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    posted a message on Suspicious disconnects

    I've noticed quite a few too, always comes after a very long and slow turn in which my opponent sits around doing nothing for the most part, which does make my tinfoil hat look quite appealling, especially with the new influx of hackers being able to start games with Jaraxxus in play or other bs. But I think it's more likely that I've already been disconnected or in the midst of it, so it appears nothing is happening.

    Also quite regularly on BG at the hero selection stage rather than later on which doesn't make sense to be a hacker related issue. I think the game is just once again bugged.

    Maybe there's a real weird underlying spaghetti reason why we keep getting disconnected, like a card with 2 T's next to each other in its name is played and that's what causes the disconnect. At this point, it could really be anything.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on EXP Gain in BGs.

    I've been hearing this from many sources, especially those that play on phones as there's no cursor to move to prove activity while thinking on turns. I got a feeling their new system works a little too eagerly to find inactivity atm and the xp on/off switch is very trigger happy.

    I reckon if you was to see the system working on a visual level, it'll look a bit like a square wave when it should be looking like a negative sawtooth wave.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Epic Card Revealed - Pro Gamer
    Quote from FortyDust >>

    The opponent's choice happens during their turn. This means you'll never get the 2 cards immediately, even if you win.

     I didn't see the turn end. I just thought it was automatic, both choices on 1 turn. That's a whole lot more sensible 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Neutral Epic Card Revealed - Pro Gamer

    The opponent gets an individual timer for their choice, right?? Because if not, what will stop the opponent from not picking and letting the rope the burn? 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Huge Balance Pass for Constructed - Changes to AoE, Reno & Zarimi and OTK Style Decks

    Id be very happy to see that too. But IMO, it should be a mandatory rule on cards that reduce another card's mana like Flash of Lightning or Emperor Thaurissan.

    However on a card that reduces its own cost like Fye or Reska, I think it'd be fine to still go to 0 unless it's stated otherwise on its text. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 29.2.1 Patch Notes - Small Adjustment to Quest Requirements - Armor Changes for Battlegrounds & Bug Fixes

    If they want to make the game more grindy, maybe add some form of wager quests instead (and keep the original quests simultaneously). Completely at the player's decision at any time they choose, they get given a timeframe and a harder than usual quest of your choosing from 3 random choices and reward outputs. And make it accessible with gold and money (so blizz can still monetise it, because it's always gonna happen). For example: wager 200 gold, 1 week to win 30 games in standard, get 250 gold, 250 dust, 1250xp and a gold standard pack. If you fail, you get nothing. And you can only do one every 7 days for the sake of game economy.

    Keep the casual players happy. Make hardcore players happy AND add some extra dollars in blizzard's coffers while they don't need to do a thing to maintain it.

    Posted in: News
  • 13

    posted a message on Multiple New Warlock Cards Revealed

    Shaman: tripling the power of battle cries!

    Warrior: endless waves of high powered mechs!

    Paladin: fully utilizing the power of Auras and divine shields!

    Warlock: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Multiple New Shaman Cards Revealed

    Every warrior is gonna get the Sand Art Mini from their randomly generated Botface while Odyn is in play. Guaranteed. Will I be salty? Absolutely.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Mage Legendary Card Revealed - Puzzlemaster Khadgar

    So, what's stopping this from casting 6 sunset volleys in a row? Because I'd say that's pretty useful...

    Or is this limited to the core set or it's own mini-pool to avoid constant reconfigurations when a new set drops? 

    Edit: just refreshed this page and saw a comment with the pool of cards; seems good but not ridiculously busted 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 28.2.2 Patch Notes - Battlegrounds & Arena Balance - Bug Fixes & More! - Tae'thalan Banned in BG!

    It was mostly from running the pirate/elemental that offers 2 spells on each refresh.

    There's so many 1 gold spells that boost your gold, buy them and horde them for turn 5 (the tavern tier 3 upgrade turn (you might have even more gold than others)), don't upgrade, and strengthen your board instead and dump your gold buffing spells. It becomes pretty easy to have over 20 gold on turn 6.

    Then you repeat, hopefully staying above 20 every turn

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron Signature Card Art Revealed

    Imprisoned horror will be for the paid reward track, like how its Heartthrob for priest currently. (And diamond Hedanis)

    Diamond Sargeras is the obvious choice for them when it comes to incentivising the reward track, but along with the diamond, they did do signature Hedanis too... However I reckon your guess is gonna be spot on! I mean, come on! It's gotta be...

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Ignis the Eternal Flame


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    posted a message on From De Other Side

    I'm not using your exact deck, but I've been using a similar deck and gotten to legend this month and last with it. But I do know how uninteractive it is; it's just slow and does nothing until suddenly a couple of From De Other Sides come out of nowhere and destroys them.

    Gotta say though, Glugg the Gulper has won me many games. I think it's because I play slowly and they think I'm just playing a generic control shaman with no game plan. Play it on turn 9, they don't remove it because they don't see me as a proactive threat and let their guard down and then From De Other Side can buff it by 20-25 Attack very easily while removing any taunt they could have.

    All in all, yeah, I'm definitely a fan of the card

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Mini Set Hype Video Leak - Now Deleted - New Card: Funnel Cake!

    Tbh I was thinking that duo as well, for their Hero attack gain synergy. However that kind of died down after the rotation as they both lost lots of cards relating to the archetype. But I absolutely don't see why they couldn't bring it back hard for both classes again.

    Btw my WoW lore knowledge is too poor to make predictions based on that, I'm just saying what I'm seeing in Hearthstone currently 😅

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Mini Set Hype Video Leak - Now Deleted - New Card: Funnel Cake!

    Love dual class and there's so many possible pairings.  Dual class in mini sets could be good moving forward, 33 dual cards could be 6 new cards per class, essentially doubling the amount of class cards in minisets while staying at a total of 38 cards to collect.

    I reckon druid could also get paired with warrior for an armor theme. Priest might get paired with DK for undead. DK with mage for frost, or druid (instead of warrior) for big deathrattles. Shaman and Paladin for big dudes, DH and warlock again for big demons. 

    So many possibilities

    Posted in: News
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