Your anecdotal evidence means absolutely nothing. The statistics say that Implock is not even close to the best deck in Wild and statistics, not your opinion, are what define the best deck.
In what world are you facing and losing to Questline priest in Wild? Seems like the most ridiculous thing you can complain about as most every playable deck can beat it consistently in Wild.
Oh I forgot. The Coin lets you draw a minion also! You’re right about Dig being just a coin with more steps. Genius.
Imagine being so salty over a game that you come whine in the thread of that game. Sad.
1/50 is clearly a different pity timer than the typical pity timer (or any other pity timer) so.. there’s your answer.
I know this is fake, but who starts a conversation they initiated with “nice to hear from you”?
Astalor Druid but worse because it requires more pieces and takes additional steps
Come play wild for a week and then go back to standard and let’s see your complaints then.
Your anecdotal evidence means absolutely nothing. The statistics say that Implock is not even close to the best deck in Wild and statistics, not your opinion, are what define the best deck.
100% not the strongest deck in Wild when Pirate Rogue, Big Priest, Alignment Druid just abuse it. It may be in standard but I don’t play standard.
In what world are you facing and losing to Questline priest in Wild? Seems like the most ridiculous thing you can complain about as most every playable deck can beat it consistently in Wild.
Seems like I want to say “good riddance” to a player like you..
Of all the things to cry about in Wild..Mech Paladin? Really? Not even an S-tier deck..
Ever heard of Pirate Warrior and The Juggernaut?
Ever play against QL Warrior?
Big demons: ft. Aranasi Broodmother
Mech Mage is an experiment