I assume it will be at the end of March/beginning of April. They've been consistent with this window of either a week before April or 1-2 weeks after April started.
Click on the buttons to change the PopCard background.
Click on the button to hide or unhide popcard elements.
These are probably going to be from the rewards track.
Yeah, I didn't mean to conflated them. I meant the esports streaming. But I guess you're right about it being a good investment for Blizzard,
The majority of the players don't care about esports or streamers, even when HS was at its peak. They should use some of that money on the actual game instead of cutting features.
I agree. Although I do love a lot of the old boards and it's going to be nice seeing them in Standard again. But it still sucks we're not getting new themes. It's one of the major characteristics of Hearthstone.
You can play the new cards in arena.
That 15 armor with Odyn is going to be nutty.
Are the gifts rotating out this set too or is Druid still going to have Wild Growth as well?
The majority of players don't care about esports or professional players/streamers, even when HS was at its peak.
It's also like when you play a card like Yogg or Puzzle box where it casts random spells. They all get processed pretty much instantaneously server side, we just wait for the animations to play out. For example if the last random spell gives your hero attack power, your hero will glow green right away before you see the spell animation. You can even drag your hero to assign an attack before everything resolves, and if your opponent has minions on the board that die at the same time from another random Yogg spell you can't target them but they still appear on the board until the death animations resolve on your end.
These buffs/nerfs aren't part of that. The Standard balance changes are later this week (most likely Thursday).