I'm not sure if the reborn resummons the minion as damaged or with 1 health but if it resummons as damaged this card is pretty good. 2 mana 1/2 that can turn into an 3/1 that summons an 3/1 is pretty ok.
Hunter has two really good one drops. This is probably the lowest barrier quest to finish, since you're just doing the thing you do in hearthstone, but losing that first turn tempo in the tempoest class is a bummer.
will give you 2 x 7/10 Taunt Minions for 10 mana. Not "amazing", but certainly not terrible. Of course, it's no Mountain Giant + Conjurer's Calling, lol
Sacrifice 1 stat for multiple lackeys? Well, we all know how good lackeys are in the early-mid game. That is to say, insanely good. This card is the nuts.
6/6? You mean 3/6 right?
This card is really bad designed to be honest. When you complete the quest, you'll almost have no more minions to use the hero power lol.
Don't like it.
Really good. I mean, "8/3" for 4 mana and heal 8? That's really good.
Insane with the completed quest.
Do you think it's better than mad scientist? I mean, this card is obviously good, but I still think mad scientist is better.
Really good, I really like the design.
Isn't Nerubian Egg better?
I'm not sure if the reborn resummons the minion as damaged or with 1 health but if it resummons as damaged this card is pretty good. 2 mana 1/2 that can turn into an 3/1 that summons an 3/1 is pretty ok.