I feel like the Mana Ramping is a bigger issue than the Guardians. I don't want all future Druid cards to fall into a problem where it's either too easy to cheat out early or too expensive to use unless you're ramping super fast.
- Kwakdizzle
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RaptorWithWings posted a message on 18.4 Patch - Nerfs (Guardian Animals;Tortollan Pilgrim), Elementals in BG & More! -
XanXon posted a message on Server-Side Hotfix For Cards Crashing The Game After Patch 18.0Posted in: NewsYou have to wonder what goes down in the code to even cause these things to happen
Well in case of Spreading Plague probably a lot of ... bugs.
Sherman1986 posted a message on Hearthstone players are such a babiesPosted in: General DiscussionThe only thing that is really pathetic is people who put down others all the time in real life. Believe me, rest doesn't matter.
GrumpyMonkie posted a message on New Mage Epic Card Revealed - CombustionPosted in: NewsJesus christ, the wording is very clear. 4 damage to a minion, if it kills it, the remaining damage is received by both neighboring minions - ie kills 1 health minion -> minions adjacent to that minion receive 3 damage both.
xskarma posted a message on Ashes of Outland Meta Decks - Last Week of June LadderPosted in: NewsExcept things ARE changing. Demon Hunter is experimenting with Cobalt Spellkin. Druid with Claw and Emerald Explorer. Quest Warlock is experimenting with Thalnos and Rafaam.
Every deck is trying minor adjustments week over week to get a better edge against whatever class they are competing with. And that may not seem like much, but across the whole playerbase and meta, that's actually quite a bit of change.
There's people playing decks from 8 weeks ago that are significantly different than what's the bleeding edge right now. Hopefully these decks will allow people to find a deck they like or adjust their deck if they feel they need a new edge.
Portraying the meta as totally figured out and static is just wrong.
Wiggy_HS posted a message on Wrenchcalibur needs to be Hall of FamedPosted in: Card DiscussionIt's been mostly covered by the people before me: What you're talking about is inevitability. It's no different than Mecha'thun-decks or Malygos-decks. With a few exceptions, such decks will beat you if you don't run a win condition besides outliving your opponent (hello, control warrior and shaman!). So run one of several hard counter techs against them - or accept that you can't beat every matchup in this little game of rock-paper-scissor.
But have som perspective.
Wrenchcalibur isn't even close to HoF-material.
TyrantrumRex posted a message on The hacker we all needed to uninstall this game - Rigged gameplay proovenPosted in: General DiscussionIf Demon Hunter is by far the most played class, and it has a 67% winrate, how can it possibly be rigged to a 50% winrate? Not to mention the impossibility of climbing with a 50% winrate... You would enter legend, and it would be literally impossible to climb to a higher rank. If you climb later in the season, and entered at 15000, you could literally never make it father than a couple hundred spaces before falling back to 15000... You could ONLY climb if you had win streaks every run win 4, lose 4, in which case you would increase of a rate of 1 star per 8 matches, which is ridiculous. Decent players obviously climb much faster than that.
$100 bucks says the tinfoil hat brigade returns to let us know the links are broken, because Hearthstone is covering it up... BigTCG is controlling our opinions man! They're flashing subliminal messages in our game, so we'll drink Pepsi, and buy Huawei products!!!
Rayzorhail posted a message on Can someone tell me why people play albatross priest?Posted in: PriestI finally made peace with myself and with this topic. I apologize for my behaviour and my language.
I now concede every game vs priest. It wont rank me up very fast but oh boy how much more fun I´m having and I´m a much more peaceful person.
Over and out.
Mugen8 posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionZephyr lost me an easy win with demon hunter. ten mana with kayn sunfury in hand, one metamorphosis shot left, twin slice, flame reaper equipped with potential to do 15 damage and i needed 3 more damage to win. seeing as i had zephyr in hand and 4 spare mana i play him to get a frostbolt or spell to do 3 damage, pretty simple right? give's me fucking brawl and two taunt minions. Fuck you zephyr, you're not very great.
I hate to say it - because this is a place to vent - but here, you should be salty with yourself. If you had taken your opponent to 3 health before playing Zeph, he would've given you lethal. If you're inexperienced with Zeph that's fine, but anyone that uses him learns early on that you have to try and minimise the chance he doesn't see what you do (in this case, lethal). That's why if, say, you're looking for a specific board clear like Shadowflame, if you can help it, you spend mana down to 6 before playing Zeph - so he's significantly more likely to offer you a 4 cost option.
Bicepsor posted a message on Year of the Dragon Bundle - Maybe the best deal ever?Posted in: News0 Legendaries, 0 Epic, 0 Rare, 0 Common
But hey, I got $30/30€!
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6 mana 8/8 is good tempo, hero powering face two times by turn 6 is not. It somewhat balances out.
Borderlands 2 has a special place in me and my sister’s hearts
You and the others are right. Even as I posted this thread, I knew the answer I would get. Getting to decide what is and isn't fair in card generation is a slippery slope and to enjoy Hearthstone, you just have to accept getting highrolled the shit out of every now and then. Plus being the one high-rolling can be a lot of fun.
I do agree that the amount of random card generation rogue has crept into the territory of unfun, but that's the fault of lackies and rogue having the lacky theme for its Galakrond. At least it's only two out of five lackies that discover cards.
I'm wondering what people think of this. Every class has it's highball RNG moments, and this includes rogue getting Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, but at the same time, since the rogue Galakrond and invoke cards generate lackies, it's an inclusion that feels overlooked and too unfair.Dark Pharaoh Tekahn is a card that was designed before there was the possibility of rogue ever getting to discover it, and before rogue more or less over doubled its lacky generation potential with invoking and Galakrond.
Team 5 has shown that they are willing to adapt certain mechanics for fringe circumstances when they prevented Dragonqueen Alexstrasza from creating copies of itself. My question is, do you think it would be reasonable to do something similar and prevent Dark Pharaoh Tekahn from being in the Dragon's Hoard discover pool, or whether this is setting a bad precedent for messing with discover pools? I'm on the fence and I just wanted to throw the idea out there and see what people think.
Well thought out point, backed up with real examples. I searched my collection for counter examples, but really, DH card draw are of both much higher quantity and quality than that of other classes.
Regardless of archetype, card draw is useful. DH decks will have the edge on other classes by superior card draw choices alone if they aren't nerfed in the coming expansions. I don't see this happening within this cycle though; this is DH's first cycle, and their time in the spotlight. They've had two nerfs, and I think Blizzard will let them be just a tad too good for the rest of the cycle. I've found my peace will alternating between playing decks good against them, playing a bit of DH every now and then as well, and playing wild.
I hit legend in wild using odd DH, from Bronze 10 to legend within 40 games. Deck was insane, a little less insane now but people saying it's not good in wild don't know what they're talking about.
People seem to hate it, but I for one liked it. Forms a new mini meta and there’s less net decking, so it’s something fresh. The smaller pool of cards makes building a deck a lot faster as well, and I got to whip out my wild adventure cards which aren’t even viable in wild anymore. I made a pirate galakrond warrior, and dragon decks seem to be popular.
oh and no DH
Fun new mini meta. Should have let players use adventure cards they don’t have, there are so many old cards that a lot of players may not have access to
As someone who didn't really take issue with the thread and just read the first page with amusement, that's a really mature response from you. Someone once told me that the issue with politics and just discourse in general isn't bias or fallacies or all that, but just simple humility and the ability to recognize when one is wrong and accept it.
He's wrong but silence is not the reason. A silenced Albatross can still be res'ed with the death rattle intact many times over. Silence works against Albatrosses outside res priest, but that's not to be found after the nerfs.
Transform, return to hand, shuffling, transforming deck, destroying birds in deck, swapping decks, and aggro/tempo decks are counters. Some of them are wild only or completely non-meta, but they exist.