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    posted a message on Meta is worst in this year

    Find something that works for you and stick with it. There’s something for everyone in this meta and that’s why I like it. Just give it a chance to develop. If a particular deck annoys you then find something that counters it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Guide crafting legendaries from DOD

    Murozond is ok but I'm thinking it's going to be tier 3 since its such an awkward play. Your opponent builds a huge board then you build the same board accepts they get to make all of the favorable trades as well as absolutely obliterate your health. There are a lot of situations where it is good but i dont think its consistent enough.

    Also, I know malygos is RNG based but the RNG in the card is extremely minimal seeing as there are only like 10 cards in the card pool and most of them are really powerful removal spells.

    I do think Shuma is too slow to work in quest hunter.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Your day-one crafts?

    I don’t think there is any logical reasoning behind Spending dust on cards that haven’t been proven powerful on day one.

    I would recommend saving your dust till the meta has (at least somewhat) established itself and experiment with the cards you get from packs.

    in terms of what cards I believe will be deemed most powerful (and if you are looking to drop dust on the first day these I would assume would be the most safe to craft), I would say the best would be Activate the Obelisk because it doesn’t require a deck to be built around it and it will be easy to activate with circle of healing. Vassina inspires a new token, overload shaman which I think is deceptively powerful as easy board flooding spells and minions that overload followed by Vassina can be game ending. It a recurring bloodlust on a body which forces the opened to deal with it immediately. Dark Pharaoh Tekahn will inspire new lackey based zoo decks which I’m not looking forward to dealing which (plus this card on curve is op af). Finally, Armagedillo is obviously a powerful add to any warrior deck that runs taunts (not to say that that deck may not come to play with bomb warrior already being so powerful)

    As for the reason there is not singleton cards on here, It is hard to tell wether that type of deck will be powerful with the lack of playable cards in the last few expansions but don’t get me wrong, if they turn out to be powerful, this list will surely change.



    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Trying to get Dragon Pali off the ground

    it’s a tier three deck. Don’t expect a win rate higher than 50% and the only place you’ll find a deck any higher is in wild. Don’t waste your time with it if you hope to have success, you’ll only be dissapointed.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on I Need Some Advice!

    This Rastakhan expansion has been a lot of fun so far and all the packs I have opened have left me with a good amount of dust. What would you advise I spend that dust on? Keep in mind, all of the decks I'm listing I have played before (on friends accounts etc.) and have proven to be fun decks. And all the decks im listing I almost have every component of except for a few legendaries or epics. (dust count 2,000)

    Options: 1. Wait till the meta further stabilizes  2. Deathrattle Hunter  3. Kingsbane Rogue   4. Spell/Secret hunter  5. Any other decks that you'd recommend

    Thanks in advance!!!


    Posted in: Innkeeper Feedback & Support
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    posted a message on Malygos or Mecha'thun Druid


    Its cheap and requires less setup


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on how old are you?

    15. Playing hearthstone for over 3 years.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Even v. Odd. Which is more powerful?

    I like genn more. He takes more skill. Although most of his decks do center aggro, not all do (even paladin and even warlock), however, baku is almost 100% aggro based.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do I transition to wild

    ill continue playing standard but I want to build up a wild collection as well so I can switch it up when needed

    Posted in: Innkeeper Feedback & Support
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    posted a message on How do I transition to wild

    ill continue playing standard but mainly wild


    Posted in: Innkeeper Feedback & Support
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    posted a message on How do I transition to wild


    I have been playing standard since kobolds and catacombs and have an almost full standard collection. Knowing that eventually the sets will rotate out, I don't want to have to play in constant dread of the next set rotation. To assure that my hard work doesn't go to waste, I am officially transitioning to wild.

    I have a few wild cards like fendral, all of league of explorers and all of naxxramas however there are major gaps in my wild collection that im trying to fill. what legendarys (A tier) should I craft that will open up possibilities for a multitude of decks.

    thanks in advance for the advice!


    Posted in: Innkeeper Feedback & Support
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    posted a message on Is anyone actually playing for fun?

    I the answer to your question is no.

    I try my best to have fun but I rarely succeed. this meta is extremely toxic. All you see is hardcore aggro or some stupid cheese like quest rogue or Deathrattle balanced hunter.

    for me, I have always driven to play fun decks while still ranking up, but unfortunately, thats not possible. If u wanna rank up, use meta decks and get good rng, other than that, there is no possible way to win (unless ur disguised toast).

    I kept switching decks in an attempt to try and see what was accepted in this meta and I would go up against hard counters to any deck I switched t

    This meta is so bad and I think they should do something to fix it and make it more suitable for people who aren't only focused on winning, but also want to have fun


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on How should I spend my dust?

    I have 1600 dust and I don't know what would be a smart way to spend it. 

    Here are a few of my options:

    Craft Aluneth to buff my burn mage deck (I already have luna)

    Craft key components to control warrior

    Craft Lord Godfrey for a strong tech option in all of my warlock decks

    Craft cards that could make some of my weaker Classes stronger

    If you don't think any of these options would be smart, what do you think I should craft?

    My legendaries: Genn, Baku, Alex, malygos, hemet, Countess Ashmore, P Keleseth, P valanar, Hadronox, Lynessa, Glass giant, Paladin hero, hunter hero, luna, Lunas galaxy, mage hero, warlock hero, rin, dragon caller Alana, skull o m, Shudderwock, grumble, boomship, Dr. Boom, Glinda, thrall, electra, tess, Edwin, face collector.

    Sry for the long list I just want to make sure you guys understand what legendaries I currently own. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Shaman, Warrior And Mage Are Dead Classes?

    Id argue warrior is easily one of the best classes right now with mech, control and fatigue.

    Burn mage is better than ever, It got me to rank 9 and I always struggle to beat a good control mage.

    Shaman has very powerful even and token decks. 

    These decks are either hard to play or expensive, meaning they are only seen in the higher ranks which is probably why you havent seen many, but they are far from dead!

    The reason I like this expansion is because every class got their fair share of powerful tools.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Which card is better for crafting?

    I am stuck with a predicament, I can’t decide which card I should craft.

    I want to craft Hagatha because I love playing even shaman and I don’t have any end game finishers to boost me towards success while playing the deck, however, I don’t know if even shaman is a meta defining deck which is why I hesitate to craft it.

    Skull is also a card I’ve been looking to craft for a while because of how many decks it fits into. I mainly play controlock and have been looking for that extra tempo card that would help defensively mid game. I also have been wanting to play cubelock  for a while now and haven’t been able to find a substitute for the skull. I do hesitate to craft this card because I don’t know if I really need this card to increase my winrate against aggro decks. 

    The final card I look to craft is Aluneth. Ever since opening stargazer Luna, I have realized how powerful  the deck is and I’m looking for a finisher to throw into the deck to make it near perfect. The issue with this card is it doesn’t really fit into any other mage deck which means I’ll only get value out of this craft if tempo mage becomes a meta defining deck. 

    So which legendary should I craft and why?


    Posted in: Innkeeper Feedback & Support
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