You thought there would be something special for the 500th...nope!
- JockyRhonson
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Member for 10 years, 8 months, and 5 days
Last active Thu, Jan, 23 2025 23:48:06 -
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Kevin334 posted a message on The 500th Tavern Brawl This Week! - Brawl of GaudinessPosted in: News -
17Ducks posted a message on The 500th Tavern Brawl This Week! - Brawl of GaudinessPosted in: NewsWow, they ACTUALLY did it - nothing!
xskarma posted a message on The 500th Tavern Brawl This Week! - Brawl of GaudinessPosted in: NewsAs a special treat for the 500th Tavern Brawl we of the worst brawls there is and which we had 4 months ago.
Don't know what I expected...
DJJIXAYY posted a message on D5 to Legend MagePosted in: D5 to Legend Magewheres the deck
demnasi posted a message on Blood Magic is This Week's Tavern BrawlPosted in: Newsfirst time blood magic since health cost rule change?
xskarma posted a message on Deckbuilding BugPosted in: Site Feedback & SupportOkay, devious bugs, but SQUASHED now. Everything should be working as intended again.
Thanks for your patience while we got to the bottom of this, and please let us know if there's any further issues you notice with regards to this.
K4yr4h posted a message on Deckbuilding BugPosted in: Site Feedback & Supportyeah, im unable to edit some of my games. the builder keeps loading a pacman icon
turns out some cards from the deck are missing from the builder. like malganis and the jailer
imik posted a message on March of the Lich King Mini-Set Teaser, Is Naxx Out?!Posted in: NewsI'll leave it here...
Nesvar posted a message on The Lich King 2022 - WarriorPosted in: The Lich King 2022 - WarriorSecond try, great deck
BlastBowman90 posted a message on DK Isn't Weak, The Old Meta Is Too StrongPosted in: General DiscussionI've seen some people complain that Death Knight isn't a good new class and point out how on HSreplay that the decks are sitting at around a 45% win rate. I think the reason for the low percentage isn't because DK is a flop, but the same top decks from the last expansion have been basically untouched. Those decks are at the same power level as before so people have no reason not to play them, which keeps them at the top of the tier list and pushes all the other decks down.
Blizzard seems to be afraid of a repeat of the launch day Demon Hunter, so they Death Knight has been designed to be powerful but fair. But the top meta decks like Beast Hunter, Aggro Druid, Imp Warlock, etc. thrive on being borderline unfair
Edit: One idea I had since posting this was Blizzard should look at the data of top decks before an expansion launches and if a deck is outperforming the rest of the classes by some margin, then that deck should get nerfed at launch. That will allow for new cards and new decks to help rise in power and popularity, and people will buy the new cards which, we all know that's what matters to them. So, Blizzard should nerf cards when a new expansion comes out. They'll make money from people buying new cards and playing the new support, and players will get to experiment with more decks, new cards, and will feel rewarded for changing their decks. - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
This could help:
I've been playing Hearthstone for 10 years, ever since its release. For a decade, I’ve been trying to reach the game’s highest rank, Legend. After years of grinding, learning, and falling short, today, for the very first time, I finally made it.
Players who hit Legend regularly might not think it’s a big deal, but to me, it’s everything. I’ve always dreamed of reaching the pinnacle, of seeing that Legend rank beside my name, and of earning the exclusive card back that symbolizes the journey. And today, I did it. After 10 years, I achieved what I once thought might be impossible.
So... Mini Rag can be silenced. Cool.
I'm having an issue with the deckbuilding function, No Death Knight Cards are being shown, and some neutral cards are missing such as Banshee I tried copying my deck from Hearthstone into the deckbuilder, but it only showed 2 of my 40 cards. What's up wit dat?
Hey, it's me!
Okay, so-
Yeah, Stowaway draws 2 of them, but you can run 2 stowaways. Wild is going to suffer, again.
Post Launch thoughts: You can discover this multiple times with Hematurge and other cards - though unlikely - and get 70+ health. This card is absolutely insane.
You sound like you haven't read a good chunk of the replies, specifically the ones praising him. I'd suggest going back through.