Yeah. I stopped using it in my deck and added some of the fatigue package cards, it deals better with agro. Darkglare was often a dead draw post-Tamsin.
I'd be fine with banning 1 card or 1 class. 3-5 is too much and you could exclude significant portion of playerbase.
I would ban quest mage because that deck is cancer to play against as a control deck (and I play weird control-ish decks like dragon paladin, dragon shaman or elemental mage). Sure, you can try to snipe their Rommath but most of the time it doesn't work. I'm fine with playing vs quest warlocks because you can still burst them down at least. They don't have as many defensive options as quest mages.
My biggest gripe with twist is the headstart that streamers had which led to this month's meta being solved before twist was even available to general public. Blizzard needs to ban problematic cards in twist, and do it fast. Other than that, the mode is quite fun if you have a large card collection.
Blood DK isn't even close to being the best deck right now...
enlighten me: what beats blood DK? And it was in fact the #1 highest winrate deck at least for the first 2 weeks according to hearth arena
I've lost to undead priest and frozen touch mage as blood dk today. Not drawing your vampiric bloods, heals or discovers ends the games quite fast for you. Blood DK wins vs most of the meta but it's in no way an unbeatable deck. Play it for yourself and see.
I imagine because cards like Stealer of Souls will no longer works with the Demon Seed. When the patch goes live, cards that cost health instead of mana will no longer be considered damage and will go through immunity effects.
It's still going to be good, but not as good as before.
The version lots of people were running wasn't even using that card. You don't really need it.
So for 9 mana, you can get either a 6/8 Rush Windfury which kills 2 things with 6 or less health and summons them for you, or a 4/4 which destroys 3 minions and gains stats equal to the destroyed minions'. Insatiable Devourer, makes this look pathetic. Add in the ability to copy Devourer with Brilliant Macaw, which Drakaru can't, and the gap only widens.
The only reason this would ever see play is if Big Shaman is an actual deck.
But Devourer can be ignored by you opponent and is only one body (easier removal) while this can kill two taunts and give you some protection.
I think the card will be used in a different archetype than Devourer, I can already imagine some 'big shaman' list with spells for early game and then lots of big minions cheated with various spells.
Don't know about this one. We had a 5 mana 1/1 summon a 5/8 taunt, it never saw play except some DR rogue (and it wasn't the main wincon either) . 2☆
the difference is, that 1/1 body did not have taunt, while this 2/2 does, so the minion can't be ignored by your opponent going face with minions/weapons.
The easiest way as I see it: silence the egg, then buff it and attack face.
Yeah. I stopped using it in my deck and added some of the fatigue package cards, it deals better with agro. Darkglare was often a dead draw post-Tamsin.
You can but it will only damage enemy minions.
Steal is a noun/verb, not an adjective. What the hell are you even talking about?
I'd be fine with banning 1 card or 1 class. 3-5 is too much and you could exclude significant portion of playerbase.
I would ban quest mage because that deck is cancer to play against as a control deck (and I play weird control-ish decks like dragon paladin, dragon shaman or elemental mage). Sure, you can try to snipe their Rommath but most of the time it doesn't work. I'm fine with playing vs quest warlocks because you can still burst them down at least. They don't have as many defensive options as quest mages.
Haven't seen a single big priest lately. All the priests I've faced in wild in September were either quest or shadow. Diamond 4 currently.
My biggest gripe with twist is the headstart that streamers had which led to this month's meta being solved before twist was even available to general public. Blizzard needs to ban problematic cards in twist, and do it fast. Other than that, the mode is quite fun if you have a large card collection.
I've lost to undead priest and frozen touch mage as blood dk today. Not drawing your vampiric bloods, heals or discovers ends the games quite fast for you. Blood DK wins vs most of the meta but it's in no way an unbeatable deck. Play it for yourself and see.
The version lots of people were running wasn't even using that card. You don't really need it.
No you can't. Shadow is exactly one spell, so you get an extra copy of ONE spell in your deck, not one of each.
My wild casino mage is super happy with all those reveals. Fuck tryhards, I'm playing this for fun.
But Devourer can be ignored by you opponent and is only one body (easier removal) while this can kill two taunts and give you some protection.
I think the card will be used in a different archetype than Devourer, I can already imagine some 'big shaman' list with spells for early game and then lots of big minions cheated with various spells.
Not really. Devolve is much bigger counter. This one still adds killed minions to priest res pool.
the difference is, that 1/1 body did not have taunt, while this 2/2 does, so the minion can't be ignored by your opponent going face with minions/weapons.
Immune keyword in hearthstone means "can't be targetted by opponent, can't be damaged".
It's far from invulnerable.