• 2

    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Card Reveal - Darius Crowley



    1.  Worst case, it's a 4 damage removal card, at 5 mana.  That's not that bad.

    2.  It's entirely possible that this could hit -1 HP and revive if it got a kill with it.  Just worth noting since it would mean he was effectively a 4/6 on his first attack (Assuming the kill).

    3. This dodges the Boogeymonster issue, because it doesn't have to attack and kill, just kill.  Give this taunt against aggro, and they could have a hell of a time breaking through, or simply becoming harder to trade into.   No!  Wait!  Hold up, I either misread that or they offered an edit.  This is wrong

    4. Vilespine slayer sees play, and this is similar to that.



    1. You need a target with A. Low health, and B. low-ish attack to get the first kill.

    2. This reads as anti-aggro, but at 5 mana, you could just be brawling instead, or dying.  It's usually too slow to destroy one enemy minion at a time against Aggro.

    3. I talked about giving it taunt.  That's clunky at best, as it A. costs at least an extra 1 mana (spare part), or more for a dedicated minion.  The minion in question, I note, isn't even run in any warrior decks I know of.


    In short:  It's passable removal, with an attached body, at a reasonable price.  Seeing no insane synergies, I'll say that it's overall underwhelming (Not bad, just underwhelming) and likely will not see play.  I'll offer a caveat though; It's a warrior card, and odd-costed.  If the hero power offers sufficient durability, this card might overcome its slowness and become a solid anti-aggro tech card, giving you a way to retrieve the board if you can stall with your hand long enough, and as an added bonus, you can use it to go face later.  Having seen the 'If it attacks,' I'll change my verdict;  This card honestly looks like it will remain underwhelming either way..

    Posted in: News
  • 8

    posted a message on Nightmare Amalgam

    This card is actually really powerful.  If you consider spider tank from back in the day, it was a solid card, with only one tribe.  This is that, but with more tribes.

    There is precisely one downside to this; every card that specifically destroys one kind of enemy can target this.  Hungry Crabs, Golakka Crawlers, Sacrificial Pact... the almighty Hemet Nesingwary...

    On the upside; this is vanilla stats, on a tribe minion.  Many tribes aren't supported well enough to run this, (Totems, for instance), but on the other hand, we have stronger ones, like murlocs.  I'd say this minion would see play if it was literally only a murloc.  It has vanilla stats, and defensive.  Murlocs are strong in numbers, but if you lose even a bit of early tempo, you're kind of screwed.  With this, you can trade on turns 1 and 2, and this can help you pull momentum back into your corner, because it's solid, certainly more thanMurloc Warleader and Coldlight Seer..  With the attack bonuses, it can trade up on the following turn, and clear the way for your eventual victory.

    Meanwhile, on a minor note, this card is ambiguous.  Nobody is going to play this minion with all of the tribes (They can try, but demon and totem synergy are only in one class each), so if you haven't played any tribe minions before this, your enemy has no real knowledge of what tribe deck you're playing, which makes this somewhat harder to play around.

    Posted in: Nightmare Amalgam
  • 5

    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Scaleworm

    It reminds me of Tol'vir Stoneshaper, with a mediocre statline, at 4 mana, but being solid if you can proc the effect.  By that logic, it probably won't see play.  However, this does have some notable upsides.

    1.  It's easier to have something in your hand than to have played it last turn, which is to say that unless you're throwing down elementals every turn, you can't be guaranteed the stoneshaper will go off.
    2.  You don't break the synergy playing this.  In my tests with elementals, Tol'vir Stoneshaper is usually played earlier in the game, and breaks your string of 'Elementals every turn'.  Dragons, meanwhile, don't care about that, so that's a win.
    3.  It has its own synergies, which mean that in a (Wild now) curator deck, this card supports multiple sides of the menagerie, since it is buffed by dragons, and is a beast.

    As for the effect itself, it's hard to compare, but it feels like if Kor'kron elite grew up, and decided that board mattered more than face.  Unfortunately, if there's nothing to clear, it's just a Lost Tallstrider, which has a fair chance of being outright worse.

    Overall, I'd say it's a viable card in a dragon deck, certainly if you're on a budget, and if any sort of menagerie deck is good in wild, it will very likely see play there (Though I doubt any will be).

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - WANTED!

    Well.  It looks pretty weak.  ON the other hand, that is really solid flavor, so I can't really fault them for making it.

    Posted in: News
  • 6

    posted a message on New Druid Card Reveal - Forest Guide

    Now that's food for thought.  Its stats are mediocre at best, at least by themselves, (Think Ancient of Blossoms) and its effect is symmetrical.  That says it's bad, but in mill, maybe...  Alternatively, token druid likes that kind of high hp low attack minion, and can always use more draw.

    It vaguely reminds me of darkshire councilman; with that statline, it's a perfect target to buff.

    Good or not, it's an interesting card; not a pack-filler, I'd say.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Witchwood Reveal Season Kicks Off! Newly Revealed Cards Within!

    Ah yes, and then we have nightmare amalgam's greatest enemy; literally any crab.

    Posted in: News
  • 6

    posted a message on Hearthstone Pick Up Lines

    I bet I could find you trapped in amber, because you're certainly an 8 or above.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 3

    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary - Face Collector

    Now here's a card I can sink my teeth into.

    So, for this card, we can play it up to three times in a turn, so let's take it individually.

    With 1:  Might as well not have echo.  a 3 mana 2/2 that gives you a random legendary could maybe be comparable to Babbling Book, or Swashburglar, or maybe even Jeweled Scarab.  However, it is more expensive, and with likely less utility on average.  On balance, I'll say playing it once is flat out bad.

    With 2:  6 mana 4/4, gain 2 legendary minions.  This is maybe interesting.  It's like a Fight Promoter, without the restriction.  The stats are weak, but there's a moderate chance of finding a good minion out of it.  However, I'd still say that it's not good enough to see much play.

    With 3:  9 mana 6/6, gain 3 legendary minions.  This is theoretically the best option available to you.  In 3 legendary minions, you're quite likely to find something good.  It's almost comparable to Cabalist's Tome, because you get three random cards, and if you call that effect worth 5 mana, you've played a 6/6 for 4.  However, this spends almost all of your mana, for maybe 5 mana of immediate effect, which, in rogue, is an extremely bad place to find yourself.  It's like Temporus in that regard;  if you survive, you're in a solid place to win, but first you have to survive, and in a class with so little healing, you'd need a very solid way to heal.
    All signs thus far point to this being a bad card, but let's suppose we had to use it; where would we do it?

    1.  It's an echo minion, which means that a rogue that runs The Caverns Below might find a place for it.  Unfortunately, making all of those legendaries 5/5 is pretty bad.

    2. Kingsbane rogue:  I haven't played enough to know how it shakes out, but I've ended already up in an end game where all I have left is my Kingsbane, and I get walled and murdered.  Assuming you make it to the endgame with nothing left but your weapon, this would be an excellent standalone card to maintain board presence, and because 3 of them is 9 mana, you still have enough for your weapon.  This assumes a certain end game, however, which you can't guarantee.  As an added bonus, Leeching Poison is a very powerful heal to keep you alive when you play your three copies.

    3.  You can use it to fish for an answer to a situation you didn't prepare your deck for, but in that scenario, you might as well just prepare for that situation.
    In summation:  I don't see any solid uses for this card, except maybe in Kingsbane rogue, and even then, I'm basing my judgement on a very small sample size.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Hearthstone Pick Up Lines

    You're glowing like a Sunshard, and that's no Lie-ra.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 3

    posted a message on Hearthstone Pick Up Lines

    If you're scared of my Iron Juggernaut, just wait for the explosion.
    I've got to say, this thread isn't so much pick-up lines at this point, just an exercise in creative innuendo.

    Posted in: General Chat
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