not only the mana cost but its also an all in one package. its like playing 4 cards by using only 1 card. its the most stupid card ever it should have never passed the testing phase.
even without nourish it is still a 10 mana win the game. no matter how it synergises with other cards or how much its mana cost, its a very unbalanced card on its own.
nerfing this didnt weaken jade druid one bit. they still coin into wild growth into blossom into nourish ramp and ultimate infestation at 10 mana. why didnt they nerf ultimate infestation? no idea.
this card is so dead. might see some play with a bad auctioneer deck but still dead. hall of faming this card could have been a much more merciful solution.
before the expansion hits, I didnt anticipate this card will be this broken. its not broken vs greedy decks but vs mid and aggro, its just the most stupid card ever. its a big fuck you to zoo and hunter.
not only the mana cost but its also an all in one package. its like playing 4 cards by using only 1 card. its the most stupid card ever it should have never passed the testing phase.
even without nourish it is still a 10 mana win the game. no matter how it synergises with other cards or how much its mana cost, its a very unbalanced card on its own.
he is either at starting hand or bottom of the deck. there is no middle of it. at least for me...
so innervate was nerfed and this card wasnt touched? great balancing.
nerfing this didnt weaken jade druid one bit. they still coin into wild growth into blossom into nourish ramp and ultimate infestation at 10 mana. why didnt they nerf ultimate infestation? no idea.
because the nerf was wrong, making it 6 mana doesnt make any difference. the proper nerf was reducing the minions hp to 3.
this card is so dead. might see some play with a bad auctioneer deck but still dead. hall of faming this card could have been a much more merciful solution.
before the expansion hits, I didnt anticipate this card will be this broken. its not broken vs greedy decks but vs mid and aggro, its just the most stupid card ever. its a big fuck you to zoo and hunter.
mini annoy o tron. so simple and so strong. crazy good with redemption.
it will never see the day of light.
kripp was right. this card is good. its also an unique anti aoe card.
and it has 5 health and taunt. entirely different card.
I predict a nerf on this card. too much value for 10 mana.
this card is insane
this card is so good in miracle rogue when I randomly get it vs pirate warrior.