And somehow its still not enough for most of them to play competitive...
We need better buffs, more, MORE...
And somehow its still not enough for most of them to play competitive...
We need better buffs, more, MORE...
This deck i created give me the win if anyone wants to try it
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Mage
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Arcane Missiles
# 2x (1) First Flame
# 2x (1) Learn Draconic
# 2x (1) Ray of Frost
# 1x (1) Tome of Intellect
# 2x (2) Ancient Mysteries
# 2x (2) Mana Cyclone
# 2x (3) Arcane Intellect
# 2x (3) Counterspell
# 1x (3) Ice Block
# 1x (7) Magister Dawngrasp
# 1x (7) Mask of C'Thun
# 2x (8) Arcane Defenders
# 2x (8) Power of Creation
# 2x (9) Rune of the Archmage
# 2x (10) Drakefire Amulet
# 2x (10) Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Hello Everyone.
updated on 06/13/2022 ------> add Mini Set achievement for Herald Naga, minor details
Adding more later, come back often to check for update
If you want to see guideline for certain achievement not listed here, comment below
=============================Colossal and Naga Legendary========================
This expansion, I think, is by far the easiest to get other legendary in game without owning it
We can get Gigafin, Blackwater Behemoth, Hydralodon, and Nellie, the Great Thresher from Ambassador Faelin
We can discover Commander Sivara, Lady S'theno, and Queen Azshara from Amalgam of the Deep with Naga tribute
If you don't own the card, still want to complete achievement, those are good ways to get the card
=============================Demon Hunter========================
Achievement: Play 30 spells after their mana cost is reduced to 0 as Demon Hunter
(In Duel) pick hero power Infernal Strike, which can generate a lot of 1 mana spell, also pick treasure Khadgar's Scrying Orb (recommended) or Robes of Shrinking. These combination will help you get through the achievement a lot faster
Achievement: Attack with Lady S'theno 8 times in one game
If you saved some 0 mana spell from above strategy , Lady S'theno can easily attack 8 times in one game
Mini Set Achievement: Deal 70 damages with a single Topple the Idol
consider adding Naga Giant or Molten Giant to your deck, should do enough damage to 3-4 minions
Achievement: Refresh 300 mana with Green-Thumb Gardener
Moonlit Guidance can help you gain another copy
If Green-Thumb Gardener is among few Naga in your deck, Crushclaw Enforcer will help you increase your chance draw Green-Thumb Gardener
In Duel, Mask of Mimicry can give your possibly more copies
=============================Hunter ========================
Achievement: Summon 12 Hydralodon Heads in one game
Once you get Hydralodon from Ambassador Faelin
Hydralodon gives 2 token rush, then we get 4 tokens on board
(plan a) Play Wild Pyromancer and 1 mana spell to trigger board wipe to kill your own heads, that will give us 5 tokens. Total would be 2 + 4 + 5 = 11. We need one more.
use Devouring Swarm or Serpentbloom to trigger second board wipe
(plan b in wild mode) Play Animated Broomstick, make sure trade broomstick first
(plan c, ideas from other website) Play Ambassador Faelin with Warlock. Until you get Hydralodon, play Defile
Achievement: Destroy 60 minions with Poisonous spells
(Suggest by Sirjohn13) playing Brann in Duels as it allows you to run Urchin Spines [/card] + [card]Whirlwind. Can help make fast progress with this achievement, especially if you get the combo on a full board on both sides
Achievement: Add 60 seplls to your hand with Commander Sivara
If you don't have the card, possible to discover from Amalgam of the Deep
=============================Priest ========================
Achievement: Destroy 12 minions with one Whirlpool
In Duel, if your opponent has the treasure of Elixir of Vigor or Firekeeper's Idol, that will increase your chance of getting multiple copies of the minions
If you don't have the card, Lyra the Sunshard and Palm Reading can generate the spell
I completed mine in Duel with Elise Startseeker, Max out mana with Wildheart Guff
Since I don't have Whirpool, I use Lyra to generate the card. Once opponent's board have enough minions, then I use Flipper Friends to summon 6 Otter tokens
=============================Rogue ========================
Achievement: Draw 60 cards that didn't start in your deck with Gone Fishin'
I would say doing this achievement in Duel with Reno is a bit easier(?)
In turn 4, we can use Azsharan Sweeper is a battlecry card that put a sunken card on the bottom with Gone Fishing to draw the card at once.
Turn 5 combo would be Ambassador Faelin and Gone Fishing
If you have Commander Sivara, you can added Sivara in Duel Reno deck. for
Achievement: Add 60 seplls to your hand with Commander Sivara
One stone, two birds, why not?
=============================Shaman ========================
Achievement: Deal 300 damage with Piranha Swarmers
Play Schooling to get Piranha Swarmer
Summon Anchored Totem, play 3 fishes together
These combination will give you one [5/2], one[4/2] , and one [3/2], total of 5+4+3= 12 damage in one turn
You can also play Piranha Poacher to save some fishes before activate the combo
Also Reefwalker add additional fish if you have mana
Achievement: Cast a FIre, Frost, and Nature spell in the same turn with Radiance of Azshara in play
One thing to notice is that when Raidance of Azshara got silenced, the achievement is UNABLE to complete
Don't ask me why I know, because I got silenced. (T o T)
Achievement: Give 100 minions Bioluminescence
This one took me a while since I don't have the card, but we can get the card through discover mechanics with School Teacher, Azsharan Scroll, Haunting Visions, Pandaren Importer, Venomous Scorpid, Vulpera Scoundrel, Steward of Scrolls.
Diligent Notetaker and Open the Doorways help us get the second copy
Achievement: Play a Murloc with 10 Attack as Warlock
Soul Infusion, Imprisoned Scrap Imp, Eager Underling, Costumed Entertainer, Tasty Flyfish, Legionnaire can help you buff your Circus Amalgam to 10 Attack
Achievement: Deal 450 damage with Abyssal Curse
regular combo Brann Bronzebeard + Sira'kess Cultist + Zola the Gorgon
In Duel, picking Mask of Mimicry will give you more fun. I got to get deal 9 damage with single curses, that is like 1+ 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7+ 8 + 9 = 45 damages in one game.
Also imagine power of Elixir of Vigor, when you draw all the curse minion, you not only lock your opponent's hand, but also deal damage at the same time.
Heal yourself like Reno with Za'qul
(another plan, but not yet tested) Give Malygos to your opponent through Treachery or Silas Darkmoon. When you give your curse to opponent, each curse should deal additional 5 damages.
So let say we play Brann and two Sira'kess Cutlist on the following turn, which give opponent 4 curses, so least 6+7+8+9 = 30 damages
Achievement: Permanently destroy 75 minions in Gigafin
I think the achievement progress count when the deathrattle of Gigafin's Maw trigger
Mini Set Achievement: Incinerate 30 cards with Immolate
Play on turn 4 would have the most effect on getting the card burn because they might have 7+ mana card in hand
=============================Warrior ========================
Achievement: Draw 7 cards with a single Forged in Flame
(Plan A) play Gorehowl, but that is that a longer time
(Plan B) play Bladed Gauntlet, then cast the spell Bring It On! or Frozen Buckler or other spell to stack your armor to 7+
(plan C) In Duel, get Brann's hero power Well Equipped to highroll Gorehowl
(plan D, suggested by SirJohn13), A combination of Blacksmithing Hammer, Nitroboost Poison. Bloodsail Deckhand to speed things up by a turn. Upgrade! and Bloodsail Cultist would also work if you don't draw Nitro.
Achievement: Play 200 minions created by the The Fires of Zin-Azshari
After playing Fires of Zin-Azshari, play From the Depths, which can helps your curve a bit if you have thin deck after playing the spell
Play Brann's treasure Sr. Excavator, this can draw you 3 minions and reduced the cost to 1
(from some video, recommend method) Mulligan hand keep The Fires of Zin-Azshari and Vanndar Stormpike. After playing Fires of Zin-Azshari, everything becomes 5 mana, Vanndar will be always less than any cards in the deck.
Brann's hero power Dino Tracking is by far the most stable way to get The Fires of Zin-Azshari to get cards to fit the mana curve in order to stabilize the field
I feel like The Fires of Zin-Azshari is never a turn 2 play, more like a turn 5 -6 play when we have some minions on board
Mini Set Achievement: Play 10 Colossal minions from other classes as Warrior
Just realize it doesn't need to be different, Even 10 Druid colossal will do the job.
Achievement: Swap 7 cards in hand with ones that didn't star in your deck using Sir Finley, Sea Guide
Put a Sunken card on the bottom of the deck with Azsharan Scroll or Azsharan Mooncatcher
use Brann Bronzebeard and Ambassador Faelin to put in 6 more Colossal to the bottom of the deck, that will be 7 cards.
we can use Scales of Justice (treasure in Duels) to get Sir Finley from the pool since it is a murloc. Scales of Justice will supply cards until we have full hands (10 cards).
Finley can finish the achievement. Woo Hoo!
(alternatively suggested by SirJohn13), You can shuffle 15 tradeable 0 mana spell (For the Alliance! or For the Horde!) into your deck from Drek'thar or Vanndar
Achievement: Discover minions if 10 different minion types with Amalgam of the Deep
There are 10 minion type: Demon, Mech, Quilboar, Naga, Beast, Elemental, Dragon, Murloc, Pirate, Totem, ALL
If you don't have the Amalgam of the Deep, there is a decent change getting it from Deeprun Engineer, Gorillabot A-3.
In Duel, Professor Slate's 3rd hero power Savage Secrets also have a chance to give you the card.
Achievement: End your turn with a Vicious Slitherspear with 7 Attack or higher
You might think we need to cast 6 spells to boost its attack to 7.
We can do that. Play two Radiant Elemental, play Shadow Visions to discover another shadow visions in the deck. Possible OTK
Another way is easier. We play the card in Paladin class, which has lots of buff cards, like Blessing of Might, Blessing of Kings, Hold the Bridge, and Seal of Champions
You can also use buff card from Priest.
If your deck has only 2 minion Switcheroo can easily make Vicious Slitherspear 7+ attack
Achievement: Deal 120 damage with Naval Mine
Set up Snowfall Graveyard, Forsaken Lieutenant can help to copy the deathrattle of Mines.
If you have Mines in deck, Sketchy Information can trigger the deathrattle as well
You can not only deal damage with deathrattle, you can also deal damage with attack
Pick Vanndar's hero power Promote! can buff the attack, also Paladin's buff cards also help
Achievement: Silence 120 minions with Smothering Starfish
(suggested by SirJohn13) You don't have to silence some effect, even no-text minion get counted
Achievement: Draw 30 cards with Treasure Guard
Achievement: Summon 75 mechs with Mothership
In Duel, treasure Mummy Magic gives you additional deathrattles
Achievement: Teach Nagaling 16 different spells
If you play in Shaman, teach Nagaling with Spirit Echo. Nagaling's battlecry becomes "Cast Spirit Echo".
In theory, we can get infinite School Teacher
Mini Set Achievement: Trigger the Battelcry effects of 50 Herald Naga
Now we have 4 Herald Naga. They are Herald of Chaos, Herald of Nature, Herald of Light, and Herald of Shadows
Adding more later, feel free to comment below to help others as well. Cheer!
Good f'ing riddance to Convincing Infiltrator and Khartut Defender.
It's not too confusing. So, basically the game already has a "Core Set" -- Classic cards and Basic cards. However, they never change; so alot of classes end up feeling kind of the same each year. Because they never change alot of people have said for a long time that Hearthstone has an "Evergreen" Core Set.
With the changes, this Set will change each year. So, when the rotation occurs (first expansion drop each year), we'll also get a new Core Set. I'd assume it'll involve the a combination of cards from the existing Core Set, Wild Cards, and new cards -- but, we will see.
Also, the general consensus in the community has been that this is something that needed to change for the long term health of the game. Again -- a "Evergreen" Core Set leads to classes and decks feeling too similar from year to year.
considering paladin has been dominating the meta with ramp, libram and pure lists all being very playable decks, I do not think they need any kind of help right now
Thx for selecting my deck, but it´s just a copy of Danehearth´s one. I just wanted to try some changes.
The credit is for Danehearth, it´s his deck
I always read this "comunity has become so toxic",as in rl i hear people say that this generation is worse than the one before.
IMHO that's all bullshit,shitty people always existed in their context and rational people always tend to be more silent and to be a lil less noticeable.
Let the donkey rant as it may be noisy but a donkey remains.
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Interesting, hopefully i could afford to craft Hadronox and play with Greybough.
Seems working,i'll see in the next days.
Yea, just happened to me before to the final boss.
Woah Need lethal? Call 911 Zephyrs the great
Thank you Amigo :)
Pog Howdy Pog Howdy
Ma boy! You are back,glad to see you again!
Hello guys ... since i don't know where to share this ... i just ended a game where i was playing Mecha'Thun Warrior facing a Cyclone Mage guy,it was my last game to get rank 5 (i was having win streak and 2 games away to get it). But this guy didn't pin my face to win the match,he totally deserved to win because my Mecha'Thun was burned by overdraw (i went too greedy playing with Project + Harrison that turn ago) even we got until the point where fatigue was killing us but instead just hero power on my face,pass his turn and win the game,just wasted his whole mana 3 three times in Conjurer's Calling on my minions but that wasn't supposed to be like that... so Kiragon#1610 if you read this,don't make this again ... doesn't make sense for me,i don't have clear my thoughts,you twisted my world now i have to share time with some people in my house,they says are my family. FeelsBadMan
No packs. Next one please.
Take a look into C:\Program Files (x86)\Hearthstone\Hearthstone_Data ... i made my screenshot and found it there under the name itself "screenshot".