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    posted a message on HS is such a sassy app...

    or as we said in old times "program" ... 

    anyhow, recent updates suggest another makeover for the not rare, well known disconnects. 

    this time politely asking if you just want to fuck off.... 

    but it's ok. BZ not being MS you should be ok supporting a small frame game company. 

    funny people

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    did I miss something???? 

    when and how was a new brann released ? 

    and who the fuck released that idea? first brann already sparked discussion. now all battlecry for the rest of the game. 

    spoiler alert: we will see that card in literally any competitive deck.

    I am inclined to leave the game just I won't want to wait until the next bann, adjustment or buffing other deck formulas 


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    battlegrounds us actually fun. minus beast bullshit. fcking annoying 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    the amount of mage bullshit. it's just so enormously ridiculous. you have your some soso good cards and think like : did I miss a turn ? is this a different game with better cards ? it's just like they make their own rules and you're not allowed to win. duck this shit. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on BG is riddled with bugs

     I can confirm the return of the game freeze crashes, unconditionally, both on wifi and mobile on Android. however reconnect usually works.

    cleaning cache might help a bit, but not for long. 

    one more: i recently played arena (haven't played that for ages) there it just keeps disconnecting up to a point where i just loose the game. 

    anyone else ?

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    fuck you blizzard! 

    i have no idea what simple minded idiots do the card design. after successfully introducing the retarded death knight and figure out new silly ideas to squeeze out more money , you finally nerved it to a silly op bullshit everyone now plays . it's such bullshit. i am done with this game

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on totem pack is beyond useless

    i was lucky with card finds and have basically all totem related cards:  carving chisel, anchored totem, party favor, the stone wright, gigantotems. the rest i filled up with other totems , some removals and some card draw. 

    ..... absolute loosing vs everything. 

    its too early for the topic to be final but I can't imagine this will ever work. its not synergetic with the recently introduced upgrade spells/minions as you depend on your cheap totems to grow. i can't help myself but thinking every meta is kind of unplayable on their signature cards since they took the elementals away from shaman. another sad expansion. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    you know what. i just fucking stop playing std. till they fucking fix fucking quest hunter

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should the way Hearthstone handles set rotation change?

    Pirate Warrior and Gruff Druid feel untouched resp. stronger while me as a free-to-play quest shaman probably just quit the game. blizzard/activision released some really strong cards, naturaly as legendaries. I do not have the feeling anyone on developer side  gives a flying fuck about balance. You just fix it after some maniacs came up with more or less unacceptable plays. silly.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on unbelievable how unstable Hearthstone runs

    It has been an Issue for all the years but it keeps on tilting me. Blizzard, honestly w.t.f. . It is a card game,  there should be minimal traffic requirement to keep it running but no, as soon as the connection gets a bit weaker or not even that the game keeps freezing, disconnecting, crashing. Why is this nuisance never fixed ? Is it that hard ?

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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