You might get your account banned with this "turn reset exploit"... It happened already to a lot of players.
I don't play this stuff, but if you ban me for not being able to code your fuckin game correctly I am bringing the lawyers in for a game I spent money on. Fix your game instead of punishing people for exploiting the mistakes in your work.
The WR is calculated base on the games that hera was played, not all games in the format. If you want to know how many games were won by lich kings, you have to multiply the WR by the "picked rate", and then by 8, since there are 8 players on each game. This means that around 2,26% of all games are won by Lich Kings (1 in 44), and one in ten games is won by a Brann.
This is still not perfect, since the picks are not independent, thus the 102,58% of the games, but is close enough to what you want, a real "overall winrate" and is as far as I´m willing to go without metadata from the software.
Here’s exactly what you have to do:
High Overlord Saurfang should be a DK card long time ago.
After some fail trys with this deck i managed to do when i add +1 Sleepy Dragon +1 Spreading Plague +1 Jade Blossom +1 Wild Growth +2 Healing Touch -1 Wrath. (you should drop 5 low mana minions for those adds)
Round 2-5 you should use x2 Wild Growth and Jade Blossom.
Round 6 Sleepy Dragon with the extra crystals
Spreading Plague after frostmourne
While king deal with your taunts you have time to heal up with double Healing Touch and then working with Gadgetzan Auctioneer
Perfectly Balanced
Doomsayer 7-7 kappa
Bravo Subzero, Hadronox was the first thing in my mind when i saw Witching Hour.
Total Eclipse Druid kappa
Fear Meee! KAPPA Strongshell Scavenger