Warlord Attac
Warlord Protec
Warlord Attac
Warlord Protec
Like Dispatch Kodo, but one mana cheaper and worse. Maybe in arena.
Damn, I wish Professor Putricide would work like this, with crossclass Secrets. It would fit to his mad scientist role a lot more.
For those who don't know, we've been having a bigger comp during those last 2 months. After a lot of work, I proudly present:
The Treasures of VanCleef
"Tales of wonder, whispers the sea. Tales of plunder, robbery and thieves! Tales about pirates, burly and mean! And among them a Rogue engineer. Leading the Defias, the fearsome VanCleef! But as every reign of terror, condemned to fall. As with every failure, gold left behind. So who's the brave, who'll claim the treasure? Pirates from all nations, will raid Ironclad! But most of them are fated to fail. Mate, the path is such a treacherous trail! Through the Vile Reef you must battle, the Stranglethorn Vale you must survive! And only then the dreaded Deadmines you'll finally find! But be careful, because dead man tell no tales... about the treasures of VanCleef."
Adventure's Main Themes:
The adventure presents the Burst Mechanic, an ability that some minions have that let them make an special action whenever they want during your turn... but the catch is, that only once! So find the perfect moment to use a minion's Burst ability!
Don't you hate it when you topdeck a Preparation or a Deadly Shot when your opponent has no minions? With Resourceful cards you won't need to worry again that never! Resourceful cards, a new Treasures of VanCleef's cycle, are cards that will try to do one thing and, if they can't, will do another instead! As a pirate, you need to think fast an improvise! All classes have a Resourceful card, found in the Class Challenges in the adventure!
Wing 1: The Vile Reef
You've been told about the big Defias treasure by former member of VanCleef's band Captain Greenskin. He plans to hire you in his crew to get to the Defias' Hideout in Stranglethorn. But first, your ship needs to survive the Vile Reef, where other pesky pirates seeking for the treasure will fight you!
Showcase cards
Boss 1: Ironpatch
As one of the main captains of the bloodsail bucaneers, Ironpatch would like to have a word with you about who gets the treasure! But worry not: if you manage to get away from his unending barrage of pirates and his swifty attacks, he'll reward you with two goblins from his tripulation (even though most likely you'll end this battle with less coins than when you started it!). Treat them well! Also, if you manage to defeat him playing his own game as a fellow Warrior of the sea, he'll honor you with two of his beloved hooks. He truly is a sweetheart on the inside!
Minions (16):
Spells (8):
Weapons (6):
Rewards(Class Challenge: Warrior)
Pirate Token:
Heroic Hero Power
Boss 2: Patches
The fearsome Observer came back with a fitting demonic tripulation, and he's as brutal as in his good days! Defeating him will teach you his deadly strategies, and defeat him again as a master of demons to upgrade your tripulation!
Pirate tokens:
Minions (24):
Spells (6):
Rewards(Class Challenge: Warlock)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss 3: The Dreadwake
Ballista Token:
Just when you thought the rest of your voyage would be safe, Ironpatch returns, this time piloting the mighty dreadway! Worry not, as long as you keep his minions in bay you can use ballistas to pierce his defenses! Defeating the ship you'll be able to adopt some loyal parrots, and Ironpatch will cowardly decide to join your adventure!
Pirate token:
Minions (26):
Spells (4):
Maybe Ironpatch has lost most of his crew, but the new toys he found in the Dreadwake can pack a punch! He plays a Mech Paladin deck with sticky minions that punish board clears, and a future card of the adventure! He got a Mecha'thun to avoid a tie if both heroes get out of cards, he'll only play it when the requirements are meet.
Heroic Hero Power
Wing 2: Stranglethorn Jungle
Greenskin finally managed to dock his ship into the Stranglethorn shores! But, don't think that your adventure is coming to an end! To arrive to the Deadmines, you'll need to cross the Stranglethorn Jungle, plagued with ferocious beasts and murlocs!
Showcase cards:
Boss 1: Crusty the Crustacean
Random crabs:
Light-Infused Crab
Just after arriving at the Stranglethorn shores, a giant crab attacks you! How are you suposed to beat him, the all mighty tech against aggro decks? Or more importantly, how has a giant crustacean arrived to Stranglethorn? And why does he know Paladin spells?
Minions (16):
Spells (14):
Boss 2: Gluggl... and Deep Sea Murlocs!?
Boss Spells:
Boss Behaviour
Entering the jungle you find two tribes of murlocs. But, what's more unsettling, it's the identity of one of the races... Deep Sea Murlocs?!? Whatever made those pests go outside the ocean must not be good! Get ready for a three-sided battle! (Nibbler will be in the battlefield like a tavern brawl boss, but you'll still be able to hit Gluggl. If you defeat Gluggl before the Deep Sea murloc, he'll substitute him like the King of Rats boss from Dalaran Heist). Also, Nibbler can't be killed by Poisonous minions nor hard removal spells.
Nibbler starts on the battlefield, and at the end of each turn plays one of the boss spells above. Spells stop being played if he becomes the enemy hero:
Minions (28):
Spells (2):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Shaman):
Boss 3: King Bangalash
You're reaching the Deadmines! But a giant white tiger is in your way! Worry not, because Hemet's own son is here to support you! Defeat the ferocious beast and Jr. will join your cause!
Boss Behaviour
King Bangalash starts with a Panther of the Grove, but Hemet jr. gives you 2 resourceful shots!
Also, King Bangalash relinquished some power from local divinity, Shirvallah, the Loa! He starts with the following shrine:
Minions (25):
Spells (5):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Hunter):
Wing 3: The Deadmines
After crossing the Stranglethorn Vale, you finally arrive to the Deadmines. But, proceed with caution! it seems that Vanessa, the daughter of VanCleef, has already taken possession of the treasure! Teach her and her loyal bodyguards that herencies mean nothing to you!
Showcase Cards
Boss 1: Glubtok
Minions (12):
Spells (18):
Your first obstacle after entering the caves is Glubtok, a fearsome magi ogre capable of dominate both fire and ice!
Heroic Hero Power:
Boss 2: Sneed, the Lumbermaster
Boss special behaviour
After he has 15 Health or less, he'll lose his Shredder and change his Hero Power:
Minions (16):
Spells (8):
Weapons (2):
Rewards(Class Challenge: Druid):
Second on the list, Sneed, with his fearsome Goblin Shredders! His deck is full of mech to use as fuel for his Hero Power, and he even got a few Treants to show how good he is at Logging!
Heroic Hero Powers:
Boss 3: Vanesa VanCleef
Boss special Behaviour
Always starts with Nightmare Elixir in mulligan, and never with Captain Cookie so it can be drawed. Vanessa will activate her Hero Power as soon as she can unless she has lethal.
Minions (23):
Spells (3):
Weapons (4):
Vanessa herself heads to the battle, and she's willing to take you with here! Rush her down before the whole place explodes!
Heroic Hero Power:
Wing 4: The Ironclad Cove
Showcase Cards
Boss 1: Mr. Smite
Mr. Smite, the old captain Greenskin's first mate, hasn't taken well being completely removed from World of Warcraft! His deck features lots of weapons to get from his chest, plus a few Enrage minions. After defeating him, you'll obtain Angrath two taurens from his tripulation, to boost even more your pirate decks!
Minions (12):
Spells (6):
Weapons (12):
Card Reward:
Boss 2: Captain Cookie
Cookie, the Defia's chief, doesn't take lightly the task of protecting Edwin's treasure. With his Mill deck and Hero Power, he'll try to defeat you doing what he does best: filling you up! His defeat will give you some of the most evasive murlocs, to help you swarm your opponents.
Minions (23):
Spells (7):
Card Reward:
Boss 3: Memory of VanCleef
I was thinking about the best bosses of Galakrond Awakening, and Khadgar vs. Avalanchan came to my mind. I love to replay that battle from time to time just to see in how many turns I can defeat the boss and which overpowered combo I can make. So, I wanted to make Vanessa similar. That's why she'll have a deck focused in customizing your hero power. The following cards are the ones her deck will be formed with:
Hero Power explanation
You'll start with a useless hero power. When you play one of the above cards (except starting again, of course) you'll add an Enchantment to your hero power. Targetting your hero power will let you use the enchanted effects. However, there's a limit of 3 enchantments. If 4rth enchantment is added, you'll lose the oldest one (the first). Enchantments can stack, including Hakkar's cost, and if one Hakkar's blood leaves your Hp cost will reduce.
Vanessa is tasked with retrieving the treasure while the others get their loot from the last boss fight, but she gets surprised by an apparition of nothing less than her father! Of course she won't like to fight him, but while being under Greenskin's service she doesn't has any other chance... VanCleef will have a combo deck with cheap cards to support his images while Vanessa will have a deck stuffed with cards to concoct her poison. After Edwin vanishes, you'll obtain a ghastly reard and, at last, the treasure! Or so it seems...
Edwin's Decklist
Minions (16):
Spells (12):
Weapons (2):
Vanessa's Decklist
Spells (30):
Card Rewards (Class Challenge: Rogue):
Boss 4: Priscilla Ashvane
Initial Dialogue:
Minions (30):
Just when you thought, you'll bath in riches, the Ashvane company enters the scene! Priscilla is trying to steal what's yours (well, it's yours from five minutes ago). Expect Stonetusk Boars (Yeah, it's one meme battle) and the likes from her deck. But, at turn 5...
Boss Behaviour
At turn 5 (or when you defeat her), she'll play the following card (she has it from the start of the game, but is unremovable):
More Dialogue:
Azshara will appear and transform Ashvane into a hideous beast, changing her Hero Power, restoring all her life and replacing her deck:
Of course, if you manage to steal Azshara, you can also transform yourself!
Corrupted Decklist
Minions (22):
- Bilefin Tidehunter x2
- Claw of Go'rath x2
- Nat, the Darkfisher x1
- Faceless Rager x2
- Cult Apothecary x2
- Faceless Shambler x2
- Infested Wolf x2
- Doppelgangster x2
- Faceless Corruptor x2
- Faceless Summoner x2
- Slithering Guard x2
- Herald Volazj x1
Spells (7):
Weapons (1):
Defeating Ashvane will grant you access to her forces. But, don't think everything ended! During the battle Azshara stealed the treasure to lure you into her realm, the Eternal Palace!
Ending Dialogue:
Card Rewards (Class Challenge: Paladin):
Wing 5: The Eternal Palace
Azshara has escaped into her kingdom with your treasure, trying to lure you and Greenskin's crew into a trap! Hurry up and defeat her before her plan works out!
Showcase Cards
Boss 1: Abyssal Commander Sivara
Boss Behaviour
Sivara starts with Toxic Brand
Minions (16):
Spells (14):
One of Azshara's most powerful servants, Sivara, awaits as the first boss. You'll need to play your card carefully to manipulate her into changing to the Hero Power you want. As for her deck, she has a Control Mage/Warrior. With a few Taunts to protect her!
Rewards (Class Challenge: Mage):
Heroic Hero Powers
Boss 2: Ozumat
Minions (22):
Spells (4):
Weapons (2):
As you would expect from a servant of N'zoth, Ozumat plays a Deathrattle deck! His tentacles will let him trigger Deathrattles earlier than usual, so watch out!
Rewards (Class Challenge: Priest):
Heroic Hero Power
Boss 3: Lord Slithin (plus Vanessa?)
Minions (15):
Spells (15):
As a relics thief, Lord Slithin will play a Thief Rogue/Priest, stealing both your cards and minions!
Boss Behaviour
After defeating Slithin, your turn ends and Vanessa will finally betray you!
She'll start at 10 mana and play Cookie, the Vengeful on the first turn:
Minions (19):
- Bloodsail Flybooter x2
- Sky Raider x2
- Swashburglar x2
- Defias Raider x2
- Skyvateer x2
- Augmented Elekk x2
- Defias Squallshaper x2
- Cookie the Vengeful x1
- Aranasi Broodmother x2
- Cursed Castaway x2
Spells (11):
- Backstab x2
- Eviscerate x2
- Plot Twist x2
- Resourceful Looting x2
- Arcane Intellect x2
- Nightmare Elixir x1
Fitting the situation, Vanessa plays a Plot Twist deck with a lot of cheap cards to Combo with Edwin images.
Card Reward:
Also, Cookie also changes:
Boss 4: Queen Azshara
Minions (14):
Spells (16):
Azshara plays a Control deck, and she's more than eager to steal all your minions! Her Tidebringers will come in handy for the last phase of this battle, be prepared for then!
Boss Behaviour
Azshara starts the game with the following Secret, preventing the battle to end during the first phase:
As her hero power says, at 10 mana she'll take control of your hero (and heal it!), and replace herself with it. It'll mantain the same hero power, and Azshara will steal your hand and deck with yours, removing her deck, hand and board too. She'll recover everything when you defeat the new hero. Also, Plot Armor will be destroyed and will not return in the last phase.
Yup, that's right, you'll replace your hero with one from Greenskin's crew! They have the basic hero power, and you can choose from:
Greenskin's Crew
"Drink up, me hearties! Drink for the treasure!"
Minions (20):
- Bloodsail Flybooter x2
- Bloodsail Opportunist x2
- Corruption Fighter x2
- Small-Time Buccaneer x2
- Southsea Deckhand x2
- Defias Raider x2
- Parachute Brigand x2
- Southsea Captain x2
- Defias Squallshaper x2
- Lifedrinker x2
Spells (6):
- Backstab x2
- Eviscerate x2
- Resourceful Looting x2
Weapons (4):
- Hooked Scimitar x2
- Waggle Pick x2
"I'm still not sure this is a good idea..."
Minions (21):
- Bloodsail Opportunist x2
- Corruption Fighter x2
- Southsea Deckhand x2
- Bloodsail Raider x2
- Parachute Brigand x2
- Bloodsail Cultist x2
- Skybarge x2
- Southsea Captain x2
- Defias Squallshaper x1
- Dread Corsair x2
- Firehoof Buccaneer x2
Spells (2):
- Upgrade! x2
Weapons (7):
- Resourceful Hook x2
- Ancharrr x1
- Livewire Lance x2
- Arcanite Reaper x2
"If I catch this prey, I'll be finally be a better hunter than father!"
Minions (16):
- Blazing Battlemage x2
- Bloodsail Opportunist x2
- Dwarven Sharpshooter x2
- Loyal Parrot x2
- Timber Wolf x2
- Kobold Sandtrooper x2
- Phase Stalker x2
- Defias Squallshaper x2
Spells (14):
- Toxic Reinforcements x2
- Tracking x2
- Explosive Trap x2
- Snake Trap x2
- Animal Companion x2
- Kill Command x2
- Resourceful Shot x2
"Aye aye! Losing Charge was merely a setback!"
Minions (23):
- Flame Imp x2
- Kobold Librarian x2
- Resourceful Imp x2
- Dire Wolf Alpha x2
- Nerubian Egg x2
- Scarab Egg x2
- Vulgar Homunculus x2
- Devilsaur Egg x2
- Defender of Argus x2
- Ravenous Pterrordax x2
- Fungalmancer x2
- Cairne Bloodhoof x1
Spells (7):
- Grim Rally x2
- The Soularium x1
- Soulfire x2
- Soul of the Plunder x2
"<The nagas' corruption shall be purged by my pincer!>"
Minions (17):
- Glow-Tron x2
- Micro Mummy x2
- Aldor Peacekeeper x2
- Resourceful Knight x2
- Sky Claw x2
- Lightforged Zealot x2
- Amber Watcher x2
- Lightforged Crusader x2
- Tirion Fordring x1
Spells (11):
- Crystology x2
- Sanctuary x2
- Blessing of Kings x2
- Consecration x2
- Pincer Strike x2
- Pharaoh's Blessing x1
Weapons (2):
"<Time to repay Greenskin for freeing me from Sneed's tirany!>"
Minions (20):
- Spirit of the Raptor x2
- Savage Combatant x2
- Panther of the Grove x2
- Dreampetal Florist x2
- Giant Anaconda x2
- Gonk, the Raptor x1
- Malorne x1
- Grizzled Guardian x2
- Ironbark Protector x2
- Splintergraft x1
- Aviana x1
- Kun the Forgotten King x1
- Tyrantus x1
Spells (10):
- Resourceful Logging x2
- Savagery x2
- Secure the Deck x2
- Bite x2
- Ultimate Infestation x2
"<Forgive me my queen! They're forcing me to do this!>"
Minions (24):
- Grimscale Oracle x2
- Murloc Tidecaller x2
- Murmy x2
- Toxfin x2
- Sludge Slurper x2
- Murloc Ambusher x2
- Murloc Warleader x2
- Resourceful Murloc x2
- Slipfin Rascal x2
- Gentle Megasaur x2
- Murloc Tastyfin x2
- Scargil x1
- Finja, the Flying Star x1
Spells (6):
- Teamwork! x2
- Call in the Finishers x2
- Everyfin is Awesome x2
"My loyalty changes more than the tides! And I'm proud of it."
Minions (16):
- Arcane Keysmith x2
- Impatient Guard x2
- Resourceful Naga x2
- Rotten Applebaum x2
- Sunreaver Warmage x2
- Zilliax x1
- Archmage Antonidas x1
- Flame Ogre x2
- Alexstrasza x1
- Kalecgos x1
Spells (14):
- Ray of Frost x2
- Frostbolt x2
- Frost Nova x2
- Blizzard x2
- Flamestrike x2
- Power of Creation x2
- Pyroblast x2
"No one will laugh about my face again!"
Minions (21):
- Lightwarden x2
- Northshire Cleric x2
- Ashvane Priest x2
- Injured Tol'vir x2
- Neferset Ritualist x2
- Acolyte of Pain x2
- Injured Blademaster x2
- Tar Creeper x2
- High Priest Amet x1
- Psychopomp x2
- Resourceful Faceless x2
Spells (9):
- Circle of Healing x2
- Topsy Turvy x1
- Power Word: Shield x2
- Inner Fire x2
- Divine Spirit x2
The fight will start at 1 mana, and you will have a new mulligan. After defeating your hero, Azshara will return with her remaining health and you'll continue with the Greenskin Crew hero. Azshara's hero power will become:
Heroic Hero Power
The fight starts in the last phase, this time with your own hero and deck.
Scrapped cards:
So that's the whole adventure. Maybe I'll balance the whole thing a bit, add the heroic hero powers left and stuff, change one or two arts, etc. What do you guys think right now?
I mostly use ArtStation, but sometimes Pinterest, Google Images and this site I found in a thread really helps: http://www.blizz-art.com
Great work! I also thought some time ago it would be a cool idea for an expansion featuring a lot of minions from the Cataclysm Addon for World of Warcraft, maybe something called "Depths of Vashj'ir" with all those Nagas and sea creatures. Nicely done!
The Submerge ability bonus is added per turn?
really like some of the cards.
+1 for all the work.
Click on the buttons to change the PopCard background.
Click on the button to hide or unhide popcard elements.
They can just nerf it so it targets friendly Demons only, it probably was the initial intended purpose. I don't know why they left it like that to this day, especially the interaction with Jaraxxus. Perhaps they thought it was harmless and flavorful?
Nah, I don't think Libram Paladin will be a thing. If it indeed becomes a thing, it'd be because of that infinite value combo, and they'd nerf that on a whim.
King of Beasts here's your Mufasa
shouldn't it be a lioness tho
The deep sea is the biggest unknown of Azeroth, and mortals fear the unknown. For this reason, the seas were left mostly untouched by Azeroth's denizens for millenia. And now, we are going on an expedition into the ocean! Brace yourselves, for we'll discover hidden places unbeknownst to men for thousands of years, race against Elemental waves, Pirates, Murlocs and various Beasts, face eldritch horrors, and most importantly, find treasure!
The sea floor hosts many dangerous predators and mysterious creatures. Some of them are Submerged in deep waters, and may Resurface for different effects!
On Submerge/Resurface:
Submerge/Resurface works in a very simple way and they complete one another. When you play a minion with these effects, you will get a panel similar to Choose One. If the Resurface option is chosen, it will function exactly like a Battlecry, except for triggering Battlecry related stuff. If you choose Submerge, the minion will instead go dormant a la The Darkness and trigger its Submerge effect at the end of your turns, unless it's stated otherwise (for example, an aura effect). You can switch between these two modes by clicking on the minion in your turn if it has an unspent attack. So, if you played a minion and activated its Resurface to get an instant effect, instead of attacking with it next turn, you can Submerge it, and vice versa.
For example, you can play Bleakwater Ambusher as a 3/7 with Rush, or let it Submerge and wait for a turn to Resurface it as a 6/7 or maybe even a 9/7 or 12/7 if you're patient enough. Or maybe, after it attacked, you can let it go to hiding and attack later with it, even stronger than before!
Many residents of the ocean have some form of defense mechanism against the spellcasters of Azeroth. They utilize the waters to their full advantage, making them Evasive. These minions can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
The depths have many different habitats, and when they hit the board, their effect continues for several turns. All classes get a spell that have a persistent effect for multiple turns.
All kinds of minions roam the seas, be it a Pirate, Murloc, Beast, or even Mech. Most types will get immense support cards to boot.
Call of the Ocean has 135 cards. Each class gets two Legendary cards and one class gets a new Hero Card. However, that's not all, as after I reveal all of the cards, there will be an Adventure with PvE encounters and even more collectible cards, with five more neutral Legendaries!
DRUID (10/10)
HUNTER (10/10)
MAGE (10/10)
PALADIN (10/10)
PRIEST (10/10)
ROGUE (10/10)
SHAMAN (10/10)
WARLOCK (10/10)
WARRIOR (10/10)
NEUTRAL (45/45)
Kisigar's Devolved Hero Powers
I hope you like the expansion! I'd really appreciate if you give some feedback. Stay tuned for more updates and reveals. Take care, and surrender yourself to the Call of the Ocean!
How is this a Priest card? Am I missing something?
I'm not even a regular Priest player, but they kinda screwed up with some of the HoF card that they chose.
Firstly, Auchenai Soulpriest, a card that has never ever been a problem in game's history. Shadow Priest was a well liked and healthy archetype, so much so that they reprinted cards with this effect twice. Such a shame. Not to mention that Circle of Healing is essentially useless now, since Northshire Cleric is also gone.
And Shadowform, one of custom creators' favorite cards, is also gone. While some of the playerbase was awaiting (honestly, that was hopeless, but still) for support, they buried the card instead. It was one of the most interesting cards back in Beta days, it feels bad to see it go away so pointlessly.
Useless and bland cards that never saw play since Beta, such as Lightspawn, Lightwell and cards that had their only their combos HoF'd (Circle of Healing and Inner Fire) are now clogging Priest's basic set.
The cards they buffed and the new cards are all pretty cool, but aside from Prophet Velen and Divine Spirit's unsuprising banishment to the Wild they dropped the ball on every other Priest card they chose for the Hall of Fame.
What are your thoughts on these changes? Agree? Disagree? Perhaps agree to disagree?
Hello fellow arenafags, I'm a seasoned Arena player and I'm doing especially well after the new rotation, never breaking the infinite cycle. But something has been bothering me for a long time, and this became even more common with the new rotation.
This is my observation for my last 7 or 8 runs, but I recall it happened to me in the previous rotation as well. The thing is, whenever I start a run, for my first two or three matches, I always get queued against insane decks. By insane, I mean INSANE. This happens at 0-0, 1-0 or even 1-1. The opposing side usually has the complete package of premium cards for their class, strong Legendaries and usually curvestones and curbstomps me so I always go 0-1 or 1-2. This caused me to tilt-retire probably hundreds of times, but after suffering too much from that habit I decided to actually play after my second lose, and lo and behold...
The opponents started to become extremely easy. And yes, that's expected at 1-2, 2-2 and stuff... But I was usually able to make it to 7-2 no problem, it's a cakewalk even. My last few runs are all 1-2 and then I get a 6 or 7 win streak and finish the run at 6 to 9 win range. This is the case for the last two or so Arena rotations but it wasn't common back then, and I play this game on and off since the Beta.
Is something similar happening to you?
TL;DR: All I get for my Arena matches are either people with insane decks or complete jobbers with shitty decks, with no in between. This is going on for quite some time, so I wonder if you guys have similar experiences or if there's an explanation for this.
inb4 people speedread and post the salt thread.
Very cool stuff. The whole thing is probably the most polished Adventure I've ever seen! Everything from boss battles to decks, even the flavorful quotes are amazing.
For cards, I really like Impatient Guard and it's use of Burst mechanic. The cards that incorporate this mechanic are few but very well thought out. Resourceful mechanic is really cool, but some cards are just copies of existing cards with a twist, which could lead to balance problems, as you can technically put 4 copies of a card in your deck. Cookie looks like a very strong card and might need balance adjustments. Lastly, I have to mention, I really like the Azshara boss battle and the crew shenanigans.
Keep the good stuff coming!
I mostly use ArtStation, but sometimes Pinterest, Google Images and this site I found in a thread really helps: http://www.blizz-art.com