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    posted a message on Having issues climbing

    So seems like the general consensus is zoo-lock. I will have to give that a shot then. Thanks all!

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    posted a message on Having issues climbing

    Not a salt thread, I have loved this expansion so far. I am just having issues climbing. I have been messing around with C'thun Druid, Mid-range Hunter, and C'thun Priest. Seems like when I play one of the classes, I run into the direct counter to it. What decks are you using to climb the last few ranks this season?

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    posted a message on New Card - Blood of The Ancient One

    Now, a way to get this guy in 1 turn:

    Turn 9, Naga Sea Witch

    Turn 10, Play both Blood of The Ancient One

    Turn 11, Profit.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Blood of The Ancient One

    This is a new, scarier version of Feugen [/card] and [card]Stalagg. Difficult to pull of, but can be a huge way to end the game. One of my biggest concerns was that Recombobulator [/card] or [card]Master of Evolution could turn something into into The Ancient One , but they just confirmed it does not https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/717405703753883648 

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    posted a message on Hearthstone YouTube Videos

    What program do you use for editing?

    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on How do you recognize a bot
    Quote from Asuryan >>
    Quote from Zoeings >>
    Basically theres no way to tell a bot from an awful player. At legend anyone who plays god awfully is probably a bot though.
    I'm a god awful player and I've hit legend.  :P
    So basically the days of worrying about bots are past, now we can get on with the game and forget about it.  Some of your opponents will be skillful, other opponents will suck, and some will be robots.  Focus on winning and get over it.
     Yeah, I can agree. I have just seen a number of people talk about seeing bots or whatnot lately and was curious
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on when to best use the Coin?
    Quote from TianZi >>

    When i tracked my wins i had more than 10% higher winrate starting first, even as rogue.


     Right, very similar to what I am seeing. I would just love to figure out why. Logically, having an extra card to mulligan means you are more likely to have appropriate drops and the coin can be used to get board presence early, but that doesn't appear to be the case. I think I will have to look more closely at what happens on each turn to figure that out. Good to know I'm not the only one seeing that! lol
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on when to best use the Coin?
    Quote from Sinti >>
    Quote from Lycathal >>

    So it is getting close to the end of the season, and I decided to take a look at my stats to figure out how I can improve for next season. One thing popped out as odd...

    When I have the coin, my win rate is approximately 50.79%; however, when I do not have the coin, my win rate is 64.43%. That is a huge difference!

    So, now I am curious when the right time to use the coin is. I typically go for the 2 drop, 2 drop, 3 drop setup to establish board presence early, but now I am wondering if I should be holding it for another time. 

    So, when do you use the coin? I know the general "Whenever it would give you a huge tempo swing", but I am not sure when that would be in most cases. What are your thoughts?

    All u basically said was "hey, i win more with coin ... tell me why?"
    Others already said, it very much depends on class/deck/archetype so thats that generally.
     Actually, I said I win more when I DON'T have coin. As for the deck, I mentioned it in the thread, but the data is primarily for secret paladin.
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    posted a message on when to best use the Coin?

    If your playing Handlock or Renolock then I can see how the coin would be more beneficial to you than with other classes the ability to fill your hand and bring Emperor Thaurissan out quicker or more board control cards such as Imp Gang Boss or Implosion.

    Personally getting hit with 4 Imps on turn 3 is just painful lol :)

     Ah yes, the turn 4 warlock muster... haha.
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    posted a message on when to best use the Coin?
    Quote from itaekwon >>

    Ben Brode openly stated that players going first have a higher win ratio than those who go second. Do a little digging on this website and you should find the quote.

     Yeah, I am aware of that quote, but I also don't think it should be quite that drastic of a difference (nearly 15% higher?). 5% or lower would be more acceptable, which leads me to think I am doing something wrong.
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    posted a message on when to best use the Coin?
    Quote from DimiMit >>

    To be honest it depends on what class and deck you play.
    For example for rogues the coin is insane. On warriors not so much. 
    Also aggro decks prefer going first.
    Midrange most of the time doesn't care about the coin unless they have a spiders into juggler play.

    However there are exceptions.
    For example when you play secret paladin and you go second with the dream hand ( double secret keeper double secret into muster ).

    How i use the coin depends on what class am going against. If it's a warlock/druid/hunter/paladin i aim to use it early to establish board control and pressure them early so i don't get outempoed. For most other classes i keep it for late game drops.

     Yeah, I have had the dream hand before. This data is primarily secret paladin, but I have noticed similar data in past months using other decks (mostly Druid). 
    Against aggro decks I always coin out a 2 drop for defense. Perhaps against more control match ups I should hold onto the coin then?
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on when to best use the Coin?
    Quote from JoeSense >>

    Wow, your win rate being so much better without the coin surprises me. I have not tracked it, but i feel like my win rate is alot better with the coin. The main reason i like being on the draw is because you get to mulligan 4 cards. That has always seemed like a big advantage plus you get the coin. When to play the coin really depends on what you are playing, and what your opponent is playing. I probably use it the most to get on board with a 2 drop on my first turn.

     I felt much the same way. I liked having more options in my hand to mulligan, and when I coin out a 2 drop I have board presence, so it feels like a good thing, but the data tells me otherwise. Weird right? That is the reason I started up this thread, figure I am missing something.
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    posted a message on when to best use the Coin?

    Since I mainly play Rogue I find the coin to be a huge advantage as it enables any combo card, such as playing SI7 on turn 2 against aggro the tempo swing alone is match winning. Druids can also use this to their advantage against aggro as well through Keeper of the Grove.

    To answer your question though choosing when to use the coin depends greatly on the deck type and class your playing against against control I find myself holding on to it till later turns to bring out a large threat or strong removal early. Whereas against aggro I'll use as soon as possible to try take the board.

    I view the coin as pure combo enabler though as I spend most of my time playing Pirate Rogue on ladder :)  

     This makes sense. I haven't played rogue very much, but I have seen the coin synergy with combo. Mostly I have been playing Secret Paladin (I know, I know. I am try harding this month lol), and Mid-range druid. 
    An additional point, the pattern is the same against all classes except warlock. With warlock, I win more often when I have the coin.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on when to best use the Coin?

    So it is getting close to the end of the season, and I decided to take a look at my stats to figure out how I can improve for next season. One thing popped out as odd...

    When I have the coin, my win rate is approximately 50.79%; however, when I do not have the coin, my win rate is 64.43%. That is a huge difference!

    So, now I am curious when the right time to use the coin is. I typically go for the 2 drop, 2 drop, 3 drop setup to establish board presence early, but now I am wondering if I should be holding it for another time. 

    So, when do you use the coin? I know the general "Whenever it would give you a huge tempo swing", but I am not sure when that would be in most cases. What are your thoughts?

    (Edit): Some people have asked in the thread. The data is primarily for Secret Paladin.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you recognize a bot

    So I saw recently that Blizzard cracked down on bots, banned accounts, and all that. I have also seen people in the forums say they faced bots and that they played badly.

    So, simple question, how can you tell if your opponent is a bot? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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