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    posted a message on Dealing with rage and the feeling of "unfairness"

    Greetings mediocre players, if you really want to win, it's all good news.

    You are 1 click away from winning ...




    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Secret ignoring minion
    Quote from DatMageDoe >>

    We already have a 3 mana 2/5 which does an even stronger version of this - Tight-Lipped Witness. And that card is dreadful, because it's one dimensional deadweight against all decks except Secret decks. The only secret techs which saw serious play destroyed them such as Eater of Secrets because that denies all Secret value, instead of delaying them to "Later."

    He's talking about a minion that would ignore objection.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Battlegrounds Became Weird

    They radically changed the Battlegrounds minion set.

    Seems like half of the minions "do something" and you have to read the text of every card to see what weird thing they do.

    This seems like the largest change to Battlegrounds in a long time.

    Maybe eventually I'll "like it" -- but right now, it just feels super weird.


    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Priest weak late game has to end

    Playing Priest is a delicate matter.

    How is your roping?  No enough?  Too much?

    How is your emoting?  Are you saying "Wow!" enough?  Too much?


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Wild: Bugged Cards To Exploit

    Wild: Bugged Cards To Exploit

    Chaos Gazer - Curse a card, your opponent has 1 turn to play it.  However, it is bugged and the opponent discards it right away.

    So Chaos Gazer is sort of like Mutanus, Chaos Gazer is 3 mana.

    Chittering Tunneller - Discover a spell, take damage equal to its cost.  So if I were to discover Twisting Nether, it should do 8 damage to self.  But the card is not doing any damage at all.


    Posted in: Wild Format
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