Its stats are just awful, a 5 mana 3/3 just isn't good enough.
If this was a 5/5 with the same ability, or it dealt 5 damage to each minion of a type, then it could be a good shout. However it just isn't good enough in its current form.
The rankings are definitely unique, I've never seen that happen before to myself or anyone else so think it might just be a visual bug. Also there are never any ties on the top 200 hearthstone ranking
So the first few weeks the reward track is really good and you earn A LOT more gold during this period, however once you pass level 30-40 it slows right down, similar to the numbers you mentioned above.
I think with the recent changes they've made (I think) it does work out better overall, but it's definitely gonna feel much worse after the first few weeks of each expansion.
Someone did post on reddit a while ago how they achieved it. Obvoiusly it's a bit of a hassle (I'm certainly not going to go through it lol) But if you really want it done see below;
Duskbreaker/Drakonid Operative, Those are the kind of cards I would love to see priest have access to now. As you said it's really missing good board clears, plague is too expensive and soul mirror is legendary. In all honesty, think it might be the next rotation before priest is likely to be a good option
I have loved playing Priest over the years, I'm on around 1400 wins, but the class the class has been butchered now. Rather than focusing on healing and control, It's more rng card generation and rez mechanics, which personally i think are 2 of the less enjoyable aspects of the class.
If you do really want to play it right now I would recommend this kind of build:
Personally I thought Voracious Reader should have moved to 2 health and stayed at 2 mana,
Rest of nerfs I think are about right, interesting to see if evolve shaman becomes the best deck now. If so could be the time for Kobold Stickyfinger to rule!
Question for anyone who is or has been top 1000 legend in standard. Roughly how many games/positive record do you need to win to get there from lower level. Im around 6000 at the moment and thinking of maybe trying to push higher bur just wondering how much I'll need to play?
Its stats are just awful, a 5 mana 3/3 just isn't good enough.
If this was a 5/5 with the same ability, or it dealt 5 damage to each minion of a type, then it could be a good shout. However it just isn't good enough in its current form.
The rankings are definitely unique, I've never seen that happen before to myself or anyone else so think it might just be a visual bug. Also there are never any ties on the top 200 hearthstone ranking
Just so there is no confusion. Absolutely DO NOT CRAFT EDWIN,
You won't get a dust refund when he rotates, If you have one you should disenchant him soon whilst you can get full value.
So the first few weeks the reward track is really good and you earn A LOT more gold during this period, however once you pass level 30-40 it slows right down, similar to the numbers you mentioned above.
I think with the recent changes they've made (I think) it does work out better overall, but it's definitely gonna feel much worse after the first few weeks of each expansion.
Archivist Elysiana is the perfect late game counter for it and available to all classes
Also, as mentioned, most aggro decks deal with warlock comfortably.
Someone did post on reddit a while ago how they achieved it. Obvoiusly it's a bit of a hassle (I'm certainly not going to go through it lol) But if you really want it done see below;
Duskbreaker/Drakonid Operative, Those are the kind of cards I would love to see priest have access to now. As you said it's really missing good board clears, plague is too expensive and soul mirror is legendary. In all honesty, think it might be the next rotation before priest is likely to be a good option
I have loved playing Priest over the years, I'm on around 1400 wins, but the class the class has been butchered now. Rather than focusing on healing and control, It's more rng card generation and rez mechanics, which personally i think are 2 of the less enjoyable aspects of the class.
If you do really want to play it right now I would recommend this kind of build:
Anything built around Nazmani Bloodweaver, Palm Reading and Renew should run well.
Personally I thought Voracious Reader should have moved to 2 health and stayed at 2 mana,
Rest of nerfs I think are about right, interesting to see if evolve shaman becomes the best deck now. If so could be the time for Kobold Stickyfinger to rule!
If it's around that, that would be great. +20/30 is definitely achievable. Might just give it a go over the weekend and see how I get on.
Question for anyone who is or has been top 1000 legend in standard. Roughly how many games/positive record do you need to win to get there from lower level. Im around 6000 at the moment and thinking of maybe trying to push higher bur just wondering how much I'll need to play?
Battletag : jimilinho#2247
Region : EU
Level of Experience : Played for too much
Preferred Heroes : Highlander Mage/Priest/Warlock and Warrior
Anyone who wants to add me, I tend to just play low level legend standard and wild with some off-meta decks,