For Heroic: just make a Warlock deck with Mortal Coil (or any other card that deals one damage) and Defile. Mulligan for these two cards and wait until he has at least two Icky Imps on the board. Deal one damage to one of the Imps so that there is one Imp with one hp and one (or more) Imps with two hp. Now cast defile. This will start a chain of infinite defiles until the boss is dead.
- Mathh
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Oct 4, 2017Mordekain posted a message on Terestian Illhoof Boss Guide - One Night in KarazhanPosted in: Guides
vnz01 posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill PaladinFirst try, brilliant idea.
chosan posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill PaladinThis deck is utter trash. LK kills Banshee is she draws too many. They must have hot fixed it. Do not waste your time. Trash deck.
Skolodac posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill PaladinIt worked but I have played more than 50 games! Also I have made few card changes due I'm missing few cards or I didn't like 'em: -2x [card]Enter the Coliseum[/card], -1x [card]Brann Bronzebeard[/card], -1x [card]Truesilver Champion[/card], +2x Unstable Ghoul, +1x [card]Forbidden Healing[/card] and +1x Mindbreaker, but it didn't work so I would suggest to add Violet Illusionist instead of Mindbreaker.
Shikima posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill PaladinThank you!!! 3rd try but it was for my mistakes that I milling my self :P
By the way I carft Keening Banshee × 1 it was more easy
user-13131876 posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill PaladinI didnt search for decks because i want to discover by myself but i also did a mill paladin it has of course many cards like this but i dont use lifesteal cards, truesilver zombie chow, explosive sheep or healbot. i use tempo making taunts off cant atack minions, doomsayer humility and freeze minion.
creativebot posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill PaladinTook me like 3 tries. This deck is actually way better than murloc and DK combo, as with all the explosive sheeps and doomsayers you see it's actually working. Getting Banshee with Humility is not that lucky.
lionsmack posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill PaladinMade an account just to say thanks for this deck. Also, to give you a name for it: MILLLK
Zenkai76 posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill Paladin100x thank you! Tried other decks, could not get the RNG to work for me, got this on the second try, would have gotten it on the first try if I had not of messed up.
ziggythecat27 posted a message on [Lich King] Mill PaladinPosted in: [Lich King] Mill PaladinAwesome deck mann
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