• 4

    posted a message on Sacrificial Pact is going to be a Warlock Staple.

    They can just nerf it so it targets friendly Demons only, it probably was the initial intended purpose. I don't know why they left it like that to this day, especially the interaction with Jaraxxus. Perhaps they thought it was harmless and flavorful? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on PALADINS BACK BABY!!!

    Nah, I don't think Libram Paladin will be a thing. If it indeed becomes a thing, it'd be because of that infinite value combo, and they'd nerf that on a whim.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on New Hunter Rare Card Revealed - Mok'nathal Lion

    King of Beasts here's your Mufasa

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Hunter Rare Card Revealed - Mok'nathal Lion

    shouldn't it be a lioness tho

    Posted in: News
  • 20

    posted a message on Custom Expansion - Call of the Ocean (DONE!)


    The deep sea is the biggest unknown of Azeroth, and mortals fear the unknown. For this reason, the seas were left mostly untouched by Azeroth's denizens for millenia. And now, we are going on an expedition into the ocean! Brace yourselves, for we'll discover hidden places unbeknownst to men for thousands of years, race against Elemental waves, Pirates, Murlocs and various Beasts, face eldritch horrors, and most importantly, find treasure!

    The sea floor hosts many dangerous predators and mysterious creatures. Some of them are Submerged in deep waters, and may Resurface for different effects! 

    On Submerge/Resurface:

    Submerge/Resurface works in a very simple way and they complete one another. When you play a minion with these effects, you will get a panel similar to Choose One. If the Resurface option is chosen, it will function exactly like a Battlecry, except for triggering Battlecry related stuff. If you choose Submerge, the minion will instead go dormant a la The Darkness and trigger its Submerge effect at the end of your turns, unless it's stated otherwise (for example, an aura effect). You can switch between these two modes by clicking on the minion in your turn if it has an unspent attack. So, if you played a minion and activated its Resurface to get an instant effect, instead of attacking with it next turn, you can Submerge it, and vice versa.

    For example, you can play Bleakwater Ambusher as a 3/7 with Rush, or let it Submerge and wait for a turn to Resurface it as a 6/7 or maybe even a 9/7 or 12/7 if you're patient enough. Or maybe, after it attacked, you can let it go to hiding and attack later with it, even stronger than before!

     Many residents of the ocean have some form of defense mechanism against the spellcasters of Azeroth. They utilize the waters to their full advantage, making them Evasive. These minions can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.

    The depths have many different habitats, and when they hit the board, their effect continues for several turns. All classes get a spell that have a persistent effect for multiple turns.

    All kinds of minions roam the seas, be it a Pirate, Murloc, Beast, or even Mech. Most types will get immense support cards to boot.


    Call of the Ocean has 135 cards. Each class gets two Legendary cards and one class gets a new Hero Card. However, that's not all, as after I reveal all of the cards, there will be an Adventure with PvE encounters and even more collectible cards, with five more neutral Legendaries!

    DRUID (10/10)

     HUNTER (10/10)


     MAGE (10/10)



     PALADIN (10/10)

     PRIEST (10/10)

     ROGUE (10/10)

     SHAMAN (10/10)

     WARLOCK (10/10)

     WARRIOR (10/10)

     NEUTRAL (45/45)


    Kisigar's Devolved Hero Powers

     I hope you like the expansion! I'd really appreciate if you give some feedback. Stay tuned for more updates and reveals. Take care, and surrender yourself to the Call of the Ocean!


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 9

    posted a message on New Priest Rare Card Revealed - Dragonmaw Overseer

    How is this a Priest card? Am I missing something?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on They HoF'd the Wrong Priest Cards

    I'm not even a regular Priest player, but they kinda screwed up with some of the HoF card that they chose.

    Firstly, Auchenai Soulpriest, a card that has never ever been a problem in game's history. Shadow Priest was a well liked and healthy archetype, so much so that they reprinted cards with this effect twice. Such a shame. Not to mention that Circle of Healing is essentially useless now, since Northshire Cleric is also gone. 

    And Shadowform, one of custom creators' favorite cards, is also gone. While some of the playerbase was awaiting (honestly, that was hopeless, but still) for support, they buried the card instead. It was one of the most interesting cards back in Beta days, it feels bad to see it go away so pointlessly.

    Useless and bland cards that never saw play since Beta, such as Lightspawn, Lightwell and cards that had their only their combos HoF'd (Circle of Healing and Inner Fire) are now clogging Priest's basic set. 

    The cards they buffed and the new cards are all pretty cool, but aside from Prophet Velen and Divine Spirit's unsuprising banishment to the Wild they dropped the ball on every other Priest card they chose for the Hall of Fame.

    What are your thoughts on these changes? Agree? Disagree? Perhaps agree to disagree? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Question For Arena Players

    Hello fellow arenafags, I'm a seasoned Arena player and I'm doing especially well after the new rotation, never breaking the infinite cycle. But something has been bothering me for a long time, and this became even more common with the new rotation.

    This is my observation for my last 7 or 8 runs, but I recall it happened to me in the previous rotation as well. The thing is, whenever I start a run, for my first two or three matches, I always get queued against insane decks. By insane, I mean INSANE. This happens at 0-0, 1-0 or even 1-1. The opposing side usually has the complete package of premium cards for their class, strong Legendaries and usually curvestones and curbstomps me so I always go 0-1 or 1-2. This caused me to tilt-retire probably hundreds of times, but after suffering too much from that habit I decided to actually play after my second lose, and lo and behold...

    The opponents started to become extremely easy. And yes, that's expected at 1-2, 2-2 and stuff... But I was usually able to make it to 7-2 no problem, it's a cakewalk even. My last few runs are all 1-2 and then I get a 6 or 7 win streak and finish the run at 6 to 9 win range. This is the case for the last two or so Arena rotations but it wasn't common back then, and I play this game on and off since the Beta. 

    Is something similar happening to you?

    TL;DR: All I get for my Arena matches are either people with insane decks or complete jobbers with shitty decks, with no in between. This is going on for quite some time, so I wonder if you guys have similar experiences or if there's an explanation for this.

    inb4 people speedread and post the salt thread.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on [Expansion Competition] The Treasures of VanCleef

    Very cool stuff. The whole thing is probably the most polished Adventure I've ever seen! Everything from boss battles to decks, even the flavorful quotes are amazing.

    For cards, I really like Impatient Guard and it's use of Burst mechanic. The cards that incorporate this mechanic are few but very well thought out. Resourceful mechanic is really cool, but some cards are just copies of existing cards with a twist, which could lead to balance problems, as you can technically put 4 copies of a card in your deck. Cookie looks like a very strong card and might need balance adjustments. Lastly, I have to mention, I really like the Azshara boss battle and the crew shenanigans.

    Keep the good stuff coming!


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Custom Expansion - Call of the Ocean (DONE!)

    I mostly use ArtStation, but sometimes Pinterest, Google Images and this site I found in a thread really helps: http://www.blizz-art.com

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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