Paladin basically has a 0 mana Corpsicle now. GG OP
- LeonReinford
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Last active Sun, Nov, 3 2024 11:30:01 -
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Nekkro2 posted a message on Multiple New Shaman Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsAlso meteors are rocks, and usually everything Earth-related like Earthquake or Earth Shock are Nature spells. Kinda weird asteroids themself are not Nature just for the coherence even if you normally can't play the cards.
Hellyeahey posted a message on Multiple New Shaman Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsIt is because meteors are natural space rocks, which heats up after friction, pressure and thermal chemical reactions. So it is logically a nature spell, because a meteor storm is a phenomenom in space
SpaceTimeDream posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Card Revealed - TalgathPosted in: NewsI guess Rogues can
suicideunalive themselves easier by casting Fine Print after summoning Talgath I guess. -
OhGodOhNo posted a message on Multiple New Rogue Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! That's what it's all about! That's what I've been waiting for! I shit you not I have been imagining they print cards with this exact text. Rogue is gonna have biggest starships, the best starships. Our starships will do everything the others do and more. Conniving Conman will be building the starship, finally playable in his native class. Tess Greymane will build an entire starship every time she enters play. The Exodar is getting played 2-3 times per game. It literally doesn't matter if this deck is good, it's the deck I'm playing.
BlueM00N posted a message on Multiple New Rogue Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsLMAO
3rd expansion this year with shitty cards for rogue. GG Blizzard, you know best how to annihilate a class that's been the worst for months.
user-100235182 posted a message on New Druid-Warlock Common Card Revealed - Blood TreantPosted in: NewsThis card is not free. It's 5 health and 1 card. Patches is zero health and zero card (the real reason he is good is because u get it for no card advantage loss. Corridor creeper is a 5/5 easy to discount. This card isn't close to being that sort of card. It's more like wisp but even weaker
Hivemind567 posted a message on New Rogue-Priest Common Card Revealed - DeafenPosted in: NewsI never said they would play it I mentioned their discover pool. It adds another silence to it and it’s shadow so they’ll be playing it a lot without it being in their deck. Svalna…
Wilsborne posted a message on New Rogue Common Card Revealed - One Hit WonderPosted in: NewsRemember when the card Vilespine Slayer was the nuts? Those were the days lmao
Breakfast1 posted a message on New Rogue-Priest Common Card Revealed - DeafenPosted in: NewsFoul Egg begone!
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I wish Hearthstone team would just change discounts down to 1 mana minimum it fix's so many issues with the current game and future design. Instead they will probably just end up repeatably nerfing classes like paladin when they end up being too strong.
Meteor Storm seems a little odd being as a nature spell I would have guessed fire do have a weakspot for elemental shaman so should be fun playing this all the same though. Maybe the legendary won't make the cut into my deck as I do like the eruption elemental too.
I mean if rogue actually had a decent AOE and if its effect was to just deal double damage to minions and combo gave a buffed version of backstab maybe it would see play. But I doubt it when we have 1 mana 1-3 and 2 mana 2/3-4 cards its just such a terrible card design I wanna book a flight and find out the designer so I can slap some sense into them.
This just seems like a worse version of Pop'gar the Putrid I honestly don't know what hearthstone dev team were thinking with this trash card.
Don't forget the only good combo card listed there Rhymespinner cycles out start of next year too so even if it could possibly make the combo archtype work once 2025 first expansion hits combo is dead once again. though I'd rather play rng other class rogue builds that waste my time on combo decks that won't do jack all against the current standard decks.
I wanna love Quasar but as others have said it will probably be too slow because of current meta. As for combo just looking at the other combo cards it will never be a viable deck that see's play in the remainder of 2024 way too slow and not impactful enough combo cards to even compete with other classes.
Starship and starship support cards seem to be the only thing that this expansion will offer rogue as the combo build won't be anywhere near good enough to even be concidered playing. What good is a double damage backstab legendary when you have paladins dropping 10 attack and hp minions with divine shield by like turn 5 the impact of combo isn't enough to work just like DK who don't run tripple blood because its useless at the moment.
I don't see combo becoming meta for rogue anytime soon the impact they provide isn't good enough its the same issue with DK and tripple blood rune there is zero point running combo when everything else the class can build around is way better.
Wow a 0 mana backstab that can only target undamaged minions for 2-4 damage in 2024 when we have 1 mana 1-3 cards seems super useful. Said like 2 years back when we started to see 4 hp 2 mana cards backstab needs buffing now in 2024 they give us possibly the worse legendary card I've seen for a class since millhouse manastone neutral.
I think your undestimating what Warrior will be getting in this Mini-set a little that new taunt demon on its own is a big buff to the taunt warrior as can be backstage bouncer.
Although I will admit the deck won't really be a fun one to play or play against because they will most likely be lengthy games and that isn't everyones cuppa tea.