She's been AFK for the last 10 years. That's why she's balanced like a Classic Hearthstone card.
- Mfunn
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ARS_hrom posted a message on Wild Spell DH 70%WRPosted in: Wild Spell DH 70%WRSolid tier A deck, the only viable wild dh deck for now at least. Also pretty fun i could say.
TheGentleman99 posted a message on Forged in the Barrens: Card List, Release Date, & Expansion DetailsPosted in: GuidesOne of the weakest expansions since TGT
EulersApprentice posted a message on Conviction (Rank 1)Posted in: Conviction (Rank 1) -
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Sephiko posted a message on WolpertingerPosted in: WolpertingerPrepare the holy hand grenade...
skymarshall78 posted a message on Tour GuidePosted in: Tour GuideOdd paladin gets 3 x 1/1s on T1 - seems legit
PolakGGHard posted a message on NEW YOGG Jade Druid !!Posted in: NEW YOGG Jade Druid !!For the whole description: +++++++++
For Pogg Saron: +++++++++++++++++, but I can give this deck only one, unfortunetely :( - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
this is how I felt after charging with the boar and getting my pack, I will take it and run with it
... is this the Legendary UltraWhale ?
Bring It On! ; Frozen Buckler ; Armorsmith
Galvanizer and Mechwarper already reduces the cost of your whole hand
you empty your hand pretty quickly, and a 3 mana draw 1 is not good enough compared to the other tribes synergies you can have, plus you sometimes draw the Seafloor Gateway with the Book of Specters which always feels terrible.
It's a playable card if you want to go of a more combo route with Mecha-Shark damage.
I would replace Coldlight Seer / Southsea Captain for it or any other card like Golakka Glutton / Dragonslayer
copy / paste deck
going first, turn 1 win, done for the week
thx OP
if you're facing alot of quest warlocks you can play a counter deck to it
my deck works exceptionally well versus it :
they just annouced the nerfs for the lastest patch, demon seed pretty much untouched for wild
wild competitive HS = play broken decks with broken / OP cards and synergies
and that card is busted, it even says it in its name, so naturally you need to run at least one copy of it
I removed Aluneth and Duplicate for 2x Rigged Faire Game and the deck is way more consistant and kicks more ass this way
decks that wins against this this :
Rogue : counterfit coin + secret passage + flik skyshiv
Warlock : patches + plague of flames + value card ( demonic studies / shadow council / sinister deal / twisted knowledge )
Priest : auchenai phantasm + circle of healing + flash heal
Shaman : devolve + beakered lightning + underbelly angler
Shaman : devolve + patches + evolve
also a whole bunch of hysteria decks are available if your APM is high enough