It's not about whether Mill Rogue is beatable. Obviously, any aggro deck will do it. The point I was making is that it's the least FUN thing about the game. I doubt it's even fun for those playing it. It's the equivalent of sitting down for a game of Monopoly, and one guy's strategy is to flip over the board and throw the pieces out the window.
- Kite
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Gadnuk1 posted a message on Mill Rogue is a Pox on the Game - Agreed?Posted in: Rogue -
Vztec posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Grave HorrorPosted in: NewsI don't like it just because it doesn't bring any new interesting idea to the table
TheWaveTwister posted a message on Tempo Mage Viability?Posted in: MageI hope this deck is never viable. Least fun thing to play against.
Armagadon posted a message on New Rogue Weapon - Necrium BladePosted in: Card Discussionok there is something wrong with this thread, for some reason when i clicked "Discuss this Card" button, it of course transfered me to this page but... when i got here i saw that i have voted this card as bad even tho i have never ever voted this card and the vote button does say "Change Vote". Its as something happen that makes other people who click the "Discuss this Card" button to vote it as bad automatically, i guess someone is behind all this or maybe a not.
am i the only one who has this problem?
A_Flagrants posted a message on New Druid Spell - Juicy PsychmelonPosted in: Card DiscussionSo this draws khun, aviana, togg and azalina...
Nice stupid job blizz
Posted in: King MoshI don't understand all the "thumbs down" on your comments. I wouldn't say King Mosh is a terrible card but it's not game-changing either. It requires combo setup with other cards so it's almost always a 10 mana play. Deathwing is a 10 mana play with no setup, no combo, but a bigger potential drawback losing your hand. If you're in a really tough situation and your only out is Deathwing, you'd play it. I think sleep with the fishes deals enough damage most of the time to make King Mosh unnecessary. Ravaging Ghoul + Sleep with the Fishes = 4 damage to all minions. If the board state is worse than that why not just play Brawl? I personally would not run King Mosh over either of those two spells.
knurdbob posted a message on Kabal LackeyPosted in: Kabal LackeyI've tried this card extensively, and I have to say its pretty underwhelming.
First, its really inconsistent. If you have a Secret, but not Kabal Lackey in your pre-mulligan hand, would you keep any Secrets to gamble on getting a Kabal Lackey from mulligan? Obviously not, because if you do not draw it, the Secret will be pretty useless in the early game. If you mulligan away your Secrets, you may end up getting it, but not having any Secrets to play alongside it, which also sucks.
Second, Mage Secrets suck on turn 1. Mirror Entity, Potion of Polymorph, Effigy has higher potential value in the later stages of the game. Counterspell and Spellbender is better kept to protect more valuable minions. The only reason to play this, is for tempo gain from the discount. You wouldn't play this together with more Control-ish Secrets (Ice Block/Ice Barrier/Vaporize).
Third, 2/1 stats for 1 mana is just not good enough in the current meta. It dies to 1/3 minions, and is easily pinged on turn 2.
Fourth, if you draw this in the late game, its just useless. U'll most likely have enough mana to cast the Secret without the discount, the 2/1 body is easily pinged, since the opponent will also most likely have spare mana to Hero Power, and it also easily dies to AoE.
This card may become viable if Blizzard choses to release more tempo-based Secrets for Mage in the future. I'm actually happy that it's not strong enough to fit into existing Tempo Mage decks (Tempo Mage doesn't need anymore help).
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This is the best taunt in the game - even better than Sludge Belcher. Taunt is a combo mechanic and it is better the lower cost it is [ideally 3 or less]. Its stats are distributed and split in a way that it is not worth countering - silencing or worth using removal on. It trades reasonably. This card belongs in a slow [technically combo] deck and prevents your opponent from executing a [non-spell based] combo finisher.
DK Jaina is interesting. Perhaps the most well-designed DK, it still potentially does not match up to Priest hero power [heal] in a control deck. Much like DK Rexxar, DK Jaina provides a lot of value but does not get you anywhere towards winning the game. Minions [and cards] in your deck that complement an inherent strategy will always be better than random minions and cards that do not belong in your deck and do not advance your gameplan.
DK Jaina and DK Rexxar could be better in a control deck with no win condition however, giving you an endless supply of high value minions you otherwise would not put into your deck.
This easily could've been battlecry. When Alexstrasza, a combo card with enough flexibility to also fit in control, is the best neutral heal for a control deck...
Then again, the effect would not be symmetrical.
This is worse than Gentle Megasaur because 2 stats multiplied is a lot worse than most adapt options [3 stats adapt or windfury preferred] multiplied. It just doesn't feel game-winning.
This should start with one less health (see: Councilman). This is so hard to kill even unbuffed, and if it survives for a turn it can quickly become un-killable.
This should have one less health.
"Power Overwhelming"
Interesting and fun card. None of the paladin secrets are worth a card on their own, but adding a body makes it worth. Flexible, interesting, fun.
Value? Kodo. Tempo? Get Down. Deathrattle or divine shield minion, or a confusing Get Down? Redemption. Opponent at one HP and no healing? Eye for an Eye. Deter a key turn from your opponent? Repentance...maybe.
I thought this card was OP, but its not quite as good as you think due to its poor stat distribution (rating of Stegodon). What makes it OP however is that it is a taunt that spawns a taunt. It buys you so much time, like the also-offending Stonehill Defender. You thought they learned a lesson with Sludge Belcher.