Who honestly gives a flying fuck about those rich streamer boys getting into a tournament? How about opening it up fairly to the rest of the hearthstone community? Fuck off Blizzard seriously.
- MidnightStroker
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Member for 7 years, 11 months, and 1 day
Last active Mon, Jan, 30 2023 05:11:25 -
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Krewger posted a message on Darkmoon Duel-Fest Today - 24 Content Creators, $200,000 Prize PoolPosted in: News -
SneezyDwarf_18710 posted a message on Year of the Dragon Bundle - Maybe the best deal ever?Posted in: NewsLuckiest open ever for me! 6 legendaries, 1 was golden. My pity timers had just reset for RoS and SoU too. So extra lucky there.
TheOnlyVendetta posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionBad match ups, bad draw, fucked up rng who is allmost never in my favor!!!!
Seems Blizzard don't want me to hit Legend this month!!!
Well Fuck You Blizzard!!!
Ophoster posted a message on Rise of Shadows Launches Today! Here's Everything You Need to Know + Theorycrafted DecksPosted in: NewsYeah, my buddy got 5 in 26 packs. He probably took all mine x__x
CzeltHearth posted a message on [12-1 Legend] Holy Tiger TTKPosted in: [12-1 Legend] Holy Tiger TTKYup. Works the same way as the shaman hero power. If you already have a certain one on the board, it won't summon that one. So if you have 3 in hand, you should play them first and then hero power to get the 4th guaranteed.
psykechan posted a message on [12-1 Legend] Holy Tiger TTKPosted in: [12-1 Legend] Holy Tiger TTKThey are random out of a unique 4 total. When using your hero power you will always get one that is not currently on the board, but it could be in your hand/deck.
DaOstrich posted a message on The Only Deck That MattersPosted in: The Only Deck That MattersCool deck. I made it to 7 wins.
I just made very slight adjustments (removed Whizbang the Wonderful, changed heroes to hunter and placed 30 other tech cards).
HellOnslaught posted a message on Hallow's End Returns - The Headless Horseman SingsPosted in: Newswas expecting a hier buget video... but i like it!
Goochini posted a message on Puzzle Labs Opens August 21 at 1 PM EDT - Special Hearthstone LivestreamPosted in: NewsNormally I’d say don’t disrespect Regis like that but I realized you’re right
Alex_Sobol posted a message on SjoW's Control Warrior [80.0% WR]Posted in: SjoW's Control Warrior [80.0% WR]Warrior god is back
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Looks like somebody's light-bulb went on when they seen how much people are spending on diablo immoral :D
Fucking Warlock just healed for a 50 fucking health points in the last game I played.
They fell out a truck. Don't ask silly question, just take them or leave them
Small indie company servers
shows too much face, blissart please fix.
Just got cucked by Galakrond for the 500 win with Rogue. Thanks blissart.
I was feeling salty after I lost 3 in a row to Demon "Piece of shit" hunter (obviously still a little salty) but then I played casual with evolve shaman and this happened. Me and the boys
I'd make it a legendary card. When you have two Skulls in the deck and you chain two in one turn it's a broken clown fiesta of a turn
Haven't played pleb hunter since I've completed the special quests. #notpartoftheproblem
Look at me, I'm a retarded DH player. I'll play Skull of Guldan, have five 0 mana cards and I'll play altruis for 1 mana.
Fucking blizzard and fucking demon hunter