• 2

    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Soggoth the Slitherer


    This card would have been great had it been printed for instance as a 4/8 for 7 mana. At 9 mana it is too heavy to see play, as in constructed generally cards costing 8 or more mana have to either have a very strong battlecry or be exceptional value to see play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on #1 Legend Hybrid Druid [TGT]


    I played it for 31 games at ranks between 350 and 120 legend and went 21-10 (68% win rate)

    This is a very well put together deck. I tried experimenting with some card changes like cutting 1 violet teacher and/or 1 azure drake and/or 1 living root in favour of bgh, shades, and/or bloodmage thalnos to mixed success depending on matchup. Overall, I feel the currently list is the way to go, but can potentially be teched depending on what you face.

    As usual excellent deck Flood. 


    Posted in: #1 Legend Hybrid Druid [TGT]
  • 0

    posted a message on My Newer Control Warrior

    I'm running 2 slams and a bash (if either bash or gromm get reduced in price from thaurissan) that can also activate gromm and execute if needed. Also early minions with battlecries greatly diminish from the value of Varian I opted to go more spell heavy removal early, and cut cruels and armorsmiths as they are not really necessary especially with double brawl available. 

    You may be right though in that it is a bit ambitious perhaps and I might have to eventually add a cruel taskmaster or a whirlwind to also proc acolytes outside of just deathbite while being relatively okay against some aggro minions as well.

    I can't tell yet though and will have to play more games on the deck to see if adding a cruel taskmaster or whirlwind is needed. 

    Thank you for the suggestion regardless though.

    Posted in: My Newer Control Warrior
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    posted a message on Eadric the Pure

    Control paladin is already very good against handlock you wouldn't need another way to deal with giants especially since control paladin is so board focused that moltens come out quite late in the matchup so there's not that threat of double taunted moltens nearly as frequently as you might have in some other matchups.

    Posted in: Eadric the Pure
  • 13

    posted a message on Eadric the Pure

    To me the problem isn't his effect. His effect is very strong, if it can even land on just 2 minions that have 5 attack or more. The problem is that almost every card currently played in control decks at turns 5 and onwards has either a very powerful death rattle or some form of effective battlecry. Just as example lets run through some of the more commonly used mid-late game in most control decks currently: sludge belcher, sylvanas, healbot, harrison, loatheb, shieldmaiden, dr. boom, rag, ysera, alexstraza, antonidas, grommash, tirion, jaraxxus, thaurisan, highmane, fire ele, cabal, malganis, alakir, malygos, kelthuzad (rarely), and cenarius (rarely).

    Eadric's effect isn't more effective than a peacekeeper against any of those cards except for cenarius but even then its only a 2 damage difference. Some may argue what if he played 2 of those cards? Well, it is extremely rare to see 2 big minions late game unless you are very behind and even then you are only mitigating most of their attacking damage not their battlecries, ongoing effects, or deathrattles. So as soon as a large threat comes out currently it will have to do something on turn of play, and get instantly removed by the opponent or they pretty much lose the game in the next 2-3 turns anyway. Additionally suppose your opponent played alex, or even a fire ele. I doubt you would just wait and take the face damage and hope they drop another big late game minion before taking care of it with Eadric, and considering paladin already has great removal and great board presence early it will likely still be quite rare to see more than 1 big minion against them. 

    That being said, since some of the revealed legendaries like the priest, warrior, and the druid ones all encourage or allow a more flood based late game with big creatures, if those become very popular Eadric may prove unbelievably useful. But based on the current late game being played if he was currently available I think he would likely be an average legendary worth considering, but definitely not an auto-include.

    Posted in: Eadric the Pure
  • 0

    posted a message on Legendary Rank Budget Hunter

    Ya, it is amazing how well it works. I have a few friends who also play a similar deck but opted to change a few cards, so I will tell you which they changed and for what reasons, but I still believe this deck to be solid enough to get you up to legendary.

    They replaced savannah highmanes with cairne bloodhoof and the black knight or sylvanas. This gives you more mid game board control and better late game return for similar mana cost.You can also replace 1 of the tigers with Hogger or Illidan depending on if you want to be aggro mid game or passive mid game. This second change changes how you play the mid-late game however to be a more control style even if you are losing and takes away the more common stealth approach and face tanking. Instead you are give a weak taunt to tank some damage and a formidable 2ndary creature you try to control with. These changes allow more vesatility in the deck especially against control druids that are very common currently in ranks 2-legendary. However, they are not necessary changes, just optional if you have the legendary cards to make the deck a bit more potent.


    Posted in: Legendary Rank Budget Hunter
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