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    posted a message on Book of Specters

    no this card is not good. i know everyone is like OMG 2 mana draw 3 is insane, because it really is and i agree. but discarding and spell drawn HURTS ALOT for mage especially since all spells in mage are put then specifcaly for a reason and the majority of the time you can't afford to say... discard your poly, blizzard, flamestrike, ICEBLOCK, Dragon's Fury.

    this is good in a deck with very few spells, if you're running a deck with big spells like big spell priest does with just amber and mindcontrol. but i can't see mage doing that because alot of their spells are super key to their kit and you'll almost always run at least 8 spells in your mage decks. example the current mage decks run 14 - 15 spells, HALF your deck is spells. 

    Good idea bad card because it's in the wrong class that depends on spells.

    Posted in: Book of Specters
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    posted a message on Countess Ashmore

    huh... this can draw spells too... that's actually a really powerful effect, don't need any life steal minions to draw the lifesteal, so this works in Kingsbane rogue to fish out the leeching poison, works in priest for the spirit lash and in lock to get the spellstone.

    this is a really powerful card and will probably be used similar to how the curator was used, to draw 2 of the tagged cards, 3 might be a little to much to make a viable deck, im curious if this card will draw cards that have battlecry lifesteals like the deathweb spider and the cards that gain lifesteal from having it in your deck?

    Posted in: Countess Ashmore
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    posted a message on Countess Ashmore

    i am unsure if that is how the interaction works, it might only regester the Life steal before the Deathrattle, but we will have to see how this works with both statues. it might draw both but i think it wont because of how blizzards draw system works.

    Posted in: Countess Ashmore
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    posted a message on Countess Ashmore

    divine spirit it? umm... powerworld:shield it? idk there are a few spells that would make it take a hit from spells that do 6ish damage and still live. you probably wanna taunt out first before you're able to play this possible combo but coffin crasher can get coffin crasher with that combo lol

    Posted in: Countess Ashmore
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    posted a message on Town Crier

    yep 1 mana 1/2 draw a card is great, very strong but this is only good if rush in general becomes good

    Posted in: Town Crier
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    posted a message on Town Crier

    Huh... midrange/tempo warrior is gonna be a thing i guess idk is this and the wood cutters axe is strong enough add in the redband wasp

    Posted in: Town Crier
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    posted a message on The Glass Knight

    forgot to add that this reminds me of Shovel knight, the art that is 

    Posted in: The Glass Knight
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    posted a message on The Glass Knight

    this is actually not that good of a card, idk if we have enough healing  oriented cards for paladin to make a Hpally deck that stalls out the game with healing and healing minions, mind you this combos with that 2/4 heal 3 each turn but that card didn't really see much play i am unsure if this card will just because we have that one, if this had rush and divine shield with that healing effect? yeah that'd be really good

    Posted in: The Glass Knight
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    posted a message on Bellringer Sentry

    OOhhh this card is gonna be good solid stats. this is 6 mana worth of stats put into a 4 mana 3/4 it's a very good card. but paladin secrets aren't to Spectacular with no avenge but it's still pretty good value being able to cheat out secrets is always powerful this card will see play for sure same reason Mad scientist saw play and mysterious challenger saw play, being able to play cards for free is extremely strong effect even if the secrets aren't powerful. it'll be a baby version of Secrets paladin this could fit into murloc paladin or any paladin deck tbh because of the low cost high value.

    Posted in: Bellringer Sentry
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    posted a message on Silver Sword

    nothing is wrong with aggro this is about the card not being good for aggro.if you don't like aggro decks... don't play any card games because there are worse ones in MTG that can burst you down on turn one as the game instantly ends before it even starts.

    Posted in: Silver Sword
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    posted a message on Worgen Abomination

    this isn't really a bad card it's a beefy version of baron with 1 less attack and 1 more HP, it kinda punishes trading because those minions will take an extra 2 - 4 damage damage, this works very well in warrior with bloodrazor since warrior seems to lack large AoE's in the later turns especially with sleep with the fishes rotating out, but this also works with sleep with the fishes.

    there could be a world where this works with that.. really bad Tower legendary being able to damage it using this card without having to run to many WW effects. 

    yeah... just seems like an alright card nothing to OP not weak either it's just average but we all know average cards don't always see much play so it might not unless there is a deck that can make use of this? but more of a very solid arena card.

    Posted in: Worgen Abomination
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    posted a message on Silver Sword

    probem with this is these cards you suggest are aggro/midrange cards mainly aggro  this weapon is a aggro weapon with a control deck mana cost. this is to much for a deck with small cards like lost in the jungle and drygulch or Call to arms, those decks usually win before turn 8 or are Already winning hardcore with the handbuffing effects this would just be a win more card and be overkill but effectively do nothing

    Posted in: Silver Sword
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    posted a message on Silver Sword

    What an amazing aggro/midrange card ruined by it's mana cost, holy crap 8 mana? this should be 5 - 6 at least 8 is totally over kill especially with how much AoE is high costing. if you jumble the stats around you could make this so much better, 8 mana 5/2 give your minions +2+2 is even better than this would end up as a glorified  reaper with the quarter master effect and it'd totally see SOME use but my lord 8 mana? Gorehowl doesn't even see play and it's a crazy good weapon but it costs to much for what it does and i believe this will be thrown in the same bin as gorehowl, meta slows down enough to use gorehowl then it's enough to use this card.

    Posted in: Silver Sword
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    posted a message on Voodoo Doll

    problem is alot of classes have hard removal already so idk if a minion version would be good enough

    Posted in: Voodoo Doll
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    posted a message on Toki, Time-Tinker

    this still isn't that good of a card it might as well be the face collector with bigger mana cost and states but no echo effect

    Posted in: Toki, Time-Tinker
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