• 1

    posted a message on Pack Openin Stats Thread

    251 Packs

    10 Legendarys

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Vinecleaver

    I agree with pretty much everything you said Rhyolth I think people are severely underestimating this card, but I have no issue in my mind of running both the Vinecleaver and Tirion in the same deck. I mean if you play this thing on turn 7 (turn 6 with the coin is even better obviously) then you are going to swing with it down to a 4/2, next turn swing with it again and there is only 1 charge left and you can play Tirion on top of it and it actually works as Hex/Poly insurance imo. And the worst case example is literally you lose 1 charge of the weapon for it to be replaced by a 5/3 weapon. I mean value wise, remember, 2 swings with this weapon is already 8 damage and four 1/1's. That's not exactly unreasonable for 7 mana. Now yes, you may be losing a potential 4 damage and two 1/1's, but you are really gaining 1 damage the next turn and losing the two extra 1/1's. Also, as I mentioned briefly, if you coin this thing out on turn 6 it actually lines up perfectly with a turn 8 Tirion, having used all the charges by the eighth turn.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Paladin Legendary - Sunkeeper Tarim

    Pretty solid card in my personal opinion. As some have already stated, he comes down and it will take 3 minions to go through him. Also, with hand buff cards, he could be coming down as a 4/8, 5/9, etc. For being a 6 mana card that is a 3/7 with Taunt and turns everything into a 3/3 I think he has serious potential. Also, people comparing this guy to Eadric, I think he is a lot better.

    Eadric only messed with the opponents Attack. Tarim hits both the Attack and Defense of ALL minions. Eadric and Tarim have the exact same stats lines but Tarim costs 1 mana less. Last but not least, Tarim requires an answer because he has Taunt.

    I'm happy with this card in general, but I am somewhat disappointed that our Legendary was just a super Keeper of Uldaman. Hopefully our Quest is awesome.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Tha Paladin problem

    I don't think it is so much that the new Paladin cards are that bad (while they definitely aren't great), it's that every other class has a better deck than Paladin does. Not to mention their matchups against Paladin..

    Rogue - Infinite Card draw, takes your cards and beats you with them, throw in a Sap on Tirion for good measure and gg
    Warrior - Pirates and you win
    Mage - Infinite answers that can be turned into lethal damage when needed, you drop Tirion, they sheep it and gg
    Priest - Shadow Word: Pain, Death, Dragonfire Potion, best or 2nd best curve in the game and thanks for the Tirion (Entomb)
    Shaman - Probably the fastest and best curve in the game, amazing cards that cost half of what they should cost, and Hex Tirion for the lulz

    The only classes I actually enjoy playing against and have a decent win rating against with is Hunter and Druid... 

    I'm at the point where I don't know how you are going to beat a Priest Dragon deck as a Paladin player. I mean lmfao every answer in the world, a better curves, a better sweeper, Entomb for Tirion.. What are you supposed to do?

    I mean in my experience, Paladin has to build their entire deck around stabilizing with cards like:
    Aldor Peacekeeper
    Keeper of Uldaman
    Truesilver Champion
    Lay on Hands
    etc (and not to mention all the neutral cycle needed just to draw cards)

    Then you finally drop your win condition on an empty board and every single Class in the game has the easiest answer for it lol... sad days to be a Paladin.

    The most luck I have had with the new cards is when I get Smuggler's Run turn 1, Outfitter turn 2, and then curve out from there. I win most of those games I get that turn 1 and turn 2 momentum, but I still lose some of them.

    I'm not trying to make this into a complaining post, I almost exclusively play Paladin, but I predicted that these new cards would be bad, and fro my experience thus far, they are. They force you to take out some of Paladin's best cards (all their Utility like LoH, Equality, Consec) so that you have more Minions you can hit with the "Buff" cards and if you lose board control at any point, your only chance for a comeback is if Don Han'Cho hits a Doppelgangster... I've already stopped using them and started heading towards Classic Control Paladin that has more than one win condition... sad sad times

    Posted in: Paladin
  • -8

    posted a message on Mean Streets of Gadgetzan - Hearthstone's Fourth Expansion

    I guess I don't know the lingo, when you say: "you're getting a 1/2 power duplicate for 1/3 of the cost to start with." What does this mean exactly?

    Targeted Draw is not great, is completely situational, and requires a specific deck geared towards activating it. 

    Buffs, Taunts, Healing, and Draw aren't what win you games though. That looks great on paper, but you need actually good minions to buff to begin with and the more garbage like these cards you put in your deck just lowers your chance of getting them...

    Wickerflame Burnbristle: decent card, except it could have been a Peacekeeper, Nightbane, Technician, and many other options for 3. Insanely underwhelming for a Legendary and demands you build the deck around him.
    Small-Time Recruits: you have to build an entire janky 1-mana cost blitzy agro deck just to make this crap work.
    Meanstreet Marshal: have to fill your deck with crap like Abusive and Dark Iron to make it work (full commitment to agro).
    Grimestreet Protector: 7mana 6/6 Taunt gives Adjacent DS, this looks just like a Paladin card! I'm fine with this one.
    Grimestreet Enforcer: 5mana 4/4 buff hand eot, I'm fine with this card I guess(?), I mean its obviously not going in Dragon and is kind of late in blitz, so... would have to make a new tempo deck to accommodate it, but its hard to beat Kodo and Azure as your 5drops..
    Getaway Kodo: A bad version of Redemption unless you are running some kind of Battlecry deck
    Grimestreet Outfitter: 2mana 1/1 "tempo" card..
    Smuggler's Run: spell version of the new +1/+1 Paladin hand mechanic

    Ya sorry, but not sorry at all, these cards are clearly pushing Paladin away from the mid to late game (with one MAYBE two exceptions) and I think its trash.

    Posted in: Guides
  • -18

    posted a message on Mean Streets of Gadgetzan - Hearthstone's Fourth Expansion

    Those are the absolute worst Paladin cards I have ever seen.

    Posted in: Guides
  • 2

    posted a message on Question on the Future of Hearthstone

    @iandakar, I could not disagree with you much more.

    -It will not take 3 more years for Hearthstone to release 2 more expansions and 1 more adventure expansion or whatever the small ones are called. I don't know what calculation you did but I showed there are 1170 something cards in MTG right now and 850 something in Hearthstone right now. Next year they will have around 1200 in Hearthstone at least. Otherwise they need to work faster.

    -I never said we were close to having formats, you literally just pulled that out of the air. Even though for some reason there is no draft format in pro leagues (which makes no sense given the nature of most card games).

    -You mention it as not being a worry, but it is my biggest worry; being bored. This game came out March 2014, in other words there are cards that have not rotated out now in coming up on 2 years.

    -You clearly have no idea about MTG formats, the ones you are referring too, started because they wanted to release new sets and they didn't want a format with over 3,000 cards in it for what they wanted to be considered standard (the new player friendly format). Do you know how hard it would be for a new player to hop into Hearthstone right now? Well however hard you just thought of, imagine how hard it will be for a player in the next year to join the game from scratch.

    **Not to mention, you learn from the past, like for example certain mechanic's end up being too powerful to ever replace with new cards without making the new cards ridiculously broken. Have you ever wondered why 90% of decks run cards like Piloted Shredder, Dr. Boom, and then all the staple cards that each individual class has to offer? Compare every deck with a deck a year ago from the same class. Good luck finding a difference of more than 10 cards.

    -Your paragraph on card costs in Hearthstone over the years was literally irrelevant and expressed the complete misunderstanding of what is actually being discussed.

    -Formats are introduced to spice things up, yep you are right, and its about time for something like that to show up in Hearthstone outside of "Tavern Brawl's"

    -Future formats is exactly what should be asked about right now, I would love to know that for example Hearthstone formats would last for 3 years and then new class options would come out. For example, switch from Uther as the Paladin pilot over to someone like Maraad or something.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on !HELP! Help or advice to get to legend !HELP!

    Hmmm, I'll throw my 2cents in I guess.

    First of all, I think that 2x Aldor Peacekeeper's is completely fine, but from my limited/current experience, only 1x Keeper of Uldaman is necessary. The best logical explanation is, yes, it would be nice to run two Keeper's, but there are simply too many potential 4-drops for Paladin Midrange atm. That and it is completely unrealistic to use the Keeper on curve (turn four) every game, because a 3/3 isn't really that bad for your opponent that early in the game. Long story short, again from my experience alone, 1x Keeper is solid in general unless you want to build an entire deck based around buffing your own minions on turn four while having the potential to nerf threats late game. Aldor on the other hand is a solid 3/3 body for 3 that nerf's the enemy Minions attack and buys you the time you need early to get that board control no matter what deck you are running or running against.

    As far as the deck goes, it looks solid, I agree with you that it probably has the potential to push to Legend. The only personal revisions that I would make would be:

    -1x Keeper of Uldaman (for reasons stated above)
    -1x Murloc Knight (not a big fan)
    -1x Big Game Hunter (as mentioned above, probably too much)

    +1x Zombie Chow (personally, I hate this card but it does help acquire board control)
    +1x Loatheb (at least give it a try, it's a 5 mana 5/5 with an amazing Battlecry)
    +1x Sylvanas Windrunner (I just really think you need another 6-drop or maybe two)

    Like I already said, I think the deck you have is completely fine, but these are the changes that I would make.

    Good luck on the grind man, after I hit Legend I stopped going for it completely. I still watch tons of Hearthstone top streamers, complete my daily quest's, stay up to date on the meta, and buy the new sets when they come out. I just can't commit to the grind anymore lol, I just try to play for fun now, but probably am more competitive than your average "casual" player.

    Posted in: Paladin
  • 3

    posted a message on [Top 100] Control Paladin - with video guide!

    Well I feel like we are in quite the predicament with this new "Reveal" mechanic coming in TGT.

    For example, currently, some of our absolute strongest cards for making it to the mid and late game are Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot, Aldor Peacekeeper, Piloted Shredder, and in some cases even Knife Juggler. On top of that, some of our best utility/meta cards range from Acidic Swamp Ooze, Ironbeak Owl, Wild Pyromancer, Acolyte of Pain, Big Game Hunter, Mind Control Tech, to Kezan Mystic. So if we can somehow find a way to get around needing those elements, or if for whatever reason the new environment can be played around without those, we would be able to introduce our absolute best card revealed this set, Tuskar Jouster.

    So, in other words, the only real great cards that I see for the Default Paladin Control deck in TGT are Chillmaw, Enter the Coliseum, and maybe Eadric the Pure (which I would replace for Dr. Boom, an Equality, and a Peacekeeper respectively). At the same time, I see these cards strong enough to reshape the deck over in a few ways. One of the things that I will be experimenting with, come TGT, is actually dropping all creatures below 5 mana, and tossing in the Argent Lance for early clean up along with maybe a Seal of Light or some Secrets. My hopes are to stabilize before getting too low, while being able to drop my creatures come turn 5. My early control could look something like this:

    (I didn't mention any secrets here, but who knows, a few Noble Sacrifice's might not be too bad)
    1-2x Humility
    2x Argent Lance
    1-2x Equality
    1-2x Seal of Light
    1x Coghammer
    2x Muster for Battle
    2x Consecration
    2x Truesilver Champion
    1-2x Hammer of Wrath

    (late game spells)
    1-2x Enter the Coliseum
    1x Lay on Hands

    Using something like that would allow for a pretty consistent "Reveal" win on turn 5 versus the decks that matter for our Tuskar Jouster to give us that, "O, so needed" heal. Bottom line here, is that we just don't know what TGT will do to the environment yet and Tuskar will simply not win consistently enough versus the decks we desperately need Antique Healbot to heal us against for 5 mana. I will mention, that the best part about a deck like I mentioned above, is the mid-late game curve would look something like this:

    Turn 5: Tuskar Jouster / Sludge Belcher
    Turn 6: Master JousterSunwalkerMysterious Challenger if secrets work out
    Turn 7: ChillmawGuardian of Kings / Dr. Boom
    Turn 8: Tirion FordringKel'Thuzad still works here as well

    The worst part about Tuskar is that he is still a gamble against Mid range and Control decks. A lot of times that guaranteed +8 Health from Healbot is our only chance (and we win from that some times). I can't imagine losing that "Joust" reveal to another deck when the Healing was the most important aspect of playing the card at the time.

    I also want to mention that come TGT, Paladin will potentially have a mid-range or control Dragon deck and maybe even an Inspire and/or Murloc deck. So, that is at least something to look forward too as well.

    Sorry if I didn't answer your question very well, but the most concise way I could answer it is; Long story short, the best looking cards that Paladin got from TGT to throw in our already made decks and not totally starting from scratch are Chillmaw, Enter the Coliseum, Eadric, and maybe a few other Neutral Epic's/Legendaries that we can add per preference like Grand Crusader or Nexus-Champion Saraad over Quartermaster or Solemn Vigil

    Posted in: [Top 100] Control Paladin - with video guide!
  • 4

    posted a message on [Top 100] Control Paladin - with video guide!

    This deck has been around since the beginning, in fact, I use to write about the core of it all the time (literally all the way back in Season 1 when I first hit Legend with the original version of it. I use to call it "Humility Control" and you can look it up if you want). At the time, I postulated the theory that with the core of the, at the time, Paladin control deck, you could just adjust the remaining spots to your preference or keep upgrading it as time goes on and still have the same results. In essence, what I'm saying is, you are using the same core to the "Default Paladin Control" deck, and you are doing exactly what needs to be done upgrading the appropriate cards to keep the deck current (and at the same time proving my theory true), so definitely take my write-up as a compliment.


    Once you have established the staple cards for Paladin Control (which are about 17-18 cards that never change in the deck throughout expansions, because they perform a certain role that has to be done to allow the deck to take control) you can then just adjust the remaining 12-13 cards around new minions/spells that come out or new meta requirements that arise. For example, the absolute staples that have stood the test of time are:

    2x Equality
    2x Aldor Peacekeeper
    2x Truesilver Champion
    2x Consecration
    1x Guardian of Kings
    1x Lay on Hands
    1x Tirion Fordring
    1x Ironbeak Owl
    2x Wild Pyromancer
    1x Big Game Hunter
    1x Harrison Jones
    1x Sylvanas Windrunner

    and new examples of meta answer's that can be worked into the deck if certain decks are giving you the most trouble:

    Kezan Mystic (meta against secrets)
    Chillmaw (meta against Grim Patron)

    Sen'jin Shieldmasta's, Earthen Ring Farseer's, Acolyte of Pain's, Holy Light's, and Stampeding Kodo's all got upgraded by the introduction of Sludge Belcher's, Muster for Battle's, Antique Healbot's, Shielded Minibot's, and Piloted Shredder's when they came out. The original "bombs" like Ragnaros the Firelord and Cairne Bloodhoof all got replaced by the likes of Dr. Boom and Kel'Thuzad.

    There is a reason why people are switching a few cards in and out here and there and still having excellent, if not the same, results; because once you have established the core of the deck and understand how to play it, you are going to get the same results whether one of your bombs is Dr. Boom, Kel'Thuzad, Ysera, Alexstrasza, etc.

    Great job with the Legend placement and updating the deck so well. Again, I'm not trying to start anything by this post, I'm just complimenting a job well done, and hoping to shed light on the Paladin Control deck for the newer players who may not know what's going on here.

    Posted in: [Top 100] Control Paladin - with video guide!
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