I really hate seeing these new mage cards that point to the brain-dead direction this game is going. It's like Sire Denathrius wasn't enough, but now we have to deal with more no skill OTK crap that can hit your face for 30-40 damage at turn 10. Why do the Hearthstone Devs have such a hard on for abruptly ending good games at turn 10 that have next to no counters and re-birthing problematic cards like Sorcerer's Apprentice? So you drop Vexallus, Magister's Apprentice which leaves 3 mana to drop some sort of spell damage minion or Flamewaker style card and unload your 5-6 Arcane Bolt at opponents face. Much fun and wow.
Bit rude mate.
It can also lose on its own.
It’s not good card design to be honest. Really uninteractive and honestly, quite typical with the current design of Hearthstone. Wouldn’t be surprised to see something similar at some point in the real game.
To be fair to the OP though… probably the only card he’s re-designed that I dislike. Some good ideas within there. Still think quite a few wouldn’t see play, but they’re definitely more interesting.
Fair play… that’s one of the nittiest nit-picks I’ve seen in a while. 😂
I don’t understand the point of this question.
It’s like asking why Rustrot Viper destroys your opponent’s weapon rather than their armor.
It just doesn’t. It’s not how the card was designed.
Since the patch it’s practically unplayable for me.
Disconnects every battle and barely functions during the shop sequences.
Whilst you’re correct that there should be a paper, scissor, stone mechanic, there simply isn’t.
Combo decks completely destroy control decks, and most of them have a fighting chance at least against aggro, making them perfectly viable.
Aggro decks are not only strong vs combo decks, but also are powerful to the point that they can pretty much run over control decks as well.
Basically, control decks have been completely left behind and are weak to both of these deck types. To be honest, I wouldn’t say it’s the worst it’s ever been, but it is pretty bad for control players right now.
Word of advice to all the people on here claiming it’s rigged because they’re losing ‘unlikely’ scenarios…
Don’t ever play poker. Seeing as you obviously don’t understand variance and get upset at an online F2P auto battler… actually losing coin flips when there’s money on the line isn’t for you.
It’s incredible how people can think the game ‘sticks’ them at 6000 MMR and can’t see that maybe that’s just their skill level. Really… what’s more likely? That there simply are people better at the game than you? Or that blizzard has inexplicably programmed the system to specifically hate you as a person?
No, it isn’t normal. The OP is dead on.
A power creep is all cards getting gradually more powerful. This is pretty normal, but at the poster has mentioned, it’s a problem when finishing cards are neutral because it essentially makes all decks have the same win condition, which in turn makes gameplay stale.
You mentioning the Jailer is a perfect example. The only reason The Jailer isn’t a problem is because Astalor is better. There’s no point in putting a weaker card (Jailer) in a deck when there’s a more powerful option (Astalor), which is why The Jailer sees far, far less play. If these cards could only be used in certain classes, then both could see play and the meta would be more diverse.
It may be more balanced, but it doesn’t become more fun.
You remove a card that can be enjoyable to play, and your opponents just Shockspitter OTK you with Brewmasters or Zola instead. They still Guff and can copy their Astalors and play them up to 3 of them for a total of 3 mana. Priest still kills you on turn 5 with some stupid bless combo.
It definitely makes some decks weaker, of course. But it’s just as frustrating to get OTKed early in the game by a weak deck as it is a strong one. It’s the new cards and recent design of Hearthstone that’s the problem. Not Brann Bronzebeard.
The hilarious thing is… I bet as soon as Brann rotates they just print a card that does pretty much the same thing as he’s capable of next expansion.
Exactly. But again, these cards are poorly designed cards that shouldn’t be in the game. Denathrius especially. Anubrekhan is more a victim of being around whilst cards such as Denathrius and Astalor exist, but it’s these cards that are the problem. Not Brann. Like I said, there shouldn’t be cards made specifically intended to finish games, unless they require a lot of work to utilise them, such as the original C’thun or the Paladin DK.
Brann was absolutely fine when it was a value generator and it’s use was to discover two Kazakus potions or to draw an extra couple of cards. It’s only become a problem in Hearthstone because these awful game ending cards get printed each and every expansion.
Yeah, but the counter-point to that is that Brann is fine and Shockspitter is the problem.
Simply put, the cards that can abuse Brann to become finishers are the ones that are the problem (Guff, Shockspitter, Astalor) because they’re solitary cards specifically used for finishing games. Cards like this shouldn’t exist. Hearthstone shouldn’t be a case of; when I draw (x) card I win. It’s incredibly unfun and uninteractive and it’s insane that they consistently print cards like this seemingly every single expansion.