• 2

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Voidlord

    Well.  That's interesting.  This card is seriously solid value, being, let's be reasonable here, about 3/18 of stats for 9 mana, which can be summoned back by both Gul'dan and N'zoth.

    However, there are some downsides with this.  First, the Voidwalkers can also be summoned back, seriously lowering the value of your Gul'dan in any deck where you're aiming for solid demon resurrection, a bit like using Vilefin Inquisitor in anyfin paladin.  Interestingly, though, this isn't a total loss, since it makes your board hard to mass clear (I.E. flamestrike leaves the voidlord), and single target removal leaves the Voidwalkers.

    Secondly, it's a full 9 mana.  That's a slot where it needs to be seriously impactful, such as N'zoth, or Gul'dan, or Anyfin (All 10 mana, but there's not much to do with that last mana anyway, in my experience).  The taunt is majorly powerful, but any silence makes it a 5-6 mana value vanilla minion, at a time when you really needed that survivability, and since you just spent your whole turn on it, you're left in a very bad position.  However, the fact that aggro decks sometimes run Spellbreaker is testament to the fact that minions like this do see play.

    So, do I think it'll see play?  Yes.  The double-resurrection, combined with the sturdy board it represents seems pretty solid.  I'd also note that the statline is perfect for any kind of buffs (bloodfury potion, for instance.  A 6/12 is terrifying board presence)  I'd say it will not be a scourge on the ladder, though.

    Posted in: News
  • 7

    posted a message on New Mage Secret Reveal: Explosive Runes

    Okay, so, granted that I'm not seeing any official sources on this in the actual article, and everyone in the comments is confused, I'd like to offer my take on the divine shield issue.  Namely, would you take 6 face damage if you played divine shield into this card?

    Based on what I've seen, and what I know about divine shield, I'd argue that it will not do the face damage.  I'm saying this on the assumption that what it will check to calculate face-damage is how far into the negatives the minion's health goes.  As such, since the divine-shield minion took 0 damage, it will not be negative at all, and so the damage is entirely negated.  I'd compare this to poisonous creatures; If a poisonous creature hits a divine-shield minion, it doesn't kill the minion, and it doesn't kill if its attack is reduced to 0.  This is a different case, but I think similar logic should apply.

    Posted in: News
  • 7

    posted a message on New Mage Card Reveal: Arcane Artificer

    Well, this is a very promising card.  Firstly, it's an elemental, which means that it synergizes with your average elemental mage.  That's a good start by itself, and might (?) even help make Ozruk useful by adding more, useful 1-drop elementals.
    Secondly, it's a 1-drop, which means that it's at least affordable,
    Third, and probably my favorite is the fact that it gives mages another way to heal, especially elemental mages who needed to get some much value out of Jaina's passive; And this is a cheap way, that takes advantage of mechanics that they'd already been using.  That's a pretty good setup, right there.  Suppose you play this with just a fireball.  That's 4 healing, for a 1-mana card, and unlike iron hide, it's A. Ongoing, if they can't kill it, and B. isn't limited can go above 5, even on the turn it was played, and C.  It's a minion, so even in the worst case, it's at least got stats.

    Basically, this is a tough-looking card.  I expect face decks to get salty (Also me, sometimes, when I'm trying to stretch myself to the lethal, but mostly face decks)

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on 100 wins with paladin

    Man, I don't know how, but I've got exactly 1 golden hero.  It's paladin, with 1300 wins (Roughly).  Nobody else made it to gold.

    I think I might play a bit too much paladin.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Card Reveal: Spiteful Summoner

    I guess the real question is, how few spells can you have in one deck?  And what spell fits with what you're looking for?

    This is mind, I'd recommend a midrange/control paladin, with tools like Dinosize, Lay on Hands, and Spikeridged Steed.  The lowroll would be equality, of course, but if you could find a valid way to cut it, maybe find alternate board clears, you'd have a decently reliable summon.  Even Divine Favor is at least a 3-drop, which is still acceptable value.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Marin the Fox

    Well, this makes for some interesting plays in DMH warrior, or any controlling warrior.  The chest synergizes perfectly with brawl (It's good whether it lives or dies), and the armor hopefully buys you enough breathing room to play Marin safely.

    Posted in: Marin the Fox
  • 3

    posted a message on Hearthstone Pick Up Lines


    ...Am I doing this right?

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 2

    posted a message on Hearthstone Pick Up Lines

    I've determined an early worst pickup line. 

    'Are you a string of minions with health 1-7?  Because I'd love to Defile you

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 1

    posted a message on Card Treasure Hunt
    Quote from Derkos15 >>
     That's the one.
    I exist, as it were, in Frost's yellow woods, //Robert Frost 'Road less traveled.' A reference to choose one cards.
    If you think of his words, gain a measure of health, //Nobody takes the armor.
    And if not, I'm still here, and I leave you quite fine,
    For though I have a price, you are still left with wealth. //Refills your mana crystals.
    The Ancient of lore was closest of all, //Real similar.  I only didn't accept it because I wasn't sure what was 'less used.'
    I almost conceded, it was such a close call,
    But alas it is not, so a hint, all the same,
    That the wealth is not card draw, it's more crystal, I'd say.  //Self-explanatory.
    Alright Derkos15
    Posted in: General Chat
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