Don't worry. I'm sure whatever deck type you tend to use will gets its turn in the spotlight sometime soon. Maybe a bonus for clearing your opponent's board or using as many (or as few) of your cards as possible.
I don't think we'll see another premade deck brawl this week, so maybe things will actually be fun, and replayable. Although, as long as it's more fun than the new locked at 30 fps Batman game, I'll take whatever they choose to give me.
First of all, you can easily unlock the fps limit by editing the .ini file.
Anywhoo, I agree, a deck-building brawl is more likely, and will be more fun. I just played the Tavern Brawl until I won with both decks then quit. Hopefully tomorrow's brawl will allow me to complete more daily quests.
Man, I've spent a ton of time dealing with the earlier wings, but this is the second of three decks for this wing that I one shot with. Whether it's a great job on your end or bad job on Blizz's, I don't care. +1
Indeed. I first tried purchasing it at 12:05 am. Took me multiple tries before I got to "Waiting for authorization." It's been waiting for authorization for 22 hours. Did my gold have to go through customs or something, Blizz?
Humility x 2 Noble Sacrifice x 2 Equality x 2 Acidic Swamp Ooze x 2 Annoy-O-Tron x 2 Ironbeak Owl x 2 Aldor Peacekeeper x 2 Big Game Hunter x 2 Truesilver Champion x 2 Consencration x 2 Hungry Dragon x 2 Antique Healbot x 2 Harrison jones x 1 Sludge Belcher x 2 Sunwalker x 1 Lay on Hands x 1 Tirion Fordring x 1
Save Big Game for his 10/2 taunt, could drop 1 Ironbeak Own for 1 more Sunwalker, Noble Sacrifice when his weapon has some attack and try to clear the board so he drops 1 weapon on it. Used Hero power ever turn instead of dropping a minion if I would not get anything out of it. Aldor and Humility any minion you think will help you take less damage. Hungry Dragon is good he will clear it with weapon and minions.
As much as I hate to admit it, it certainly seems like Booty Bay will be the next expansion, based on Marin the Fox.
1/3 that you can easily skip by not watching.
Random is random. Steamwheedle will not affect "DIE, INSECT!"
Don't worry. I'm sure whatever deck type you tend to use will gets its turn in the spotlight sometime soon. Maybe a bonus for clearing your opponent's board or using as many (or as few) of your cards as possible.
First of all, you can easily unlock the fps limit by editing the .ini file.
Anywhoo, I agree, a deck-building brawl is more likely, and will be more fun. I just played the Tavern Brawl until I won with both decks then quit. Hopefully tomorrow's brawl will allow me to complete more daily quests.
I absolutely hate Face Hunter, since it seems to be a huge percentage of the decks I play against as Control, but it was quite useful here. Thanks.
Took a few tries, but then I mulligan'd a soul fire and nerubian egg, so I only took 7 damage from his legendaries. Nice deck.
Man, I've spent a ton of time dealing with the earlier wings, but this is the second of three decks for this wing that I one shot with. Whether it's a great job on your end or bad job on Blizz's, I don't care. +1
Indeed. I first tried purchasing it at 12:05 am. Took me multiple tries before I got to "Waiting for authorization." It's been waiting for authorization for 22 hours. Did my gold have to go through customs or something, Blizz?