Hello all,
I really like the site and use the pre-made decks quite a lot (and tweak them a little to suit my tastes), however I kind of miss an essential option, now that I've reg'd.
It's true that sometimes you need to create the cards (or look for a good alt) to use in a deck. But what if you don't have any dust or painstakingly have to destroy some to obtain the amount? Wouldn't it be nice if you could submit the cards you have to the site and then use that information as a filter? This way you can rummage through decks you can complete, in essence: Elevated F2P, if you will.
Your thoughts, please.
This might be the most offensive title I've ever seen...
Hey now. That Dust Devil was an upgrade from the wisp!
Alarm-o-Bot actually has a really good chance of being good from Unstable portal. Turn 2 has a decent chance of surviving... And it stays 0 cost. So you can keep replaying it over and over again for free. That's actually pretty amazing. You do need to find a way to sneak him in obviously, but if that'ts one of your 3 worst possibilities... That ain't bad.
Fixed your typos.
That's fine that you feel that way. For me it's a game, and the achievement is making a great play in a deck I actually made. Not a title. That commitment might be for you, but it isn't for everyone, or even the majority. Finding a balance between top tier players, those who want to be, and then the 80% of other players is necessary. They are struggling with that right now.
If so than that must have been a glitch. There doesn't seem to be a reason it wouldn't work.
So he isn't taking at least one card totaling 5 or more mana? If that's the case than you are in a lot of trouble. Because even polymorph + ping costs a mage 1 more mana than it does to play Belcher in the first place. So he successfully stalled a turn.
If someone uses a card or two to take out Belcher, he did his job.
Has this been tested yet? It might just give one since he destroys all mechs. But they could trigger simultaneously and both summon.
There are 6 turns prior to that where if needed, mage has several other removal spells. And ya know, other minions.