- just started streaming as I got into the beta 2 days ago. Check my highlight videos of me opening up 230 card packs! :)
I will be online sporadically until I can figure out what times are oging to be best for me, but I will continue uploading content to my youtube and of course my stream as well.
Oh, by the way, right. If you feel like you've got nothing to do in HS, you always have the option to go and build a full golden deck... that'll have you busy for a few months... or years, depending on your luck. And then have another golden copy of every card so that you can disenchant them all as soon as the expansion pack comes out (and I'm certain it will, maybe in a year or so).
0 - just started streaming as I got into the beta 2 days ago. Check my highlight videos of me opening up 230 card packs! :)
I will be online sporadically until I can figure out what times are oging to be best for me, but I will continue uploading content to my youtube and of course my stream as well.
0 - just started streaming as I got into the beta. Check my high video of me opening up 230 card packs! :)
thanks for adding me.
whats the point in a full golden deck? all it is is asthetics, you could've gotten off cheaper with just normal cards.
that about sums it up for me as well. >.<