Malygos + Velen?
- Marvol4Ever
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Last active Sun, Apr, 14 2019 15:24:46 -
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Suskis posted a message on Rise of Shadows - Eight Revealed Cards, Expansion InformationPosted in: NewsI have been playing this game since beta and this will be the first time I won't preorder anything. I know this is irrelevant to the majority of you, but I am sure there will be a lot of other players that are done with paying for this game.
Daulphas posted a message on Mike Donais on Hall of Fame - Malygos, Mind BlastPosted in: NewsYea, it feels terrible to lose to a turn 9-10 turn combo deck that's based off multiple cards and RNG. It feels so much better to be hit in the face till death by turn 5-6 from aggro decks.
Thezzy posted a message on Mike Donais on Hall of Fame - Malygos, Mind BlastPosted in: NewsJust curious how Priest is supposed to actually kill their opponent outside of a big swing.
Say we take away Inner Fire / Divine Spirit (make a minion huge and go face) and the Dragon / OTK decks (go Alexstrasza / Anduin and Mind Blast). The Wall Priest decks are hated due to a lack of counters / interactivity against the endless stream of 12 - 14 HP minions and the other relies on enough burst damage, most of which is going to rotate in April.
What strategy does that leave Priest with? I've given heal decks a try and it just lacks raw power. Healing two health on a minion for 2 mana just doesn't do all that much. And in the early game, most minions will die trading anyway and there is nothing you can heal to begin with. I would love it if Priest could have some kind of 'staying power' deck where your minions are just hard to remove due to higher health and / or healing but I just don't see that happening.
Steal / Thief Priest is basically an RNG slotmachine fest and is honestly better left to Rogue with Academic Espionage. At least then the random cards are 1 mana and you can get lucky with a 1 mana huge minion to compensate spending mana just to get more cards.
Priest has some control options, this is true. But control decks either rely on just grinding out the opponent into fatigue or eventually doing a big swing after controlling the board for so long. For fatigue decks you'd need some kind of solid value generation and enough control / defense to stay alive and on the board for so long. Warrior can do it thanks to stuff like Omega Assembly (1 mana get 3 Mechs) and the Dr. Boom Hero Power that lets you Discover a Mech on top of all their Mech synergies and powerful removals. Priest doesn't have that kind of value generation. The closest thing to it would be some kind of Deathrattle deck with Bone Drakes and Crystalline Oracles and using Twilight's Call to get more of them, and those are all rotating out in April.
I wouldn't mind Priest as a class that would be aimed at a more defensive playstyle and with the idea of using healing to keep your board alive. The thought of being able to trade efficiently and then healing up your minions has always been appealing but I just don't see it happening. In the vast majority of cases, minions trade by both dying, not leaving anything to heal. And if your board DOES get cleared, all those healing spells are sitting in your hand doing absolutely nothing. In the early game especially the health of minions is so low there just won't be anything to heal. Contesting the board consistently is my worry there.
Thusly the question, how is Priest supposed to actually win if big swings are no longer an option? -
GetchX posted a message on Year of the Dragon - Goodbye Genn & Baku, New Solo Content, Arena Draft Pools, Smarter Deck BuilderPosted in: NewsQuote from ghastlywail >>Pooled tons of normal and golden Divine Favor and Doomguard since 2017, believing that those cards will be HoF'ed.
Finally the day has come.
You only get the dust for two of them, not all of them.
Lyra_Silvertongue posted a message on Hearthstone Specialist - The New Competitive Format for 2019Posted in: NewsThis is a move at least in right direction.
I fail to see how. Making it so that you only play one class isn't going to make tons of current players who do follow the old tourneys to suddenly want to watch these more, nor does it really sound that appealing imo to use it to draw new players into the game if they happen to watch it.
There's a reason why such HS streaming entertainment as Thijs, Kibler, even Toast get way more viewership and that is in part due to them playing a variety of decks & classes. Can't remember the last time I thought; "Wow! I get to see someone play the same class over and over again! That's so refreshing!" Plus, at least going by the small demographics of those of us on this site at least I usually see people voting for players who bring an underdog class, not picking the best single performing class.
EDIT: Basically this new format gives the illusion of more choices in tourney level play. Sure, you get a sideboard, but it is at the cost of playing a single class (and in some metas one class may only have one viable archtype, which in old tourneys could be alleviated by having other classes).
Truffles20 posted a message on Card Nerf - Arcane GolemPosted in: Card DiscussionI think out of all of the nerfs, this is the card that has pretty much been nerfed to the levels of warsong commander and starving buzzard.
Gynwanie posted a message on Cult ApothecaryPosted in: Cult Apothecarynice, gives you a great heal when you need a boardclear, 5/5 Dust!
Gooaa posted a message on Hearthstone Ranked Play Changes Coming February - A Faster ClimbPosted in: NewsMonthly reward. Free Golden Epic is a big deal.
Khaostheory1980 posted a message on Hearthstone's Dean Ayala Talks About Rastakhan's Early Nerfs, Barnes, Power LevelPosted in: NewsI don't think you really understand what a meta is.
They won't be able to fully test internally, there are too many variables and until the cards are in the players hands a meta won't be formed. They can predict and plan for predictions but until the decks form and the meta is created they won't know what to adjust.
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On the contrary, it limits the design of expensive and mid-cost Rogue spells.
Cheap spells are not impacted very much by a 3 mana discount...
Hearthstone is a game between 2 players with 30 cards each and in the end the Germans win.
Isn't King Mukla not better - 2 6-mana bananas per battlecry instead, plus a better body from Mukla himself?
I crafted Golden Dr Boom to feed on Tempo Mages. Now I can't do this any more. I want my dust refund,
See how silly this is?
I think BLizz missed a chance to have a look at Basic vs Classic, both "around forever".
I would have thought that those new cards, especially the lazy "random something something for 1 mana" would be ideal for Basic, as it's low power, over expensive, BUT a great introduction to the game for new players.
Then move a few strong cards from Basic to Classic - Flamestrike, Fireball, sort of - because these do see constant play (and make Mage OP at Basic level).
That would overall I think make the game more logical. Right now the whole distinction between Basic and Classic is very muddled IMO.
It's annoying enough that Mage is OP as fcuk, but then soft-forcing people to play the brawl to get the Gold... wow. What a move.
You keep telling yourself that, while Hunterace makes it to the top 8/4/2/1 of one tournement after the other.
The RNG/luck argument has been debunked over & over & over again so give it up.
Funny that, your sports analogy is exactly the one I use to describe my sometime frustration with Casual.
I've often suggested the way to minimise the frustration is to remove "win X" quests altogether or at least make them not count in Casual. On top of that, disable the gold for wins in Casual. Most other games have rewards for menial tasks such as daily logins instead.
5 mana, 2 health, add an on average shitty Deathrattle minion to your hand, and gain an on average shitty deathrattle. Also, are you really going to build an entire Rogue deck around this?
Decent for Wild I guess but in standard... no way. Just browse the cards. Most Deathrattles are really, really bad.