I have noticed this new thing since I started playing the game again recently where people intentionally wait out the rope till the last second every turn to intentionally waste your time. Its happened so many times and so consistently for these people that I refuse to believe someone hasn't made a bot that does this automatically. This is such blatant cancer that idk how no one has done anything about it yet, these people NEED to be banned.
How would you exacly ban these people if you were Blizzard? I'll tell you how... You CAN'T.
You could say: 'Fuck it, just ban someone that waits until the last second of the rope animation consistenly', but you would end up hurting a lot of people that just consistently take their time. Look at a lot of high level streamers. In a lot of game at top legends they'll take pretty much the whole turn. If you have some sort of algorithm for this, it would affect players that are not intentionally roping.
Also Blizzard will never do this, there's nothing wrong with using your whole turn. The reason for there being a timer is just so that you can't be on your turn forever and 'trap' your opponent. But there's a timer for this, if you use your turn well then you're doing nothing wrong. So yes it may be annoying that your opponent is roping since turn 1 but they have the right to do it, you just have to not care about it as much, if they're roping just tab into youtube or anything else and don't focus on the roping. Play your turns quick and look every once in a while so that you know what the opponent is doing.
If i queue up against a druid, mage, or imp warlock i just concede. It’s a shame because the expac is really fun at its core and has a ton of great ideas to experiment with but some decklists are out of control
Wait, so are you just conceiding all your games? Cause I literally don't see anything that's not those 3 decks.
Nah aggro is not dead. Burn decks will have a more issues to kill the opponent and I don't think even then burn decks can be cataloged as dead. Aggro decks that rely on minion and face damage, splash a couple good weapons if available and maybe a couple burn spells just for reach are fine. Like yes they are a bit worse if they face a Renathal deck but it isn't an auto-loss scenario. I haven't played anything truly aggro in Standard but I play a lot of Pirate Rogue in Wild and I've faced a lot of Renathal decks and still managed to win. And against none Renathal decks I also end up with more than 30 damage available on the turn I kill them (as in I had like 4-5 more damage than the 30 needed) so a good aggro deck can definitely go past 30 damage.
1. Wild meta is pretty fine rn definitely the best it has been in a long time. I'd say the meta is warped around Pirate Rogue (Aggro Rogue) and Quest Mage/ Some sort of late game druid (C'thun or Togg) to a smaller degree. So the other decks must be able to counter these decks. Stuff like Evenlock and Freeze Shaman have ways to deal with aggro boards and set up their own while having enough powerful threats to also fight against the slower decks and some others like Pillager Rogue or Big Priest (both lower tiers) try to bust out opponents with explosive turns.
2. Depends on what you call toxic. Pirate Rogue kills you stupid fast and they have a 3 mana weapon that can do 12 damage while also buffing a pirate. Evenlock has hordes of huge minions that be played very early and do 16 damage on turn 6 or 32 if they have 2 giants on board. Quest mage literally skips your turns. Late game druid variants have 20 mana and do shit that you could call unfair given how quickly they are able to cycle through their deck. Pillager rogue can OTK you from very high amounts of health (it can do well over 30 easily) and something like Big Priest doesn't do anything but clear your board most of the game and then it goes brrr and starts revivng minions over and over and locks you out. So yeah, you could say the main strategies have toxic components.
3. I think that you keep the star bonus for the last season you played. I don't play classic every month but when I do, I usually have pretty much the same star bonus as before. Not sure if there's any decay as in if you don't play 2 months in a row, maybe you'll go from an 8-star bonus to a 7 one but I'm not sure at all about that, you'd have to check it yourself.
I mean the card still has the same effect so it's not dead by any means but it obviously will affect it in some scenarios. Like at any point in the game (even with Guff) you'll end up with 1 mana instead of 2 and thus you'll be unable to cast the scales (let's say you don't have a coin or innervate either) and you could end up dying cause you couldn't protect your face enough. So yeah there are obviously scenarios where you straight up lose because it's 1 mana more expensive but in general it's still very usable and it'll see play in all if not most slow druid decks in standard (at least for now) and in stuff like linecracker druid in wild.
But I win with Rivendare builds regularly. That woiuld be impossible if he was snped first 76% of the time. Beasts and Mechs rely on him heavily..
The thing here is that in the case of beasts, 1 taunt is usually enough to guarantee success cause that way you guarantee that your bird hits at least once and then with stuff like multiple (or golden) birds or wolf or by giving them reborn is usually enough for your comp to work and win games even if your Baron gets sniped immediatly after your one taunt dies.
In the case of mechs Baron can also be incredibly important but in this tribe he's usually protected by many taunts that have divine shield on top of it and some of them can even re-gain divine shield many times (deflecto and mecherel) so it's very rare for Baron to die early. The only cases I can think of being either your opponent having Zapp in which case bad luck and shouldn't be addressed in this study of sorts the OP is doing or is just straight up terrible positiong, in which case should be considered either cause it's player error.
No, you don't keep cards that get rotated out of the core set next year. So for example I have the Lock and Load card from the core set but I don't own the regular copy of it so next Tuesday I won't have that card to use in wild. So if you dust your rag and kale you won't have them after they rotate out of the core set, whenever that is.
Battletag: Mackie26#1377
Region: NA
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.
Battletag: Mackie26#1377
Region: NA
Trade only?: Yes, you go first.
Battletag: Mackie26#1377
Region: NA
Trade only?: Yes, you go first. I can show you the quest.
How would you exacly ban these people if you were Blizzard? I'll tell you how... You CAN'T.
You could say: 'Fuck it, just ban someone that waits until the last second of the rope animation consistenly', but you would end up hurting a lot of people that just consistently take their time. Look at a lot of high level streamers. In a lot of game at top legends they'll take pretty much the whole turn. If you have some sort of algorithm for this, it would affect players that are not intentionally roping.
Also Blizzard will never do this, there's nothing wrong with using your whole turn. The reason for there being a timer is just so that you can't be on your turn forever and 'trap' your opponent. But there's a timer for this, if you use your turn well then you're doing nothing wrong. So yes it may be annoying that your opponent is roping since turn 1 but they have the right to do it, you just have to not care about it as much, if they're roping just tab into youtube or anything else and don't focus on the roping. Play your turns quick and look every once in a while so that you know what the opponent is doing.
Wait, so are you just conceiding all your games? Cause I literally don't see anything that's not those 3 decks.
Battletag: Mackie26#1377
Region: NA
Trade only? : Yes, I will show you the quest and then you go first.
Battletag: Mackie26#1377
Region: NA
Trade only: yes, you go first
Battletag: Mackie26#1377
Region: NA
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first!
Battletag: Mackie26 #1377
Region: NA
Trade only?: Yes. You go first
Nah aggro is not dead. Burn decks will have a more issues to kill the opponent and I don't think even then burn decks can be cataloged as dead. Aggro decks that rely on minion and face damage, splash a couple good weapons if available and maybe a couple burn spells just for reach are fine. Like yes they are a bit worse if they face a Renathal deck but it isn't an auto-loss scenario. I haven't played anything truly aggro in Standard but I play a lot of Pirate Rogue in Wild and I've faced a lot of Renathal decks and still managed to win. And against none Renathal decks I also end up with more than 30 damage available on the turn I kill them (as in I had like 4-5 more damage than the 30 needed) so a good aggro deck can definitely go past 30 damage.
1. Wild meta is pretty fine rn definitely the best it has been in a long time. I'd say the meta is warped around Pirate Rogue (Aggro Rogue) and Quest Mage/ Some sort of late game druid (C'thun or Togg) to a smaller degree. So the other decks must be able to counter these decks. Stuff like Evenlock and Freeze Shaman have ways to deal with aggro boards and set up their own while having enough powerful threats to also fight against the slower decks and some others like Pillager Rogue or Big Priest (both lower tiers) try to bust out opponents with explosive turns.
2. Depends on what you call toxic. Pirate Rogue kills you stupid fast and they have a 3 mana weapon that can do 12 damage while also buffing a pirate. Evenlock has hordes of huge minions that be played very early and do 16 damage on turn 6 or 32 if they have 2 giants on board. Quest mage literally skips your turns. Late game druid variants have 20 mana and do shit that you could call unfair given how quickly they are able to cycle through their deck. Pillager rogue can OTK you from very high amounts of health (it can do well over 30 easily) and something like Big Priest doesn't do anything but clear your board most of the game and then it goes brrr and starts revivng minions over and over and locks you out. So yeah, you could say the main strategies have toxic components.
3. I think that you keep the star bonus for the last season you played. I don't play classic every month but when I do, I usually have pretty much the same star bonus as before. Not sure if there's any decay as in if you don't play 2 months in a row, maybe you'll go from an 8-star bonus to a 7 one but I'm not sure at all about that, you'd have to check it yourself.
I mean the card still has the same effect so it's not dead by any means but it obviously will affect it in some scenarios. Like at any point in the game (even with Guff) you'll end up with 1 mana instead of 2 and thus you'll be unable to cast the scales (let's say you don't have a coin or innervate either) and you could end up dying cause you couldn't protect your face enough. So yeah there are obviously scenarios where you straight up lose because it's 1 mana more expensive but in general it's still very usable and it'll see play in all if not most slow druid decks in standard (at least for now) and in stuff like linecracker druid in wild.
The thing here is that in the case of beasts, 1 taunt is usually enough to guarantee success cause that way you guarantee that your bird hits at least once and then with stuff like multiple (or golden) birds or wolf or by giving them reborn is usually enough for your comp to work and win games even if your Baron gets sniped immediatly after your one taunt dies.
In the case of mechs Baron can also be incredibly important but in this tribe he's usually protected by many taunts that have divine shield on top of it and some of them can even re-gain divine shield many times (deflecto and mecherel) so it's very rare for Baron to die early. The only cases I can think of being either your opponent having Zapp in which case bad luck and shouldn't be addressed in this study of sorts the OP is doing or is just straight up terrible positiong, in which case should be considered either cause it's player error.
I've heard Hearthstone is ridiculously cheap in Argentina, or at least it was in the past, not sure if that's still the case.
No, you don't keep cards that get rotated out of the core set next year. So for example I have the Lock and Load card from the core set but I don't own the regular copy of it so next Tuesday I won't have that card to use in wild. So if you dust your rag and kale you won't have them after they rotate out of the core set, whenever that is.