I accidentally crafted golden Hunter Quest and then I got 12 wins in the wild arena thing and ended up getting a second one :(. IM SO glad that there is no more legendary copies to get.
You can still get copies from rewards such as arena or that wild arena brawl.
I personally preffer when they show just shitt* cards, everyone thinks it will be the worst expansion and in the last week or weeks BOOM! Priest gets a good legendary BOOOM shaman gets more card draws BOOOOOOM the meta gets slower (none really happened)
But I want to see other people's oppinion so, please, tell me how would you order cards reveal if you were a dev or something like that :p.
The most horrible card design i've ever seen in Hearthstone : if you're playing Jade Druid, this card basically reads, "Battlecry: Lose the game" : Such Fun, Much interactivity.
Also this card will also catch a lot of fair & fun decks in the crossfire : i had a blast in the past few months playing "Banana Priest" and "Discover Rogue", but both those deck will be heavily crippled because of that card, and for no good reason. This also kill any hope for The Last Kaleidosaur ever becoming viable, and ruins the day of people wanting to meme their way with Explore Un'Goro.
A straight nerf to Jade Idol would have been infinitely better than this monstruosity.
No, it means you now have a finite amount of resources, like all other Jade decks. It brings Jade Druid to a much more fair and balanced level.
Those other decks you named aren't even in the meta, so who cares.
Who cares ?Anyone who likes to explore & test new decks, anyone who likes to have fun : Hearthstone is not meant to satisfy only the hardened & (somewhat) competitive netdeckers.
A nerf to Jade Idol would have accomplished the same thing (limiting the population of Jade Druids) in a much better way : it wouldn't have deleted many fun, fair and memeiesque decks from the game. It would have been also a less frustrating way to approach the Jade Druid matchup : now, you win if you play Skulking Geist, or lose if you don't (or don't draw it in time).
And yes it is game winning, as Skulking Geist will be played in decks with the means to outlast their opponent : having a finite number of ressources against those opponents will mean defeat the vast majority of the time (unless they draw it too late).
I personally think it's fair now, jade druid will be able to summon a 10/10 (if your opponent doesn't draw the card, even more, which is also very likely to happend) many other jade decks used to get stucked at 9/9 or 10/10 anyway, shaman rarely gets to an 8/8.
Also, being able to destroy the card on late game allows mill decks to come back to life AND that includes mill Druid!
I thought I had seen it all....
Then I saw that deck lol you won't get more than rank 26 lul
Got Prophet Velen and Gruul
Plus 2 epics I didn't have and 400 dust, not bad I think
Prohet is from the free leg))
Just bought the promo with 10 classic packs and a class legendary.
I feel dirty, I feel good...
Am I in the dark side now?
Just reloged and a message saying that they were working so everyone could play TB.....
So yes, it's probably shifcon once again...
let's make them think we are highly annoyed so they give us free dust lul
I crafted rexxars hero card and tried to play it.
As soon as I left my collection, a message appeared "This action couldn't be completed, log on and log in to retrieve any gold or dust spended"
I did and got my dust back.
So yes, you can craft but as soon as you leave collection, you get an error message and have to log off.
Ps: Tried crafting and not leaving, but once you enter your collection again, the card is not there, neither any deck made with that card.
Edit, it said log off, not log on lol
I personally preffer when they show just shitt* cards, everyone thinks it will be the worst expansion and in the last week or weeks BOOM! Priest gets a good legendary BOOOM shaman gets more card draws BOOOOOOM the meta gets slower (none really happened)
But I want to see other people's oppinion so, please, tell me how would you order cards reveal if you were a dev or something like that :p.