Because no one plays Classic mode? According to hsreplay the total number of games played in classic is less than the number of games played just by the top deck in Standard.
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The easiest way as I see it: silence the egg, then buff it and attack face.
Yeah but those cards were all standard cards. You can't leave a card unplayable in any format.
Gnomelia is neutral, that's the biggest difference.
Steal is a noun/verb, not an adjective. What the hell are you even talking about?
Haven't seen a single big priest lately. All the priests I've faced in wild in September were either quest or shadow. Diamond 4 currently.
You can use their 1st abilty the turn they are played. But yeah, after that they are probably getting removed except if you are playing against aggro and managed to keep board clear (in which case you already won unless they have some kind of reach).
You have no idea about WoW lore, don't you?
I've lost to undead priest and frozen touch mage as blood dk today. Not drawing your vampiric bloods, heals or discovers ends the games quite fast for you. Blood DK wins vs most of the meta but it's in no way an unbeatable deck. Play it for yourself and see.
I don't care, this goes into my wild elemental mage meme deck.
My wild casino mage is super happy with all those reveals. Fuck tryhards, I'm playing this for fun.