Wow Blissart! Well met met! Greetings traveler. Dogshit packs and no good way to earn gold for new one. Can't wait next week when I can afford 2 or 3 more packs
I was feeling salty after I lost 3 in a row to Demon "Piece of shit" hunter (obviously still a little salty) but then I played casual with evolve shaman and this happened. Me and the boys
Good evening everyone! I am in the process of writing a paper about creativity and the process of creating something and I have chosen hearthstone as my topic because I love the game and there is a lot of developers logs and notes and such. This being said, is there any sources (notes/developer logs/posts) that anyone knows about/can find that deal with the creation of the game or the creation of cards and issues such as inspirations that the team may have had making it or anything of the sort. I know this is a weird topic to bring here but I genuinely enjoy the game and would have a lot of fun writing about the creative process behind this game, and I look forward to any community help I can receive! Thanks again!
Looks like somebody's light-bulb went on when they seen how much people are spending on diablo immoral :D
I opened 40 packs and got only 1 legendary. absolutely worst pack opening I had
Battletag: Mikrorovalna#2100
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first
Fucking Warlock just healed for a 50 fucking health points in the last game I played.
They fell out a truck. Don't ask silly question, just take them or leave them
I got a golden legendary from the "Sorry we fucked up" packs! Inara Stormcrash which is nice because she's playable in aggro shaman
Wow Blissart! Well met met! Greetings traveler. Dogshit packs and no good way to earn gold for new one. Can't wait next week when I can afford 2 or 3 more packs
Small indie company servers
shows too much face, blissart please fix.
Just got cucked by Galakrond for the 500 win with Rogue. Thanks blissart.
I was feeling salty after I lost 3 in a row to Demon "Piece of shit" hunter (obviously still a little salty) but then I played casual with evolve shaman and this happened. Me and the boys
I'd make it a legendary card. When you have two Skulls in the deck and you chain two in one turn it's a broken clown fiesta of a turn
Haven't played pleb hunter since I've completed the special quests. #notpartoftheproblem
how did the paper go? did you get an A?