Loooooool 3/5 patron????? This card is insane. Needs more time to set up in warrior but 5 health on the spawns? yeah have fun clearing those boards. Broken AF
The spawns wouldn't have 5 health. If this takes one damage and then summons a copy of itself, it would be a 3/4.
Is More Arms! also going to 2?
I 100% disagree, as do most card game developers. Nerfs give unused cards a chance to shine; buffs prevent other cards from shining. Nerfing opens up design space, buffing limits design space.
Let's look at the only existing example, since Hearthstone hasn't buffed cards since release. When the aura mechanics were adjusted last year, Naga Sea Witch got a "buff" as it allowed giants to be played en mass on turn 5. Anyone who was playing Wild at the time can tell you that this buff led to one of the worst metas of all time.
In short, you don't overthrow a dictator by creating a second dictator. You pull up the offender by the roots and let things settle from there.
It makes sense that nerfs will happen more often as the card pool expands. Suppose there are 500 cards available to a class; that means there are around 250,000 2-card interactions, any one of which could be game-breaking and require a Nerf. A few years later, that same class has doubled to 1000 cards, but the number of interactions has quadrupled to around 1,000,000. As card pool size increases linearly, the number of interactions increases exponentially. Naturally, this strongly affects Wild, but the Standard card pool has also grown every year, since adventures have slowly been replaced by expansions.
TL;DR the reason there are more nerfs nowadays is because the larger card pool creates opportunitiesexponentially more for broken interactions.
I don't think you understand the concept of "strictly better", but, nice work otherwise
"I want to be able to beat any deck with any other deck, is that too much to ask?"
Yeah, I imagine you've just played for so long, it's hard to find fresh new stuff. I'd take a break for a while if I were you
It doesn't need a Nerf, but if it did, just change "your mechs have rush" to "mechs you play have rush". Still a powerful effect, but boom bots and jo-e-bots and stuff won't have rush
Blastmaster Boom is looking like it will be good until a nerf hits. Elysiana is probably good to hold off on.
I imagine it was "Shuffle a bomb into your opponent's deck", since Blasmaster Boom synergizes with bombs and there's so few bomb cards
Priest has literally never been the most powerful class in the game. If anything, they need a buff