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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    Battletag: Lamboronald#2999
    Region: EU
    Trade Only?: Yes, you first.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I craft the Black Knight?

    Depends on how many other classic legendaries you still need. If you have all the ood ones (including Harrision and other situational ones) than sure

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Inner Fire deserves a nerf

    Im so happy blizzard doesnt listen to all these "pls nerf this card i lose to it" threads. Inner fire or divine spirit? Hahha this is getting riddiculous

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Beardo worth crafting ?


    1. It's a meme deck (that doesn't perform well outside of the Cubelock matchup)
    2. It's super inconsistent
    3. Beardo is a card that is gonna rotate within a month or so (if you play wild, whatever)
    4. Outside of that deck this card sees no play
    5. Many streamers play decks that aren't really good because people get tired of seing meta decks on stream

    So unless you have basically any meta legendary, epics rares, you play wild, you don't care about winning and you like fun decks, dont craft

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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