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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    FUCK! I almost had a winstreak, but I lost to my stupid misplay and bad luck. First I had 50% chance to roll spell dmg totem to clear bunch of 2 health minions with maelstorm portal. I got wrong one.  Next turn I just jade lightning opponent's face, but forget to totem first, so I totem after and it's spell damage totem. Next turn I topdeck lava burst. I try to hit spell dmg totem, but it doesn't show and opponent stays at 1 life. He should have been dead, but he plays Jarraxus instead and wins in 2 turns. And I had 2 wins in ranked, so winstreak ruined. Now I'm angry and he didn't even accepted my ragefriend request. Fuck that lucker and fucking mistake that cost me 3 stars in ranked for 1 fucking game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Elemental Jade Shaman Reloaded (Post Patch) 80% Win

    Is worth to try Alakir in this deck? What to cut for it? I feel like my golden legendaries from packs were just made for this deck. I got golden Kalimos Alakir and Elise. And if any deck is can have all those 3 legendaries it's elemental shaman. Not sure if I'm lucky or unlucky, that I got 2/3 of golden legendaries shaman only. Still having 2 golden legendaries from newest expansion is great.

    Posted in: Elemental Jade Shaman Reloaded (Post Patch) 80% Win
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    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    I'm really lucky with opening ungoro packs. I opened maybe like 100 packs (not sure, but 50 on first day for gold and then I kept spending all my gold I  for packs) And I got 2 golden legendaries and both playable. Kalimos and Elise. Elise few weeks ago and Kalimos today.

    Other legendaries I got from packs were Pyros and quest for paladin rogue warrior shaman warlock. So that's like 7 legendaries from 80-100 packs including 2 golden ones. (Only golden legendary I had before was Al'akir, so I feel like I have to play elemental shaman now :D)

    also got 2 golden primordial glyphs and a golden vilespine slayer. This is just my luckiest expansion in terms of pack opening.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    FUCK STANDARD LADDER! Whatever i play I can't even reach fucking rank 5 or keep a winstreak, because I either run into counterdeck or lose to shit draws. I'm trying for 2 days and bouncing between 6-7 and I'm seriously angry. There is so many things played and there is no way to build anti-meta deck... And whatever I play I just CAN'T REACH THAT FUCKING RANK 5! And I'm doing normally rank 5 almost every month, but this month is just takes SO MUCH FUCKING TIME AND EFFORT. I'm tired of it and switch to wild next month. Too many bullshit decks where there are lot of hard counter and I feel like I'm getting matched mostly to whatever I don't want against me. 

    I'm angry, so I'll say it once more. FUCK STANDARD LADDER!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro pack opening: Expectation VS Reality

    Opened 50 packs. Got 3 legendaries (Warlock paladin and rogue quests)

    12 epics with lot of primordial glyphs (2 normal 2 golden ones opened)

    44 rares including 4 golden rares

    5 golden commons. Not bad, seems little above average in total. 

    I rather expected nothing, so I couldn't be disappointed. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How to beat Decorating Stormwind Fast

    How to beat decorating stormwind? It works with almost everything. First game I dealt 100 damage with aggro hunter with scavenging hyenas and next 2 games I just used a deck full of cheap shaman cards for play 50 shaman cards quest and I always somehow dealt 30 dmg to the boss before dying. So easy.

    So it can work with almost anything and it's good brawl to do quests without fighting real opponent. You can probably win with almost any deck, but this deck could be good if you try to be fast.

    Posted in: How to beat Decorating Stormwind Fast
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Fuck shamtards and piratards! I really hate ladder this month...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Your Arena Run In 6 Words

    I fking hate common card reward. (I ended 6-3 and got 80 gold+nongolden common)

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Wild krullock (need advice)

    I was afraid about not having enough early game defense against aggro decks, but I'm not sure, how many popular hyper aggro decks are played in wild.  If most popular fast decks are secret pala/mech mage it's not so bad. Thinking I could do changes -sylvanas - doomguard -mistress +jarraxus +farseer/shadowbolt +blastcrystal potion What do you think?

    Posted in: Wild krullock (need advice)
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    posted a message on Late Late Renolock

    Hi, I'm not sure if your deck has enough lategame, because I think kazakus and krul+doomguard aren't enough. I think you have a lot of cards to fight for early game, but I don't like some of them. Since you have PO+faceless already, add leeroy in here. Defender of argus is also good and commonly played in renolocks and maybe jarraxus/ragnaros/mountain giant could grant you more threats. I'd cut drain life, summoning stone and harvest golem for leeroy defender of argus and one of those, if you have them: jarraxus/ragnaros/mountain giant. Also you are seriously lacking emperor, which is a must have in renolocks and make leeroy combo work. I'd cut felfire potion for that and I like mistress of mixtures as good 1 drop to follow up with tap and trade to heal back, but I'm not sure what could go out for it. I like krul as cool legendary, but I'm not sure, if there are enough good demons in standard to be good.

    To compare I tried to build renolock with krul for wild, because wild has voidcaller and malganis, which makes krul much more powerful. But my version is far from refined as well. So if you want to help me, look at my deck and description and give advice, if you can think any. 


    Posted in: Late Late Renolock
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Fuck this meta, I'll probably give up on reaching rank 5 this time. Stuck in rank 8 and I have enough. Either I'm against superslow control/reno decks where I play 20 minutes for unsure win usually, or against fast cancer decks, where I can win/lose in 5 min. But whatever I take I can't get a winstreak just bouncing at stupid rank 8 and I'm tired of it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Pirates of the world, unite!

    I'm hipster pirate player, I played them before it was cool. I got to rank 5 with aggro pirate warrior 2 times after old gods. N'zoth first mate and bloodsail cultist were enough to make them a playable tribe. Not tier 1 cancer, but decent aggro deck. I probably had advantage of taking people by surprise, that people expected some slow warrior deck and not pirate aggro that time.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on OLD Play a Friend! 2.0

    Battletag: Starcaller#2487

    Region: EU

    Trade only? Yes, you go first. 


    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    I got plain common card last 5 arenas I finished (9,4,6,3,6 wins) 


    Also my last opponent on his empty board played madder bomber and killed my 5 hp board of 3 minions with it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How many legendaries did you get from MSG?

    34 packs. Got knuckles and kruul. And 9 epics cards. Not bad I guess, but not great either.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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