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    posted a message on If You Could Buff One Card...

    I'd fix Murozond to actually work how its  text  reads and play battlecry cards with their battlecries.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I miss when we used to battle for the board....

    The trouble with the hit your face decks at the moment are the fact those little minions they keep populating their board with are then boosted by things like savage roar, bloodlust, hunter quest hero power, minions that add attack to all your board or a zephrys... those little guys then blick you. If they couldn't buff those minions like that it may be workable...

    What's a possible solution? Limit the amount that attack can be buffed? Not really viable... also removing the spells/affects that buff them is also over the top. More cheap taunts for control... the fact aggro can refill their boards so easily may be part office issue, they don't value their minions as much as control decks do or need to do.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Some card issues regarding druid and priest

    Bump as I hope this gets traction to fix the Murozond issue.  Embiggen is likely to stay as the devs main druid I'm sure.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Some card issues regarding druid and priest

    First up, druid's embiggen doesnt have a sufficient downside.. compare it to priest surrender to madness where for the same benefit it costs 3 mana, and destroys 3 mana crystals, severely hampering your tempo before you see gains, although minion costs remain the same. Where embiggen costs 0, and increases the mana by 1 to a max of 10.

    I see a solution to be one or a combination of increasing the mana cost of the spell, removing the cost limit forcing you to think when using it in case you create unplayable minions (although these minions can still be summoned by other means), changing the rarity to legendary so you can only have one copy, or increasing cost of cards affected by 2 or 3 mana.

    The second issue i have is with Murozond, the text states to play each card the enemy played the previous turn... this would infer that minions with battlecries would trigger (because it says play not summon), but they do not. Also minions with stat bonuses also should retain those bonuses. If the text was "play each spell and summon each minion the enemy played" then that is how it's acting currently, but it doesn't read like that. Murozond should be changed to include the battlecries of minions, and retain the stats of said minions.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -4

    posted a message on Whispers of EVIL

    Lackeys are useless in priest. We needed different value generators. This is garbage.

    Posted in: Whispers of EVIL
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    posted a message on New Priest Rare Card Revealed - Chronobreaker

    It needs taunt.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Card Revealed - Flik Skyshiv

    Does the text also mean it will remove from graveyard too? If so, too powerful.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Descent of Dragons Review - The Meta Defining Cards So Far

    I really believe that these ".. if you're holding a dragon.." cards should be changed to, "..if you control a dragon" .. which means there is a slight chance of counterplay to opponent by them clearing your dragon before you can use the card. Applied to all previous sets too.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Why They Haven't Fixed the Android Problem Yet..

    I run a note 10+ and have no issues with the latest patch.  What device are you using? How much RAM do you have? How much space do you have on your phone?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Nerfs Confimed - Coming this Week probably

    If they nerf priests only viable core minion to 2 mana (northshire cleric) and unnerf extra arms back to 3 mana, that totally destroys priest's early game. Without that pseudo taunt in cleric, then priest die so quickly to aggro it's not funny. Priest get a tier 1 deck for 5 mins and all hell breaks loose.

    Yet druid, shaman, hunter can flood the board and do full board buffs (compared to priest single target buffs) and whale on you at turn 4/5 .. paladin get minions on board and buff faster than priest with better healing options.

    It's just ridiculous. Devs have a hardon for keeping priest as a bottom feeder.

    Cleric is not even used in all priest viable decks, just mostly IF/DS or nomi decks. Leave her alone, and leave extra arms alone,  it rotates soon anyway. 8 months left.

    Extra arms at 3 was not playable due to priest not having a board to buff at 3.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Sure, all things are perfectly balanced: Opponent (Shaman) vs Me (Priest)

    Turn 1 Me: Activate the Obelisk

    Turn 1 Opponent: Murloc Tidecaller, The Coin, Murloc Tidecaller

    Turn 2 Me: Pass

    Turn 2 Opponent: Fishflinger (gives me Coldlight Seer) hits face for 5

    Turn 3 Me: Plays Coldlight Seer and pass

    Turn 3 Opponent: Plays Bluegill Warrior, Plays Grimscale Oracle, hits face for 18 damage

    Turn 3.5 Me: Bottom right


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Luna's Pocket Galaxy issues

    I would eat my shoe if they still weren't played at those costs.  Mage has enough stall to make them viable still.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Luna's Pocket Galaxy issues

    Just lost a game this morning to a (sorcs apprentice on board) turn 4 luna's, turn 5 1 mana phaoris into khadgar into conjurer's delivering 3x deathwings. I had no chance.

    Fun and interactive.

    Nerf khadgar to 4 mana and lunas back to 7.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Lyra lyra wherefor art thou Lyra .. priest card generation

    I miss Lyra so much at the moment.  My sun shard where can you be?

    Priest card generation is severley lacking.  There is so much generation in other classes, and priest just doesn't have the capability to generate extreme value like they used to. Aside from rez affects there's not much else going in the value terms.  To go even further, I really miss shadow visions too, oh woe is me.

    Madam Lazul is nice, as is Chameleos but you don't get many stabs at them, you'd rather use your seance on something better.  I hope Priest gets something akin to Lyra, shadow visions and good ol' benedictus in future expansions.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Quest rogue - early days

    Yeh my bad. Add one turn. I was tilted. Still too fast to complete.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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