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    posted a message on I Re-designed the WORST Legendaries in Hearthstone - would they see play now?
    Quote from Tango1232 >>

    I'm glad you are not balancing the game. I'm sorry but these are hot garbage and don't make sense.

    Giving a good effect on top of the card effect is not "improving" a card, it's lazy and in a consistency viewpoint it doesn't make sense, aside from flooding the card text.
    Temporus acting as a self full heal on top of it's effect is dumb, doesn't fit with the card and it's just a lazy and unengaging way of buffing a card
    Toki being a 0 5/5 on turn 1 it's not fun to deal with, aside from being stupidly unbalanced (and losing your 5th turn is NOT a good consequence of having her in your deck).
    Hallazeal has +2 spell damage on top of his effect, again, adding a good effect on top of the other effect is lazy and not a real buff, besides the card doesn't even need a buff.

    The rest are just again, other words on top of their normal effect, but even with these buffs these cards would still see NO play, none of these changes are good enough and don't even fit an archetype, cards are put in your deck for synergies or powerful effects, these don't fit any

    The one card i do like is Cho'Gall, but even with that effect it still would not see play, too expensive for the cost and warlock is not known for having expensive spells to use, aside from the card also being powercreeped by Bloodbloom, which was nerfed for breaking wild

     Bit rude mate. 

    Quote from BourbieSpeedrun >>

    The free 5/5 Toki seems a bit broken imo

    Can win on it's own

     It can also lose on its own.

    It’s not good card design to be honest. Really uninteractive and honestly, quite typical with the current design of Hearthstone. Wouldn’t be surprised to see something similar at some point in the real game.

    To be fair to the OP though… probably the only card he’s re-designed that I dislike. Some good ideas within there. Still think quite a few wouldn’t see play, but they’re definitely more interesting.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Hearthstone Expansion: Festival of Legends - April Release Date
    Quote from GibreelFury >>
    Quote from Zizka >>

    Where's the new mechanic for the video's battlecry: Deadly Cringe? Can't find it anywhere.

    Priest Hero Cost 4: Predicting OTK face damage which will infuriate the userbase. 

    Harmonic Death Knight Card is cool and a good idea.

    Soloist is a good idea for Warlock, I like it.

    Void Virtuoso: is a cool idea. Not sure how viable it'll turn out to be.

    Divine shield on hero is a fun, groundbreaking idea, I like it too.



     The warlock's soloist's text is frankly insulting. It only affects enemy minions but requires not having minions of your own on the board to activate. WTF?


     Fair play… that’s one of the nittiest nit-picks I’ve seen in a while. 😂 

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on New Hearthstone Expansion: Festival of Legends - April Release Date

    I don’t understand the point of this question.

    It’s like asking why Rustrot Viper destroys your opponent’s weapon rather than their armor.

    It just doesn’t. It’s not how the card was designed.


    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on BG is riddled with bugs

    Since the patch it’s practically unplayable for me.

    Disconnects every battle and barely functions during the shop sequences.


    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on OTK/Combo Decks Getting Out of Hand
    Quote from PetiteMouche >>

    Ah yes the famous uncounterable 50% winrate decks.

    they can routinely close out entire games by turn 7 or 8

    Is it ok for aggro decks but not combo decks or do you also complain about aggro decks closing out games by turn 7 ?

    The purpose of aggro decks is to stop combo decks by closing out the game by turn 7. The purpose of control decks is to stop aggro decks by closing out the game by turn 7. The purpose of combo decks is to stop control decks by closing out the game by turn 7. It's just a cycle and you were on the wrong side of it for a couple games, it's ok.

    Most games are decided by turn 7 if draw order was not screwed up badly by RNG, no matter the archetype, what's left of it after turn 7 is top deck luck or random generators and they rarely matter. In fact, most non-mirror games are decided in the matchmaking, getting the kill on turn 7 doesn't mean it was decided that turn.

    I remember I played arcane bolt mage early in the expansion, granted my list was homebrewed and probably unrefined, it wasn't easy at all to win against both aggro (better board presence than mine, little to no board removal) and control (Blood DK with massive health pool and hand disruption vs my not infinite damage burst). Shockspitter hunter is about the same, it's not easy to actually prepare all the burst and not die. Frost DK and Phylactery are easier, for different reasons, but definitely not breaking the game.

    Also, I love control decks, and I know for a fact, control metas are disgusting. Combo/aggro driven meta is the best you can wish for.

    Is it too antiquated to think that a massive OTK should pop off maybe closer to, oh i don’t know, turn 10 perhaps???

    Yes. Games closing out on turn 10+ were in 2015. For better or worse the game is different now.

    Whilst you’re correct that there should be a paper, scissor, stone mechanic, there simply isn’t.

    Combo decks completely destroy control decks, and most of them have a fighting chance at least against aggro, making them perfectly viable. 

    Aggro decks are not only strong vs combo decks, but also are powerful to the point that they can pretty much run over control decks as well.

    Basically, control decks have been completely left behind and are weak to both of these deck types. To be honest, I wouldn’t say it’s the worst it’s ever been, but it is pretty bad for control players right now. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Battlegrounds is rigged

    Word of advice to all the people on here claiming it’s rigged because they’re losing ‘unlikely’ scenarios…

    Don’t ever play poker. Seeing as you obviously don’t understand variance and get upset at an online F2P auto battler… actually losing coin flips when there’s money on the line isn’t for you.

    It’s incredible how people can think the game ‘sticks’ them at 6000 MMR and can’t see that maybe that’s just their skill level. Really… what’s more likely? That there simply are people better at the game than you? Or that blizzard has inexplicably programmed the system to specifically hate you as a person? 


    Posted in: Battlegrounds
  • 2

    posted a message on Problem with the most recent Neutral Legendaries
    Quote from Scorpyon >>

    Couple of things.

    What you are describing here is natural "power creep" that happens in all games of this sort. You can't compare the power strength of cards that came out 2-3 years ago with those currently, because the game has moved on hugely in power and variation since then, so cards like that would be different if created now, then they were back then. 

    Secondly, you are comparing only 2 of the many neutral legendary cards that came out with a few from back then. This is problematic because you are cherry picking non-similar (except for possibly C'THun) cards which have no bearing on the ones from current standard. 
    What about Neptulon, The Jailer, Lor'themar, Mutanus, etc? These are all super-strong neutral Legendaries that also have huge impact on the game, and are all stronger than most of the legendaries from 2-3 years ago. 
    Again, this is really normal. 

     No, it isn’t normal. The OP is dead on.

    A power creep is all cards getting gradually more powerful. This is pretty normal, but at the poster has mentioned, it’s a problem when finishing cards are neutral because it essentially makes all decks have the same win condition, which in turn makes gameplay stale.

    You mentioning the Jailer is a perfect example. The only reason The Jailer isn’t a problem is because Astalor is better. There’s no point in putting a weaker card (Jailer) in a deck when there’s a more powerful option (Astalor), which is why The Jailer sees far, far less play. If these cards could only be used in certain classes, then both could see play and the meta would be more diverse.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -2

    posted a message on Balance Changes Later in January
    Quote from Trollmus >>

    Remove brann, and suddenly the game becomes alot more balanced.

    and nerf rogue also. 



     It may be more balanced, but it doesn’t become more fun.

    You remove a card that can be enjoyable to play, and your opponents just Shockspitter OTK you with Brewmasters or Zola instead. They still Guff and can copy their Astalors and play them up to 3 of them for a total of 3 mana. Priest still kills you on turn 5 with some stupid bless combo.

    It definitely makes some decks weaker, of course. But it’s just as frustrating to get OTKed early in the game by a weak deck as it is a strong one. It’s the new cards and recent design of Hearthstone that’s the problem. Not Brann Bronzebeard.

    The hilarious thing is… I bet as soon as Brann rotates they just print a card that does pretty much the same thing as he’s capable of next expansion. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Balance Changes Later in January
    Quote from Thanatos2k >>

    Except Brann is not fine.  Numerous other cards have been nerfed specifically because Brann has made them beyond broken, like Denathrius and Anubrekhan. 

    Brann is quite clearly the problem.

     Exactly. But again, these cards are poorly designed cards that shouldn’t be in the game. Denathrius especially. Anubrekhan is more a victim of being around whilst cards such as Denathrius and Astalor exist, but it’s these cards that are the problem. Not Brann. Like I said, there shouldn’t be cards made specifically intended to finish games, unless they require a lot of work to utilise them, such as the original C’thun or the Paladin DK.

    Brann was absolutely fine when it was a value generator and it’s use was to discover two Kazakus potions or to draw an extra couple of cards. It’s only become a problem in Hearthstone because these awful game ending cards get printed each and every expansion.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Balance Changes Later in January
    Quote from Kaydens1 >>

    The card itself is fine, Brann is the problem. 

     Yeah, but the counter-point to that is that Brann is fine and Shockspitter is the problem. 

    Simply put, the cards that can abuse Brann to become finishers are the ones that are the problem (Guff, Shockspitter, Astalor) because they’re solitary cards specifically used for finishing games. Cards like this shouldn’t exist. Hearthstone shouldn’t be a case of; when I draw (x) card I win. It’s incredibly unfun and uninteractive and it’s insane that they consistently print cards like this seemingly every single expansion. 

    Posted in: News
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