Won on the first go. I was planning on doing the fight without looking up any decks, and was doing pretty well... until she hit me with Twisting Nether. That was certainly a "what the fudge..." moment.
The deck posted above works well. I didn't have some cards, so I replaced both BGH with Shades of Naxxramas. They can last a while if you get them early and behind Annoy-o-Trons.
I took advantage of the echoing ooze and the paladin's multiple buff skills to make some terrifying combos. Also, a shipload of deathrattles. I only used cards that I actually own (and will own after I finish this next wing in a few hours once it releases).
How dare those human beings not work 24/7?! What an outrage! They should learn a thing or two from sweatshops. Just look at all of those quality Chinese goods.
All I want is one more emote that says "Hurry the f&$k up!" Seriously, there's no reason to have your turn ended for you when you have one mana crystal.
Devolve looks to be devastating! Works as a silence against those annoying deathrattles.
Won on the first go. I was planning on doing the fight without looking up any decks, and was doing pretty well... until she hit me with Twisting Nether. That was certainly a "what the fudge..." moment.
Random is random. Steamwheedle will not affect "DIE, INSECT!"
The deck posted above works well. I didn't have some cards, so I replaced both BGH with Shades of Naxxramas. They can last a while if you get them early and behind Annoy-o-Trons.
I absolutely hate Face Hunter, since it seems to be a huge percentage of the decks I play against as Control, but it was quite useful here. Thanks.
This took forever, but not as long as I spent trying to do a Shaman Kel + Reincarnate combo. Thanks.
I agree that it can be heavily dependent on RNG, but then again that's true for every deck. Worked on the second try. Thanks for the deck.
I took advantage of the echoing ooze and the paladin's multiple buff skills to make some terrifying combos. Also, a shipload of deathrattles. I only used cards that I actually own (and will own after I finish this next wing in a few hours once it releases).
Took a few tries, but then I mulligan'd a soul fire and nerubian egg, so I only took 7 damage from his legendaries. Nice deck.
Great deck. Whether or not it was RNG was irrelevant. One shot him (barely).
How dare those human beings not work 24/7?! What an outrage! They should learn a thing or two from sweatshops. Just look at all of those quality Chinese goods.
All I want is one more emote that says "Hurry the f&$k up!" Seriously, there's no reason to have your turn ended for you when you have one mana crystal.
I gotta find someone with an iPad...
Here's my entry. It's everyone's favorite (to kill) Tauren.

Here's my deck: