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    posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble Card Reveal Master Countdown List

     3 Rogue cards left to be revealed. One can only hope some of them are pirates, because I refuse to believe that even Team 5 is stupid enough to print a pirate themed legendary and spells, and also print exactly 0 class pirates.

    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary - Captain Hooktusk

    I don't know... The card seems bad at first glance. IMO this might be good in april after another expansion if they print more pirate cards, and if not, just another Rogue legendary that's not really competitive. There is hope that some of the unrevealed cards are good pirates that makes this worthy, but I think that the Shark and Hooktusk fall into meme category. Sure there are good combos with this card and Castaways/Deckhands/Captains but it's just a solid tempo swing, not a win condition for too many resources.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Artifact Press Release | Release Date, Pricing, First Public Showing and more.
    Quote from THEN3LLI >>
    Quote from ctaquu >>


     I don't understand why people compare artifact and hearthstone.

    2 different games, we can play both. If someone doesn't like hs, should not play instead of write Thread about how they hate this game.
    People are garbage, specially the frustrated community that want to hate the game but still play.

     First of all, they're two different games in the same category. You can compare them, although Artifact isn't yet released, and I think people are getting ahead of themselves.

    Second, you're insulting people that think HS is flawed and can be a better game, and I agree with them. What does that say about you. It just makes you sound like a Blizzard fanboy.

    Personally I'm slowly dropping HS in favor of MtG:A, but I can still appreciate both games, and hope that HS will be improved.

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on So Far Hearthstone still #1 P4P DTCG king ? Which card games do u think is a threat to hearthstone domination ?

    Personally, I'm soon going to drop HS completely because of MtG:A. It's so much more fun and challenging without all the RNG bs. Not counting card draw, that's just part of playing cards. As for P2W, I've been playing beta from the get go, and their latest iteration is IMO much better that HS.

    On a larger scale HS and MtG:A have the same base economy, with drafting in MtG:A being more profitable than Arena in HS, especially when you get good at it. Weekly and daily rewards are very good too. As for gameplay itself, HS can't even hold a candle to MtG.

    The thing that HS has over MtG:A is that it's more casual and you can play it on your phone.

    As for Gwent, I liked it, it's innovative and fun, but considering it's PC only, I'd rather play MtG instead.

    I never could get into Legends for some reason, it never clicked for me.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Spell - Academic Espionage

    At least 80% of the comments that I saw about this card being bad and overrated said that it's bad because you use this on turn 1/ turn 4/ on empty hand. You won't ever play this card without some kind of draw in your hand. Even without Prep, you can play this, use card draw and still play 2-3 cards. And that is beside the fact that those cards are great combo activators.

    Yes you can get crap cards, but you might also get something, not only good, but something that no one puts in a deck that might just be what you needed to turn the tide. And there are a lot of class cards that are at least playable and only a few of them will be dead in your hand.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 11

    posted a message on The Boomsday Project - All Card Reveal Countdowns

    I will put my entire insignificant reputation on the line to say that the card with the chick wearing a gas mask with green eyes is a Rogue card, possibly even legendary minion.

    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Academic Espionage
    Quote from Sinister_21 >>

    Not at all comparable. This gives you cards that a human being decided would be good to put in a deck, perhaps even with some synergy among them. And most importantly... they now cost you only 1 freaking Mana.

     You don't copy cards from the opponent's deck, you copy from the class, which can get you pretty crap cards. That being said, I love the additional support for my Burgle Rogue.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on My huge problem with the Boomsday Art....

    I don't like the theme and the concept of mechs and science either, but I must say, the card art isn't bad at all. The one thing I can't forgive though, is not having Goblin Zeppelin as a neutral card, although I didn't play GvG so it might be there. I laugh in the face of danger...AHAHAHAHAH

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The 'Told You So' Prediction Thread: Boomsday
    Quote from Biohazard_Q8 >>

    Rogue will still be viable even after all the annoying “rogue is dead” topics after the card reveals. 

     Why would there be "Rogue is dead" topics? I never saw one. The legendary spell isn't bad on its own, and it's made much better after the Recruiter reveal. No reason to believe Rogue won't be viable, I think it will be quite the opposite. I say Rogue will have a few very powerful decks, if the rest of the cards in the set are at least playable.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on On a scale of 1 to 5, how much are you hyped for BDP ?

    I don't know. I don't like the mech concept in a Warcraft game, so I'm disappointed, but then I found out that Rogue, Warlock and Druid, classes which I play the most, won't be getting mech minions at all, so I'm kinda hyped. Then again I can't help but feel the Rogue legendary spell is niche, and won't see play even though I'm probably wrong, so that has me down. Then again is super hyped to play treant Druid with Cenarius. It's a rollercoaster for me.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What does your friends list mean to you?

    For me, it's just a list of real life friends I play Hearthstone with, and we usually play at someones house for bragging rights. I never add people I don't know, except right after a match if something interesting happened or to ask about a deck, but then I usually delete them after a while.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Legendary Minion - Whizbang the Wonderful
    Quote from The_M4Khh >>

    Why not Start of Game keyword for consistency?

     Because, as I understand it, you choose a class, put him in your deck and it replaces your hero and gives you a deck in your collection manager. At the start of the game it just randomizes the deck recipe, it doesn't really do anything at the start of a game like Genn and Baku do.

    I think this is a super fun card. And honestly, an auto craft for anyone that doesn't have a full Standard and Wild collection, not just for new players. I'm going to craft him just so I can have some fun.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Black hole card idea

    The last of the 3 is interesting, but as far as i know, there is no way you can actually choose which minion goes to the void. Maybe the rightmost or leftmost minion goes at the end of a turn which would be interesting, but it seems more fitting for a PvE adventure than constructed PvP.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Hearthstone Teaser - July 12, 2018


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on [Guide] You Face Jaraxxus!

    But honestly, if you can make this deck, you can make at least 90% of the Evenlock deck which is good for ladder. Besides, the best and coolest card in the game is The Supreme Lord Jaraxxus and I can't wait for Bloodreaver to rotate out so I can use him in every deck on ladder (even though I use him in every warlock deck now anyway).

    Posted in: [Guide] You Face Jaraxxus!
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