I'm sorry but this is another terribly article. Noone ever hyped any of these cards besides juicy melon, and even that was only talked about because it would be insane in wild. Which it is, so it dosen't even fit in to what the article is about. More quality control on what you present here please.
- Meinder
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arius111 posted a message on The Five Most Overhyped Boomsday Project CardsPosted in: News -
AisuFlamu posted a message on The Boomsday Project - Hearthstone's Ninth ExpansionPosted in: GuidesOmg finally! Druid will be playable after years of non existent top meta Druid decks. What was the last time we have seen Druid again?
Team 5 really out did themselves with this one. Clearly they forseen the lack of Druid on the meta so they printed some of the OP cards ever for a class only. Oh boy can't wait!
Now imagine the legendary spell. Let me guess? If you have a 10 mana spell in hand, discounted to 5? And they Ultimate Infestation will finally be all 5!
300mice posted a message on New Card Revealed: Skulking GeistPosted in: NewsI honestly don't think this card should exist...
MaximGorkij posted a message on Enjoying the Special Hearthstone Events? They Won't Stop Here!Posted in: NewsWith a double gold you get lets say 50 gold a day, 350 gold a week. With free arena run you will guaranteed to get 2 packs (Ungoro for playing and Kinghts for quest) worth 200 gold and possible other rewards. You may get more than from the double gold festival, depends on your skill.
Juxtapose90 posted a message on Hearthstone Price Changes Coming to Europe for PC, Mac, and AndroidPosted in: NewsPeople have to understand that Blizzard is a small company and they need to earn every bit of money they can. It is not like Hearthstone earned 400 million dollars last year, they have their employees to think about.
(I am being sarcastic , for imbeciles who do not understand sarcasm)
Unknown27 posted a message on Hearthstone Price Changes Coming to Europe for PC, Mac, and AndroidPosted in: NewsTo a surtain extent you are right,but you are wrong aswell..There are people who mostly like collection and want to have a complete one.Thats what you're missing.
Dthamilaye posted a message on Hearthstone Price Changes Coming to Europe for PC, Mac, and AndroidPosted in: NewsIt is a big change when added to the fact that we now have 3 expansions per year, instead of 2 + adventure.
Like I calculated in previous post, if I want to buy pre-pack and 4x 60packs per expansion, it was costing me bit over 600€ (per year) before and it will now cost about 1000€. That's almost doubling the price suddenly.
Dthamilaye posted a message on Hearthstone Price Changes Coming to Europe for PC, Mac, and AndroidPosted in: NewsWHAT? I was also thinking they would drop the price now that they have three expansions per year instead of two. But no... I think I might be one that won't be continuing collecting HS.
So, if I want to get about all cards in an expansion, I need to buy the pre-order set and four sets of 60 card packs. I bought this amount of stuff for each expansion before. However, I think I won't be buying ANY more boosters. Some math below:
Previously: 2x50€ + 2x4x63€ + 20€(adventure) = 624€ (per year)
Now: 3x50€ + 3x4x70€ = 990€
I can't even... what? Instead of using bit over 600 per year (which is a lot of money anyways), the same setup would now cost me about 1000€ per year. That's almost doubling the required money. What!? Thanks alot Blizz... I was spending 600 per year, now I think I won't be spending any.
DaylarFarshot posted a message on Mike Donais Explains the Quest Mechanic & Talks Journey to Un'Goro Card ExpectationsPosted in: NewsQuests take up a secret slot, which means you can only drop 4 secrets if you have a Quest active.That's a kick in the nuts for secret classes considering the other 6 classes don't get penalized for having a quest up. Yea, granted you don't always have 5 secrets up, but depending on how the game goes it can happen.
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