessary in this deck.

    +2 Farseers, healing and early game minions are good. Keep some pressure early on board.

    -1 Senjin +1 Loetheb. Still experimental.

    -2 Sun Walkers, +2 Ancient of Lore, as someone mentioned earlier, just personal preferences. 5 Attack is a great great number combined with 10 Health, this card is able to trade with anything less than 7 mana, this will almost always force a hard removal. If not, you can snowball the board.

    - Sneed + Rag. Another personal reference. I am not a big fan of Sneed. I know it has Synergies with KT but I just feel Rag is more valuable.


    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on New Card - Gahz'rilla

    Hunters have best 6 drop creature in the game.

    Now they have the best 7 drop Legendary.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Gahz'rilla
    Quote from Ballinglikeafool »
    Quote from Mirikado »

    OTK Warrior = Gahz'rilla + Charge + Inner Rage (+Inner Rage). Mother of God.

    Literally the most difficult to assemble combo in the game.


    I forgot it was Hunter's card lol. And that combo isnt hard to pull off. The days of OTK Warrior Charge + Alex + Inner Rage were common.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Gahz'rilla

    Mother of God. Hunter must be the love child of Blizzard.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Toshley

    A nice one, fit in most decks and good stats + passive.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Antique Healbot
    Quote from HESJ »

    Not every deck tries to win by obtaining board control. There are spell/burn decks out there in which case this guy isn't played because of his stats and awesome 2-for-1 trading, but instead as a heal to make sure you survive those 1 or 2 extra turns you need to burn down your opponents life total. Obviously, it's a very specific card and it's generally considered 'bad', in a vacuum. However, cards like Ancient Watcher and Doomsayer are also pretty bad in a vacuum. They need certain deck types and combo's to work.

    Yes the only deck this thing would fit is a Mill Rogue deck. Tbh, it doesn't belong anywhere else.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Antique Healbot
    Quote from Blasphe »

    Not all cards are STUNNING by themselves.  But as it's been stated. If you take it a step further and play it late game on turn 7 with a recombobulator, then you have a VERY VERY good chance of getting any of the "Good" 5 drops you mentioned PLUS more.  On average stats alone  That particular combo will net you 7/7 in stats (between both creatures) and heal for 8. 

      This is a late game pairing card that can shift a game drastically, or further secure your lead.

    Trash tier is not an accurate placement for this card. Stand alone it's lack luster, but plenty of combos make it worth while.  Shaman can play it for 5 and then Reincarnate it for 2, that's 16 health for 7 mana, not the worst value.  Shamans lack healing anyways so it's actually a decent value for shamans.  You have to look past "lay a card and gain instant value on the curve turns.  With GvG we will see a meta shift to more combo heavy decks.  Mechs work together with each other and when they do have spectacular results.  The days of rush face and win decks is over.  This card alone should be a testament of things to come.

    And of course there is Shadowstep combo.  8 health and a 3/3 for 2 mana is pretty good.


    Edit: Sorry the Reincarnate combo wouldn't work.  Wasn't thinking.  Battlecries don't trigger from Reincarnate.

    "Shadow stepped this", ahaahahahahahahahahaha.

    "This is a late game pairing card that can shift a game drastically, or further secure your lead."

    Ahahahahaha, do you even know what are you talking about? a 3/3 further securing your lead? Shift a game drastically? Nah, you just bought yourself a turn with a useless minion on board.

    Do you know when do all your theory works? When the other guy has 0 card in hand, pass a turn and do nothing, which only happen in Arena, in constructed, no... just no. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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