I don't know what to do with this information
- LordNelson
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Member for 6 years, 1 month, and 12 days
Last active Wed, Oct, 30 2024 13:24:05 -
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- 59 Thanks
BlueStripe posted a message on Patch 30.4 String Differences - Voice Lines, Tutorial, Glue, Gameplay & MorePosted in: News -
ImKyloBen posted a message on Nirvany's octo otkPosted in: Nirvany's octo otkDoes the combo even work? dealt 32 damage to a minion and only 4 of it went to face against a 4/4
Dieseloctane posted a message on 28.0.2 Patch Notes - Azerite Snake Temporary Change, Modes Changes & Bug FixesPosted in: NewsUsual indie company jokes aside, this whole Azerite Snake thing was a massive fuck up. In a game with so much bounce, how did they not expect this card to be a problem? The only thing they could have fucked up worse with this would be to have given it to rogue.
BilgekhanShaman posted a message on 28.0.2 Patch Notes - Azerite Snake Temporary Change, Modes Changes & Bug FixesPosted in: NewsThis nerf means changed almost nothing.
XF1urry posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)Posted in: Players and Teams DiscussionBattletag: XF1urry#2213Region: EUTrade Only?: YesDone with LordNelson, thanks!
Ghostwaker posted a message on Vlps' 12-win N'Zoth Control Shaman - Wild Heroic Tavern BrawlPosted in: Vlps' 12-win N'Zoth Control Shaman - Wild Heroic Tavern BrawlWhy Thing from Below? It's not a totem shaman and it doesn't have a single totem card.
Dieseloctane posted a message on Zero Losses - Plat 10 To Diamond 5 - Triple Blood DKPosted in: Zero Losses - Plat 10 To Diamond 5 - Triple Blood DKCould have been zero losses for the creator. You just can't play the deck as well. No need to hate. Keep practicing. You'll get there!
Tarious posted a message on Balance Changes Later in JanuaryPosted in: NewsOkay, blizzard needs to stop releasing expansions before christmas if they're going to be out of office for several weeks. Even then, it's several weeks vacation, then several more weeks of dealing with this meta.
Wanna fix things?
-Cap mana cheat to (But not less than 1) unless a card specifically states 0.
-Start putting a ton of crap stat'd packfiller minions and spells in during core rotation (I'm talking dozens). Mecha-shark was a problem last year cause the mech discover pool was tiny with mechs, and just about every mech in standard was REALLY good. Same thing for spells, if you use discover, there needs to be more trash. Evolving a 10 mana (which was cheated out for 2 mana) gnoll should have the risk of getting a low stat'd minion, not an 8/8 giant every time. All of rogue's burgle stuff should be at risk for summoning trash, not premium stat'd minions and spells most of the time.
-Speaking of discover. STOP PRINTING SO MUCH OF THIS. It's been a problem for years now. We should be able to run our opponents out of resources.
-Powercreep is a major issue. Tone it down.
-Taunt minions have never gotten powercrept, which is why you rarely see them and why aggro tends to run rampant nowadays.
Ace12345 posted a message on Balancing wild formatPosted in: General DiscussionI can see them nerfing discardlock because its 75% of wild and the only deck with a positive winrate. Wild is currently unplayable.
Menega007 posted a message on Big Changes Coming For Future Signature Cards & Compensation For Flaws In Duplicate Protection SystemPosted in: NewsDunno how they could possibly have thought these signature cards looked good
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I second every word!
1st try, 1st turn :) Thanks!
Why no zep?...
Tried only casuals, so far, but 6-0 :)
I've beaten the first 4 bosses and still no packs received. Same thing happened on last week's quest reward. Am I a joke to you, Blizzard??
Maybe because black/white/green people all belong to the same specie. Why differentiate? I Thought we all wanted the same treatment, regardless of our skin color.
I couldn't have put it better. Well said, sir!!!
How do we get a refound if the card is uncraftable?... :\
Cmon, guys, make this work again :)
Ok, I crafted it and pulled it on the first try :P Played Hemet on turn 4 (coin+counterfeit coin) :D